I ended up finding this map when I found the Titleist thug skins. I had to rezip it and upload it.
Big Daddy's Pro Shop (team_titleist3) is a large Bagman map. It is urban style and mirrored.
The team safes, which are in a small two level building, need to be opened with a switch which is nearby to the safes.
There is a golf pro shop next to the bases which even has golf clubs lol and a building with several bedrooms.
The money drop area is in a small warehouse and there are multiple ways to each base.
There are ample weapons and items spread throughout the map.
I like this map and it would be good to be able to play it on a server :)
You can download Big Daddy's Pro Shop from here.
This Thursday, 28th, at 9pm UK time there will be the regular game of friendly death match on the Newskool Fragfest server.
Server : Newskool Fragfest server
IP :
Time : 9pm
Date : 28th April
Maxclients : 16
Admin : MH
Small maps = crazy fun.
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time
Monkey Harris is still testing his new version of the monkey mod so the more people that turn up and stress test the new version the better :)
There are some really nice features in the new version.
Another good turn out. Some screens from the game.
Fredz has set up a Videos page where all the game videos that Killa creates are featured.
If you look in the Menu box you will see the new Videos button.
There are currently four videos there inlcuding the latest from 14th March.
Killa will be creating more from the latest games shortly.
Check them out here.
Vertical Asylum is a Quake 2 death match map that was converted to Kingpin by ^VaMpYRe^.
It's a smallish map and ^VaM^ only used a few textures. The item and weapon placement is the same as in the Quake2 version but there is only one weapon (HMG) on the lowest level.
It's a tight little map and should be fun to play if it is added to any servers.
You can download Vertical Asylum from here.
I just found this old thug skin pack by Titleist.
It has seven different skin sets and a few extra thug heads. The range of the skins is quite diverse.
For anyone who doesn't know Titleist is a golf equipment brand.
I have fixed the zipfile and re-uploaded it so now you only need to extract the files to your kingpin folder.
You can see a list of the skins here.
You can download the skin pack from here.
He also made some heads for the runt model which you can download in one zipfile from here.
Just extract the files to your kingpin folder.
This Sunday's game will be Bagman again.
You can check out the details here.
Please make note of the 9pm UK time start time.
Hope to see a good crowd turn up :)
If you can't make the start time turn up later.
If you need to get some Bagman maps we host a map-pack of popular Baggie maps here.
Screens from the game:-
As I posted a while ago, Fredz asked Hypov8 to complete his Team Woods beta map.
Hypov8 has finished working on the map and it is now released.
Team Woods 2016 is a mirrored, medium sized, Bagman map set in the woods.
The bases are in log cabins surrounded by rock walls and streams. Behind the cabins are stashes of weapons.
To get to the other teams base you travel through the groves of trees and the middle section which is a river. There is a bridge across the river with the money drop. There are also four sentry posts, two on each side of the river.
There are underwater tunnels some of which push you along with the current and so only go one way and others have no current so you can travel either way.
You can download Team Woods 2016 from here.
off 60% off every single Interplay game.
Including Kingpin ofcourse.
Ends on Tuesday, April 26, 3:59 AM UTC.
Hypov8 has finished revising the Midnight death match map and has now released the updated version (kp_biodm_v3).
The Midnight map is a medium sized map converted from the game SiN. It uses all the original SiN textures and a custom sky environment. It is set in some sort of biochemical plant.
Hypov8 added the following:-
a new downloadable custom sky
renamed all the textures to lower case (to avoid the max gl textures error that crashes your kingpin game because of too many uppercase names)
added more items in the chemical pool
added crates to make the rooms a little more interesting
changed entity light to surface lights
added some green enviroment light to shine in through windows
minor texture misalignment fixes
You can download the updated Midnight map from here.
We host most of the mods made for Kingpin here.
If you want to downlaod a mod or two just click on the Download button in the menu box and then kingpin -> server -> mods.
Here you will find the Kingpin mods we host, and there are a lot. There are server files, client files, full installs, source files and unreleased mods.
This Thursday, 21st, at 9pm UK time there will be a game of death match on the Newskool Fragfest server.
Server : Newskool Fragfest server
IP :
Time : 9pm
Date : 21st April
Maxclients : 16
Admin : MH
The maps are all small so the action is frantic and fun :)
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time
Shots from the game:-
Just a reminder that you need to have the COLORS CTF client files installed in order to be able to play on a CTF server (otherwise you get kicked and you see a msg to download the files from captaindeath.com).
The client files contain maps, skins, models, backgrounds, sounds etc.
You can download the COLORS CTF client files from here.
