Last modified: March 24, 2002
NOTE: This is version 0.3 of the instruction manual. I've uploaded this newer version to give some people a head start since we'll be releasing the updated version shortly. Keep in mind that certain features listed here might not be in the version of CRASH Squad you have and this manual will be changing as we change the MOD.
Table of Contents:
1. Overview
2. Getting Started
3. New Commands
4. Weapons
5. HUD
6. Radar
7. Bomb Planting
8. Bomb Defusing
9. VIP
10. Scoring
11. Gameplay Tips
12. Additional Help
The game play is team-based with two different scenarios. The VIP scenario's challenge is for the CRASH Squad to escort a nearly defenseless civilian across a dangerous gangland. The other is the Bombing scenario where the Crenshaw Mafia must plant C4 at one of two sites while the CRASH Squad tries to stop them.
Weapons include pistols, shotguns, assault rifles and sniper rifles. The weapon selection range from the Desert Eagle to the M4 assault rifle to the Molotov Cocktail. New weapons will be introduced as we go.
Getting Started
When you first join a CRASH Squad server it will look similar to playing Bagman
or Team Deathmatch. You can join the game a few ways. To join the CRASH Squad
simply press the number 1 or in the console type TEAM CRA. To join the Crenshaw
Mafia simply press the number 2 or in the console type TEAM CRE. Typing TEAM CRA
or TEAM CRE is most likely the easiest way to switch teams while in a game.
Typing SPEC or SPECTATOR will put you in spectator mode
If you join either team within the first 15 seconds of a round you'll join the game automatically. However if you join after that time you'll remain listed as *DEAD* and will have to wait until the round is over to play. During this time you won't be able to talk with people playing, only other spectators. This is called dead chat. You'll notice that next to your name in chat it'll display (DEAD) This is also what will happen when your player is killed during a round.
While spectating players there are two modes for use with the chasecam. There's locked which is the normal view and freelook which is a newly added ability that allows you to lock onto a player yet look around him while chasing. You can toggle between locked and freelook modes by using your jump (+moveup) key. You have to be chasing a player to toggle between these modes.
If there aren't players on each team when you join then you'll enter into what's called Freemode. In this mode you'll be able to run around and do things you'd normally be able to do, however scores will not be registered. When someone joins the other team (so there are players on each team) you'll see a message stating that the round will be restarted and after a few seconds you'll respawn and a true round will begin.
When the round starts you and your teammates will spawn in the same general area and the other team will spawn in theirs. The scenario you're playing will determine what special items you have.
VIP Scenario:
VIP - Desert Eagle, Crowbar
CRASH Squad - Pipe, Pistol, Shotgun, MP5, Concussion Grenade, M4A1, MSG90
Crenshaw Mafia - Pipe, Pistol, Shotgun, Uzi, Molotov Cocktail, Dragunov, AWSM
Bombing Scenario:
CRASH Squad - Pipe, Pistol, Shotgun, MP5, Concussion Grenade, M4A1, MSG90, Defusing tools
Crenshaw Mafia - Pipe, Pistol, Shotgun, Uzi, Molotov Cocktail, Dragunov, AWSM, Bomb (one
Keep in mind that the weapons (even the standard ones) may act a bit differently than you're expecting. The accuracy has been altered so that firing when crouching provides better aim than firing when standing. Moving when firing decreases accuracy even more. Also the damage levels on these weapons are higher to make things more realistic. Burst fire also gives better control of the weapons since the longer a weapon is fired the more inaccurate it will get.Also when you're shot it will cause you to momentarily loose mobility and you should stutter if you continue to be shot. Your screen will also jerk when being shot.
