Misc. files

Name Description / Info File Date
Kingpin Custom Map Finder (kpcmf) A small free Win32 program to help Kingpin mappers pack their maps for release. kpcmf14.zip 04-2002
Kingpin project file (.qe4) This will help kpraidant to compile with menu's. Fixed to run in any INSTALED directory. kingpin_fix5(v2).qe4  
Pakscape Will let you explore and extract files from .pak/.pk3 files. Pakscape v0.11 Nov-2001
Q3radiant To view portals in quake engine games QeRadiant. Q3radiant_202 Aug-2000
kpradiant Some people report not being able to view dos text, this is a workaround. kpradiant Aug-2002
photoshop wal plugin Convert all your kingpin tga's to .wal files with photoshop. WalPlugin Dec-2001
kingpin pallet use with photoshop .wal plugin to convert to 8 bit kingpin pallet.
I also added a pallet for wally editing (read tut on use).
KingPin_Pallet Sep-2003
3DS Max 2012 plugins Import/export quake2 .md2 and kingpin .mdx model files.
Includes tools to assist in animated vertex modelling.
As well as scripts to convert Q2 and Q3 models.
MaxScripts v3.0.1 Jan-2021
Blender 2.79 Plugins Import/Export quake2 .md2 and kingpin .mdx model files.
Still considered beta. So report bugs.
Blender_2.79 v1.1.4(b1) Nov-2020
Blender 2.80 Plugins Import/Export quake2 .md2 and kingpin .mdx model files.
Support for multiple selected objects and individual hit boxes.
Still considered beta. So report bugs.
Blender_2.80 v1.2.1(b4) Dec-2020
Kingpin Model Viewer View .md2 and .mdx kingpin models. Supports multi part model viewing.
Export mdx to md2. Browse pak files to load skins and models.
Still considered beta. So report bugs.
KP_Model_Viewer v1.1.4 Nov-2020
Noesis Plugin Noesis, the best model viewer, now has kingpin support.
View and export kingpin model formats (mdx/md2).
Version 1.0.3 now supports exporting complete player models.
Noesis v1.03 Dec-2020
Hypo Game Browser Browse Kingpin, KingpinQ3 and Quake2 server. Hypo_Browser v1.0.3 Jan-2021
TrenchBroom Compiler Added some bsp compile options to TrenchBroom so the kingpin compilers can be used.
Working in version 2019.6
TrenchBroom v1.0 Jan-2020
Kingpin Skin Changer A utility to switch the textures inside md2 and mdx files, without needing a dedicated editor.
Multiple skins can be added or removed.
1.0.2 Added kingpin sprits changer
KingpinSkinChanger v1.0.2 Apr-2021
Kingpin Mapper GUI compile tool for quake based games. Including game launcher
Can be fully customised by user. Exposing all command line variables.
Support for up to 4 compile tools.
KingpinMapper v1.0.7 July-2021

Source Code

Name Description / Info File Date
Kingpin Model Viewer Sourse is from a mix of quake 2, halflife and mdx viewers. Originaly from the makers of milkshape KP_model_viewer_src Jan-2020
Noesis Plugin Based on the offical md2 plugin example provided by noesis KP_Noesis_src Jan-2020
Hypo Game Browser Fully created in SciTE and Koda. Compiled with AutoIt HypoGameBrowser_src Jan-2020