Painskin Generator
Acc has created another small utility that generates pain skins for every body part for thug, runt and bitch.
The zipfile contains the utility, a readme on how to use it and the osurce files.
Painskins are the bloody skisn you see when you get hit by an enemy.
You can download the Painskin Generator from here.
You can leave any comments in this new post or at Acc's forum post here.
Thursday Game Of GunRace & Crash Mods
The Thursday Game this week will split between GunRace and the Crash Mods.
Server Details:-
IP :
Date : Thursday 29th November
Time : 22.30 (10.30pm) UK time/5.30pm EST time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
If you don't have the CRASH Mod client files you can download them from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location (kingpin/crash).
If you don't know about the Crash mod you can read all about it here.
Get there early to reserve your spot :)
Street Revenge Mission Update
Deluxive is making progress on his new single player mission called Street Revenge.
Here are some action shots from two levles - Street and Apartments.
Kingpin Name Up For Grabs
It seems that Interplay did not update the trademark for the name 'Kingpin' and so do not currently own the naming rights.
So I think this means any one can use the name Kingpin in their games :(
You can see the relevant document here.
Atrip Beta1 Death Match Map
Here is an older map made by Hypov8.
Atrip Beta1 is a small death match map which has many jump pads and colourful teleports so there is lots of flying around the map.
It has enough weapons and items and I think with a large crowd this map would be madness :)
You can downlaod Atrip Beta1 map from here.
Sunday Bagman On USA Server 25th Nov.
The Sunday game this week will be the Bagman mod on the USA East Coast Snitch Slappa server.
Game details:-
Server : East Coast Snitch Slappa
IP :
Date : Sunday 25th Nov.
Time : 9pm UK time/4pm EST time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
I hope you can make it for the game.
Kingpin In Other Games - L4D2
Back in 2009 Fredz remade the KPDM5 Central Towers map for Left For Dead (L4D).
Now someone has taken that version and ported it to L4D2.
You can check it out here.
Kingpin On Sale
Kingpin is currently on sale at both Steam and
At Steam Kingpin is discounted to 66% and is on sale until November 27th.
At GoG Kingpinis discounted to 70% and is on sale until November 28th.
Check it out here:
Unfortunately the Steam & button for Kingpin wont show up if it is banned in your country, such as Germany.
Thursday Game of Instagib & GunRace Mod
The Thursday Games this week, starting at 9.00pm UK time, will be an hour or so of Instagib then the remainder of the night will be the GunRace Mod.
Server details:-
Recoil Death Match Map
Here is a good old map that doesn't get played much anymore.
Recoil is from 2001 and was made by omnI.
It's a medium sized map set in an urban environment. There are plenty of places to frag in invluding in the street, on the roof, and down in the sewer.
There are enough weapons and items and the map features a custom sky.
You can download Recoil from here.
Just extract/unzip the fiels to your Kingpin folder.
Sunday Game Of GunRace & CTF 18th Nov.
The Sunday games this week will be an hour or so of GunRace on Newskool GunRace server then the remainder of the night will be Capture the Flag on Killa's server.
Server details:-
IP :
Date : Sunday 18th November
Time : 22.00 (10pm) UK Time\5.00pm EST time
Farm Fear Death Match Map
Farm Fear is a death match map Cujo, me, and Hypov8 did several years ago.
It is a conversion of one of the official maps from the game Soldier of Fortune. This is a medium sized map, set in a farm, and uses the SoF Uganda texture set. It has plenty of weapons, ammo and other items and 16 spawn points.
It has been added to the Luschen GunRace+bots server.
You can download Farm Fear from here.
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Thursday Game of Catch The Chicken & Bagman
The Thursday Games this week will be hour or so of Catch the Chicken and then the remainder of the night will be Bagman on Killa's Bagman server.