New Commands
In addition to the regular Forward, Strafe, Jump, etc. commands that you
will want to bind, there are a few new ones you will need to
use as well. You may want to edit your autoexec.cfg file to change the
keys to the ones you prefer:
use uzi |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This command will select the Uzi. It will work for either team as long as they have the weapon. |
use mp5 |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This command will select the MP5. It will work for either team as long as they have the weapon. |
use automatic |
This command toggles between the Uzi and the MP5. |
use bomb |
This command selects the bomb in the bombing scenario. The bomb will not always be available to you since it's given to a different member of the Crenshaw Mafia each round. You will know when you have it because you will start with it at the beginning of the round and will see the message "You must crouch and plant the bomb at the bomb target" |
use defuse |
This command selects the defusing tools needed to defuse a planted bomb. When trying to use the defusing tools anywhere but at an armed bomb you'll get the message "You can only defuse an armed bomb" |
use molotov |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This command will select the Molotov Cocktail. It will work for either team as long as they have the weapon. |
use grenade |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This command will select the Concussion Grenade. It will work for either team as long as they have the weapon. |
use projectile |
DEFAULT KEY: 6 This command toggles between the Molotov Cocktail and the Concussion Grenade. |
use m4a1 |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This command will select the M4A1. It will work for either team as long as they have the weapon. |
use dragunov |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This command will select the Dragunov. It will work for either team as long as they have the weapon. |
use rifle |
DEFAULT KEY: 5 This command toggles between the M4A1 and the Dragunov. |
use msg90 |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This command will select the MSG90. It will work for either team as long as they have the weapon. |
use awsm |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This command will select the AWSM. It will work for either team as long as they have the weapon. |
use sniper |
This command toggles between the AWSM or the MSG90. |
scope |
(check autoexec.cfg) This command enabled the scope. There are three states to the scope. Normal, mid-zoom and full zoom. Using this command will toggle between those states. This feature is only available on weapons with scopes. |
radiomenu |
This command will display a menu of radio commands listed 0-9. Pressing the corresponding number on your keyboard will sound that radio command to your team. |
radio |
This command will toggle your radio feature on and off. When off you will not hear any radio communication from other players or from you to others. |
radio_yes |
This will sound the radio command equivalent to yes. |
radio_no |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This will sound the radio command equivalent to no. |
radio_clear |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This will sound the radio command equivalent to area is clear. |
radio_cover |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This will sound the radio command equivalent to need cover. |
radio_follow |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This will sound the radio command equivalent to follow me. |
radio_hold |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This will sound the radio command equivalent to hold position. |
radio_icenemy |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This will sound the radio command equivalent to enemy spotted. |
radio_kill |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This will sound the radio command equivalent to kill them. |
radio_letsgo |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This will sound the radio command equivalent to let's go. |
radio_stay |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE This will sound the radio command equivalent to stay together. |
changefov |
During a game the command to change your field of view is: changefov You can set your FOV in your autoexec.cfg by entering the old command line "set fov 90" (replace 90 with your desired FOV setting) |
timeleft |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE Typing this command into the console will show the amount of time left for the current map being played. |
mapinfo |
DEFAULT KEY: NONE Typing this command into the console will show the name of the current map, the amount of time the map has been played and the name of the next map. |
There are several different weapons/items at your disposal in CRASH Squad. Here is a brief list of them
Special Items
Bomb |
Defusing Tools | ![]() |
Hand Weapons
Pipe | ![]() |
Crowbar | ![]() |
Desert Eagle |
![]() |
Colt | ![]() |
Shotgun | ![]() |
MP5 | ![]() |
Uzi | ![]() |
M4A1 |
Dragunov |
Molotov Cocktail |
Concussion Grenade |
![]() |
MSG90 |
![]() |
There are many new onscreen elements added to your Heads Up Display in CRASH
![]() |
1. Radar - Shows other teammates and their location |
![]() |
Your radar can be used to find other teammates
near you.
The light green area is your visible area. The dark green is the area to
your sides and rear which you can't see.
![]() |
The bomb is assigned to a different player each round. When you have the bomb you'll tart off with it selected and next to your name in the hud it'll say *BOMB*. A message will display on your screen that looks like this: | |||||
![]() |
Each player on the CRASH Squad team will be armed with defusing tools during the Bombing scenario. Using those tools anywhere but on a bomb that's not planted will result in the following message: | |||||
![]() |
In the VIP scenario the CRASH Squad must escort
the VIP (seen left) to a designated area on the map. It's the Crenshaw
Mafias job to kill the VIP at all costs before he makes his escape. The VIP's weapons consist of only the Desert Eagle and Crowbar which will make him extremely vulnerable. Members of the CRASH Squad team will alternate being the VIP each round and when you are selected as the VIP you'll get a message like the one below: |
For individual players:
The ratio of the numbers of kills against the number of deaths judges how well
the player is doing.
For the team:
The number of wins shows how many times the objective was reached.
Tips courtesy of Hydro
If you're playing on the CRASH Squad team and you are the VIP stay in the middle of
your teammates, but spread out so that you're not stepping on each other's feet. Before you know it someone throws a
grenade and takes the whole group of you out.
Don't run out and try to get kills. Run and hide and make it to the safe point.
The trick is for the team to split up and create a diversion. One team rushes from
one way while the other moves in from behind and gets the VIP to the rescue
If you're playing on the Crenshaw Mafia team and you have to kill the VIP<===[looks like a
Michael Jackson] don't run off into other directions stick around the rescue
point. Defend it and don't break any windows or wood. Save that for the enemy
because it will let you know which way they are coming from or have been. This is a tactical mod so it takes
time. Be patient.
If you're playing on the Crenshaw side and you have the bomb always try
to stay in pairs.
