kpq3 > pack maps

Pack/zip maps for distribution

When creating custom maps you will need to zip them into a .pk3 file so clients can download them to play.

kpmap2 can do most of this work for you automaticly (cubemaps not supported yet). It will pack most of the required files for your level and ignore any default assets eg. textures/Misc_...

if you are using kingpin mapper, switch game mode to "kpq3_tools", in the submenu PAKMAP select Default. Set other modes to None. Select your map file name then hit the Compile button.

if you want to do it with a batch file. You can use the -pakmap compile switch eg..
D:/kpq3_beta/radiant/kmap2.exe -pakmap -game kingpinq3 -fs_game basekpq3 -fs_basepath D:/kpq3_beta/ D:/kpq3_beta/basekpq3/maps/

When compile is complete, you will have a new/replaced file in kpq3\basekpq3.
File name will be "map-yourmapname-date.pk3"


Make sure when creating maps that all your custom assets have "yourmapame" added to file/folder names.
Filenames and subfolders with your map name added make file management much easier and prevent assets becoming duplicates and not loading correctly.


custom map files