heightMap(<map>, <float>) |
Turns a grayscale height map into a normal map. <float> varies the bumpiness |
displaceMap(<map>, <map>) |
Sets the alpha channel to an average of the second image's RGB channels. |
addNormals(<map>, <map>) |
Adds two normal maps together. Result is normalized. |
smoothNormals(<map>) |
Does a box filter on the normal map, and normalizes the result. |
add(<map>, <map>) |
Adds two images without normalizing the result |
scale(<map>, <float> [,float] [,float] [,float]) |
Scales the RGBA by the specified factors. Defaults to 0. |
invertAlpha(<map>) |
Inverts the alpha channel (0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0) |
invertColor(<map>) |
Inverts the R, G, and B channels |
makeIntensity(<map>) |
Copies the red channel to the G, B, and A channels |
makeAlpha(<map>) |
Sets the alpha channel to an average of the RGB channels. Sets the RGB channels to white. |
addGloss (<map>, <map>) |
add alpha gloss map to rgb specular map (light reflection level) |