Because CRASH Squad is in the beginning stages keep in mind that this kit can
change at any time and that you need to check for updates on a regular basis.
For now two scenarios will be included in the CRASH Squad beta. The BOM and
VIP scenario. Once other scenarios are released this information will be updated.
CRASH Squad takes place in Los Angeles, California and while maps don't have to
resemble real places it would be best if they were in an urban style. Maps that
look like Egypt will obviously not make sense. Do some research of the areas this
MOD takes place in for ideas on maps. For instance the LA subway system is called
the DART and their airport is called LAX. It's easy to find information if you
search the internet.
CRASH maps don't require items to be placed into the maps (at least not for
now) The only entities (besides the normal ones like lights, juniors, etc) that are
needed would be the spawn points and the triggers for VIP and BOM. To
make things simple and to create standards it would be good if all map
names were started with either vip_ or bom_. For instance a map named
Warehouse might be named bom_warehouse if it were a map for the BOM
scenario. If it were for the VIP scenario naming it vip_warehouse might be
appropriate. This makes maps easier to identify.