Don't run off by yourself. If you get killed you will drop the bomb and
your team can not concentrate on taking out the enemy because they have
to find the bomb now.
When planting the bomb make sure you have backup if it's available because it takes time to
plant the bomb. Your team has to watch your back while you plant it. Once the bomb is planted try to get to a hiding spot,
somewhere where you can keep an eye on the bomb if an enemy tries to disarm it. That way you can pick him
off easily. Try to cover all entrances to where the bomb is planted.
Remember the same tactic from earlier: DON'T BUNCH UP IN A GROUP!!!
If you're playing on the CRASH Squad and you have to keep them from planting the bomb
try to cover all bomb areas find a good hiding spot, but still stay in view of the
red Xs that symbolize the bombing sites. Once the enemy tries to plant a bomb
he's helpless and easy to pick off. If they manage to plant the bomb don't be so quick to run up and defuse it.
Remember that they always have an eye on it. So case the joint to make sure it's clear
and then defuse it. As always have a teammate cover you.
Chances are your best bet to survival is to get moving quickly in small teams towards the control points of each map so they can be secured. Most likely there won't be much success to lone wolf players since the strength of playing in packs will be important. It's also best to be more cautious when playing. A good player will use stealth and skills instead of just skills. It's also good to take note of your surroundings and determine what pieces of the maps you can use to give you advantages.
I can't stress enough is the existence of
firing lanes. Watch teammates and where they are positioned. Make sure you're
not wasting ammo shooting a teammate in the back while he's fighting. You'd be
better off changing position for a better shot than firing blindly hoping to hit
something. Take advantage of the distraction your opponent has while fighting
your teammate.
If you see a teammate with his sniper rifle out crouched don't stand next to him
with your sniper rifle. Have a short range weapon selected so you can cover him
while he gets his shot off. Also consider that if he hits one shot it's easy
picking for you to finish off the enemy.
Going through doors. Use caution here. Do it as a team properly and you'll never
have problems. I always like for one person to open the door while 1 or 2 others
focus on shooting what's behind it. If no danger is there then the one goes
through while others cover and another and so on. This would keep reoccurring
until everyone is in the next room and in position. Also don't all rush in
because like Primarch mentioned with vents it's just as easy for three idiots to
eat a grenade stuck in a doorway.
Breakable items in maps. Do yourself a favor and break as few things as
possible. Especially if you're on the Crenshaw Mafia team in the VIP scenario.
For instance in VIP_Landing (the one where the VIP must escape into the sewer in
the street below). There are breakable glass windows and metal grates. If you
leave these intact CRASH must break them to get through 3 of the 5 possible
paths. If you hear these sounds you know where to look for them. It's simple. At
the same time CRASH can use these sounds as diversions by sending teammates to
break these things and sending the VIP the other way with support.
Tips courtesy of Primarch
Crouching improves your aim considerably. If
someone is running towards me firing an UZI or MP5, and I am already crouching I
will stay put and let them get 4 or 5 hits on me...while I empty 30 into their
DO NOT bunch up in a tunnel. If a few of
you are in a tunnel, leave at least 3-4 steps between you and the guy in front.
If you are at a corner and the lead person suddenly starts firing, do not get up
their backside trying to help. Most of the tunnels are only wide enough for one
person and when he finishes firing, chances are he needs to reload, and it is
much easier if he can duck back under cover to do this. However if you are up
his arse, he is very dead and I guarantee you he will not thank you for it.
The other reason for not bunching is grenades.
3 people closely packed together verses 1 grenade = 3 very dead people.
3 people not packed together verses 1 grenade = (most cases) 1 very dead person,
1 slightly injured and 1 okay.
If you see someone defusing a bomb, please,
do not get out you little pair of pliers and try to help. It won't make a
difference. Instead, get out you nice shiny gun and cover him.
Maps. Learn them
Crenshaw Mafia -
Assuming you have a team of 6 players at least 1 must remain at the VIP safe
area at all times, no matter what. Why? Because in many of the games I have
played as the VIP, if I manage to sneak past the main Mafia attack, there is
nobody left to stop me!
If just one person is left guarding the safe area, there is still a chance of
killing the VIP (plus it also means that a lucky grenade cannot wipe out the
entire team...I have seen this happen!)
If you are part of the hunting group and you are the only one left (apart from
the guy at the safe area the best thing you can do is get back to the safe area
as fast as you can.
There is no point running around the map hoping you can find the VIP, chances
are you won't. He has to go to the safe area eventually, so go wait for him
Pay attention to the radar. If a few people suddenly get killed, look to see
which dots vanish (you usually have about half a second to do this) There is a
good chance that you can get an idea where the main CRASH group is (this is not
written in stone however).
