Sunday Game Of Catch The Chicken & Bagman

The Sunday Games this week will be half an hour or so of Catch the Chicken to start the night of with some chicken madness and then the remainder of the night will be Bagman on Killa's Bagman server.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Chicken Catch
IP :
Date : Sunday 19th August
Time : 9pm UK time/4pm EST Time

Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Date : Sunday 19th August
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST Time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.

Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here

Mr.Damage Sunday 19 August 2018 - 02:30 | News
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