They are in a self extracting file and you just type in your kingpin location and the files will be extracted to the correct place.
Vitachick and Shock are in the Newskool CTF Server most days of the week looking for a game :)
They are there from around 1pm UK time (which is 8am New York time and 10pm Sydney time).
The Kingpin: Final Crime single player episode, made by Method, is an unofficial sequel to Kingpin, continuing right after the game ended.
KP:FC includes new maps, characters, sounds and cutscenes. It starts right where original Kingpin ends. Blunt (the chick boss) flew away on the helicopter, but promised to be back for Thug's ass. She knew that it's too risky to go to Crystal Palace, where Thug got all his boys, so she sent her gang, Dragons, to tear Radio City up, so Thug will have no choice but to find and stop Blunt. You start the game in the back of Crystal Palace and go through a few levels, including "backyard" of Radio City, Sewers, Wharf and Blunt's Poison Mill before you encounter Blunt and pop a cap in her ass :)
EmoLevelDesigner has done a good video playthough over at YouTube.
You can download Kingpin: Final Crime from here.
Just follow instructions in the readme to install it.
This Sunday Night's game will be more Bagman.
You can check out the details here.
Please make note of the 9pm UK time start time.
If you can't make it for the the start, don't worry, just come later. If people keep joining later the game will go for longer :)
If you need to get some Bagman maps we host a map-pack of popular Baggie maps here.
Shots from the game:-
Monkey Harris has set up a COLORS Capture the Flag mod server :)
Name : Newskool CTF
IP :
Maxclients : 16
The server is currently running just the maps that come with the client files.
***Please be aware that to play CTF you need to have the client files***
The client files contain maps, skins, models, backgrounds, sounds etc.
You can download the COLORS CTF client files from here.
I have created a map-pack for all the custom maps made for the COLORS CTF mod so far. That's more than 30 CTF maps.
You can download the map-pack from here.
You can download the CTF files here:-
By the way, we have a COLORS CTF page at Mod DB and it would be nice if you paid a visit to raise its profile :)
Check it out here.
Just letting you all know that Kingpin is on sale at Steam, for 4.99, until 18th April Steam time.
Hogie has created a video from last Sunday night's Bagman game.
I have uploaded another death match map we didn't have in our archive. This one is called DM Fraghigh Final and was made by Cujo and me.
This one is a smallish arena style map set in an outdoor arena. It has sixteen spawn points and ample weapons, armour, health etc.
The map is urban style and is a large square with four corner sections, separated by climbable walls, which all meet at the centre where there is a raised platform with the hmg.
You can download DM Fraghigh Final from here.
We did have the earlier version of the map just called DM Fraghigh which is the same map but with totally different textures and some layout differences. This one uses all rock and grass textures.
You can grab DM Fraghigh from here.
This Thursday night, 14th, at 9pm UK time there will be a game on the Newskool Fragfest server.
Server : Newskool Fragfest server
IP :
Time : 9pm
Date : 14th April
Maxclients : 16
Admin : MH
Lots of small maps so it should be fun. It’s to test out the new monkey mod so you can have some fun while also helping to improve Kingpin :)
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time
Shots from the game:-
I was surprised that we didn't have this Bagman map in our archive. It was only because Vitachick was missing some textures from the map that I found out we didn't have it here. So I have now uploaded it :)
Team Shotgun Arena , by Hogie, is a small , fairly simple Bagman map that only features the shotgun as a weapon. It is a fairly popular map in Bagman servers so if you don't have it already (team_shotgun_a) then you might as well download it from here now.
You can download Team Shotgun Arena from here.
Currently Hypov8 is working on updating the old Midnight death match map. The Midnight map (kp_biodm_v2) is a medium sized map converted from the game SiN. It uses all the original SiN textures and a custom sky environment which help to give it a nice sort of official secret facility feel.
Hypov8 is making a few changes and fixing a few minor issues with the map.
Here are some screens of the work in progress:-
When I was putting the Tanyacheex map-pack together I found a later version of her team_tc_04 map which we didn't have in our map archive. I have now added it to our Bagman map archive.
Team_tc_04a is an old style , medium sized Bagman map. It's in the typical Tanyacheex urban style.
The Nikkies base is in a church while the Dragons base is just a regular base but does have a lot of boxes in it. The safe rooms need to be opened with buttons.
The money drop area is quite large and includes a watch tower that you use a jump pad to get to. There are lots of corridors and rooms and the map will need a couple of run throughs to learn.
You can download team_tc_04a from here.
By the way I just discovered I left one of Tanya's maps out of the map-pack :(
I have now added the map, called Muggs, and also included some more levelshots for some of the maps and also some source map files which I found.