CRASH Team -
The VIP needs protecting, never let him run off or leave him behind without at
least 1 bodyguard. When escorting him, try have at least 2 in front, and 1
behind (to protect against flankers) with the remainder just ahead as scouts.
I personally find that if the team breaks up into small groups, the chances of
successfully escaping are reduced.
Most times Crenshaw will be in 2 or 3 small groups to cover all the ways to the
escape area, so if you are all together there is a greater chance of killing
them before it is too late.
If you are the VIP do not go kamikaze and run off, your little pea shooter is no
match for an Uzi! If you can avoid it, never get into a firefight, you might
think you can make a difference but that gun will give away your position
everytime (If the Crenshaw thinks he is just dealing with a couple of Crash
members, he might back off if outnumbered, if he hears your gun or sees you, he
will try to kill you). Just duck and cover and pray that your team can clear the
way and only fire when absolutely necessary.
If the VIP is the only one left, never run in the open. Crouch/walk, stick to
the walls and any cover you can find. Don't let yourself get boxed
sneaky. Use the shadows, the VIP model can really blend in and usually the only
thing that can give his position away is the name!
Crenshaw Mafia -
I find that there are three schools of thought for Crenshaw on a bomb map:
1. Plant as quickly as possible.
2. Plant as late as possible.
3. Don’t plant at all just kill the cops (a.k.a. Fragfest!).
The first two are mostly dependent on the map, while the third is usually
dependent on the numbers of players on each team (the less you have the more
chance it will turn into a fragfest).
The basic rules for a bomber is try not to go off on your own. If you get killed
quickly you give the Crash team the advantage by being able to camp near the
dropped bomb while the rest of your team don’t know where you were when you
were killed.
If possible, you should only plant if you have someone with you to cover your
If you do find yourself on your own when planting you should make sure that
there are no Crash players hiding near you. Quickly scout the area (there is no
point in starting to plant if a crash player jumps out from behind a corner and
frags you). If someone is shooting at you (no matter how far you are into the
arming stage…even if you only have one star left to go) switch to a weapon and
deal with the attacker. What is the point of planting if you get killed
straightaway, all you do is give the Crash player time to defuse the bomb.
Another thing that the bomber should avoid is vents/shafts. You get killed in
one of those and chances are the bomb will never be found.
If you are not carrying the bomb, at the start of the map quickly look around to
see who is holding the bomb. If you cannot see who it is (either because they
are not in your line of sight, or they switched to a weapon) go to the
scoreboard and look to see what name is in blue (sometimes the player holding
the bomb will say so anyway).
Stay with the bomber as best you can. If the bomber gets into a firefight try to
take his place allowing him to slip away. Some maps need players to act as a
rearguard (550 Hope) or a vanguard (Short Stop), your job is to give the bomber
time to get away and plant.
The one thing to remember though is that unlike the VIP, if the bomber gets
killed it isn’t over, someone else can pick up the bomb…
The number one rule for Crenshaw is this… Never, ever leave a planted bomb
alone. Stay with it until you hear the high pitched tones…then leg it so you
don’t get blown up with the bomb!
CRASH Team –
There are 2 bomb sites per map. On some maps one bombsite is as good as the
other, on some maps one is easier to get to than the other is. You need to know
which is the best place for Crenshaw to plant and divide the team accordingly.
Most of the time, the Crenshaw players will try to plant on the nearest bombsite
to their starting point (i.e. the indoor bar in Short Stop or the open site on
Warehouse) so the bulk of the players should head for them. The rest go to the
other site just in case Crenshaw wants to be awkward! (If you have a 6-man team
then a 4-2 split is best)
If you kill the bomb carrier and he is alone, don’t run off and leave the bomb
to be picked up, find a nice place and park yourself there.
Disarming the bomb…as I said in the general advice in the previous post only
one person should attempt to disarm the bomb, the rest should cover him (unless
he is having problems or lagging in which case someone should jump in and help).
I want to stress the one person part especially because of a little game I had
the other day. I think it was Lockaway Storage when I was disarming a bomb and
along comes a teammate, who takes out his own pliers and does the same...I knew
that there was at least one Crenshaw left (simply because I could hear him
running). The bomb was about to go off, and I was not going to get up and start
shooting considering I only had 4 or so * to get.
So I hit Cover me I'm going in hoping that my teammate would get the
picture...he didn't...shots started bouncing off the wall (and me) and I started
to frantically hit Cover me I'm going in...did he get the idea...did he buggery.
To cut a long story short, we both died.
Teamwork in that instance might have saved us a loss, but the other person (not
got a clue who it was) didn’t cover me while I disarmed the bomb
If you have any additional questions feel free
to stop by TRAM Design and
visit the forums there. Also read the readme.txt for any additional credit and
rights information.