Acc's New Quake2 Converter Tool
Elfor let me know that Acc has created a little tool that automatically converts entities in Quake 2 maps to Kingpin entities. Entities are things such as weapons, armour, ammo etc. So it replaces Quake II items with equivalent Kingpin items
What this means is that if you really want to play a Quake 2 map in Kingpin, and it hasn't already been converted you can use the new tool on the Quake 2 map to convert all the weaposn and other items and then you'll be able to play it in Kingpin.
You have always been able to play Quake 2 maps in Kingpin but most of the weapons, ammo etc wont show up as most don't have Kingpin equivalents.
Just be aware that directional lighting wont work and the scale in Quake 2 is slightly different to Kingpin. You should make sure that directional lighting is turned off if you play one of these maps by going into the Options menu and making sure 'directional lighting' is set to no.
You can download the Quake2 entity converter from here.
Elfor has used this tool to convert a Quake 2 map to Kingpin. The map is Crates in the Mist and can be downloaded here.
Just unzip all the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
three comments
And to further modify or fix entities by hand, use QuArK:
It allows plain text editing of entities in a .bsp!
Also handy is the Kingpin entity guide by AAC:
And Quake 2 entities:
Here is a batch script to convert all maps in current folder!
How to: Copy into notepad and save as Q2KPconv.bat:
for %%f in (*.bsp) do ( Q2KPconv “%%~nf.bsp” “%%~nf.bsp” )