MATCHECK.EXE [/tidy] [/replace] files This is a replacement for KPCHECK. This program is a lot faster, cleaner and more flexible (it can change only certain surface flags, leaving the other parameters untouched). The new scripting system is much more efficient for assigning special surface flags to multiple textures, but is more cumbersome when defining only one texture (special stuff like CLIP, ORIGIN or LADDER). It hasn't been tested extensively but it worked for Barren Meadow. Remember to always backup your files before running MATCHECK! Add the "/tidy" switch to clean up fields: crop to 2 decimals values found in "_color", "color", "fogval", "fogval2", "_sun_color", round values found in "origin" and make values found in "angle" positive (doesn't alter -1 and -2 because those are special), also round to the closest integer the "rotate" field for texture adjustment. Add the "/replace" switch to replace the source file (I would advise you to ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES, just in case something goes terribly wrong and you lose that level you've been working on for three weeks). If this switch is not turned on, the output file is the same as the source filename with the extension ".NEW" Files can be ".MAP" (for levels) or ".TXT" (for materials). You can load as many of them as you want for batch processing. More information about material files can be found in "default.txt" And once again, just in case that wasn't clear enough: "always backup your files before running MATCHECK!"