Converts entity list from Quake II levels to Kingpin. (replaces Quake II items with equivalent Kingpin items) This thing hasn't been tested extensively! I'm expecting it to destroy entity lists if any field includes escape characters! IMPORTANT: There's no overwrite check, the specified target WILL be overwritten without prompt. Q2KPConv.exe = program Q2KPconv.bas = source Q2KPconv.jpg = example of q2dm1.bsp, left is Quake II, right Kingpin with replaced entities Kingpin entity guide also visit for news, files, servers and more! Note: Quake II maps don't have directional lighting (juniors) You have to disable it in Kingpin to fix the dark models problem: r_directional_lighting 0 Usage: Q2KPConv.exe "source.bsp" "target.bsp" Or to mass convert: Copy your Q2 .bsp files into the Q2KPconv folder and run "Q2KPconv.bat" It should convert all maps, it does the following: for %%f in (*.bsp) do ( Q2KPconv "%%~nf.bsp" "%%~nf.bsp" ) Made by AAC, thanks again! And to further modify or fix converted entities by hand, use QuArK: It allows plain text editing of entities in a .bsp without decompiling!