If you haven't got the tanyacheex map-pack you can grab it from here.
If you only want to get the Muggs map download that from here.
This Sunday Night's game will be Bagman again.
You can check out the details here.
Please make note of the 9pm UK time start time this week.
If you can't make it at the start, don't worry, just come later. If people keep joining later the game will go for longer :)
Don't forget we host a map-pack of popular Baggie maps here.
Screens from the game:-
Here are a couple of Youtube videos showing off gameplay in the Inferno2.0 mod.
I found the mod files and the source files for Sedonium's Inferno 2.0 Mod so have uploaded them to Kingpin.info.
My old post at Kingpinforever pretty much sums up the mod:-
It was originally described as an ultra gore zombie mod and that is a fair description. I would say it is a mix of the Extreme mod and Kraze bots with a hint of Quake2 and Unreal Tournament and a large dose of steroids.
You can play single player or multiplayer. Even in multiplayer you get to play against AI NPCs (or bots if you will).
There are many customisable options in the server.cfg such as which weapons you start with, how much ammo or even unlimited, which colour you want the flames and explosions to be, how much health you start with and max health etc etc.
You get extra bonuses for headshots and you go on killing sprees in Rampage or Godlike modes.
The AI's are more like zombies, you can shoot their head/arms off and they still fight you.
Plus AI Respawns in singleplayer / multiplayer, so there is always a crowd of angry gang members waiting.
You can download the mod files and source files from here.
Fredz and Hypov8 have collaberated to bring the Team Woods Bagman map out of beta and finalise it.
Work is progressing nicely and here are a couple of shots of the work in progress.
If you scroll down the page you will see that the front page now contains ten news posts where as before it had only five. So now news will stay on the front page a little longer.
But if you want to check older news then use the Archives drop down menu. It allows you to view all posts for any particular month.
Suasolito, which was made by {GT}Bloody, is another map we didn't have in our archive.
It is a medium sized death match map in an urban town setting. Apart from running around the streets you can also enter most of the buildings.
It's not a very tall map with all the buildings just being single story and the sky being quite low.
There are plenty of weapons and other items but the map only has six player spawns so good for a small crowd.
You can download Sausolito from here.
Just extract all files to your Kingpin folder.
I have uploaded three Bloodmoney maps that are rotating on {GT}The Ghost's Bloodmoney mod server so you can download them from here and don't have to wait to download them from the server.
The three maps are:-
Just extract all files to your Kingpin folder.
If you need the Bloodmoney mod client files you can grab them from here.
The files are in an installer so just follow onscreen instructions.
The Bloodmoney server is running in DM Cash Snatch mode which is basically Bloodmoney death match mode - you kill Players and Bots and get their cash and the winner is the player with the most cash.
If anyone is unsure how to play Bagman then here is a good video tutorial :)
Check out the Bagman video here:-
If anyone has the ability to leave comments on Youtube would you mind posting a comment that people are still playing and add a link to this website. Thanks :)
I have released a new Bagman map. Team Japan is a smallish Bagman map with a Japanese theme. The layout is based on an unreleased map from 2004.
It uses mostly custom textures and includes some Oriental custom sounds.
There are two ways out of each base and the money drop is the cash rolls.
There are ample weapons and other items and twenty four player spawns.
Hypov8 helped with this map lowering rspeeds, fixing the sound files and creating a couple of custom textures.
You can download Team Japan from here.
Fredz has uploaded the source files for the CRASH Squad Mod.
You can check them out here.
He also uplaoded the CRASH manual so you can now read it online here.
This Sunday Night's game will be Bagman.
You can check out the details here.
Don't forget we host a map-pack of popular Baggie maps here.
Shots from the game:-
Fredz has found another Hulk skin for the thug model. That makes three different Hulk skins now.
Unfortunately the skin Fredz found uses the same skin names as an existing Hulk skin so I had to rename them.
The new Hulk skin is now named:-
You can download the hulkskin from here.
Just extract the files to your kingpin folder.
To quickly change to this skin, pull down the console (~ key) and type in:-
skin"male_thug/huk huk huk"
The other two thug Hulk skins we host are:-
I just saw that D@rkm@n has put his three servers back up :)
D@rkm@n's Realmode Place
D@rkm@n's Deathmatch Place (TeamDM)
D@rkm@n's Bagman Place
You can see them in QTracker and GamespyLite
I have never seen this pic before. Just don't disappoint the Kingpin :)
Fredz has uploaded the source code for the old comp mod version 1.3.
You can grab it from here.