Server : Newskool Chicken Catch
IP :
Date : Thursday 15th November
Time : 9pm UK time/4pm EST Time
Server : Thursday Bagman Game
IP :
Date : Thursday 15th November
Time : 10.00pm UK time/5.00pm EST Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
Kingpin On Sale At
Kingpin is on sale at for 66% off.
Unfortunately the Steam & button for Kingpin wont show up if it is banned in your country, such as Germany.
It's part of their weekly sale and all Interplay games and will be on sale until November 19, 11 PM UTC.
More Interviews Added
Fredz has uploaded some Interviews with Ryan Feltrin another of the creative team that worked on Kingpin.
You can check them out by clicking on Interviews in the Menu Section on the left hand side of the page.
Sunday Bagman On USA Server 11th Nov.
The Sunday game this week will be the Bagman mod on the USA East Coast Snitch Slappa server.
Game details:-
Server : East Coast Snitch Slappa
IP :
Date : Sunday 11th Nov.
Time : 9pm UK time/4pm EST time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
Male Krafty Player Model Updated
Here is the fourth and final player model that Hypov8 recently updated.
This one is the male player model called Krafty. For this model he added Kingpin weapon support.
I have now created a new zipfile for the Krafty model which contains all the model files, the few skins that are available for it (including 3 new ones converted from Quake 2), GunRace weapons and Krafty player sounds.
You can download the Krafty complete model package from here.
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Thursday Game Of Death Match & GunRace Mod 8th Nov.
The Thursday Game this week will be an hour or so of Death Match then the remainder of the night will be the GunRace Mod.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Fragfest server
IP :
Date : Thursday 8th Nov.
Time : 9.00pm UK time/4.00pm EST time
Beavis And Butthead Player Model Updated
Here is the thid player model that Hypov8 recently updated.
This one is the famous carttom characters Beavis & Butthead. For this model he rescaled and centred it and fixed the seam.
I have now created a new zipfile for the B&B model which contains all the model files, the few skins that are available for it, GunRace weapons and B&B player sounds.
You can download the Beavis & Butthead complete model package from here.
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Screenshots Of Finished Map From Street revenge.
Here are some new screens from the upcoming single player mission Street Revenge being made by Deluxive. These are from the Street Part 1 map that is just about finished.
Make sure to check out his Moddb Street Revenge page here.
Male Alien Player Model Updated
Here is the second model that Hypov8 recently updated.
It's the Male Alien model and he fixed a seam issue and added Kingpin weapon support.
I have now created a new zipfile for the Alien which contains all the model files, all known skins, GunRace weapons and Alien player sounds as well as the SDK files for the model (so ppl can make more skins).
You can download the Alien complete package from here.
New Crosshairs By Elfor
Elfor has created a new set of crosshairs which were inspired by the crosshairs in the old Die Hard 2 Amiga Game.
You can grab the new crosshairs from here.
Just extract/unzip the pak9 file to your kingpin/main folder.
If you already have a pak9 installed that you want to keep then just extract/unzip the new crosshair pak9 file to a temp folder somewhere, rename it to a pak number you dont have such as pak3, pak4 etc, and then copy the pak to your kingpin/main folder.

Sunday Game Of GunRace & CTF 4th Nov.
The Sunday games this week will be an hour or more of GunRace on Newskool GunRace server then the remainder of the night will be Capture the Flag on Killa's server.
Server details:-
IP :
Date : Sunday 4th November
Time : 22.00 (10pm) UK Time\6.00pm EST time
Some More Screens From Street Revenge
These are from 3 levels. Street part one, and part two. and the third, is the Clubhouse. Deluxive has finished the design for these levels and now he will work on lighting and gameplay for them.
Make sure to check out his Moddb Strret Revenge page here.
If you want to see a lot more screens then check out the Kingpin Facebook Groups here, here and here.
Four More Halloween Videos
Killa has released four new Halloween mod videos.
You can see all the videos Killa has made from our weekly games here.
Halloween Models Source Uplaoded
Fredz has uploaded the source files for the bat model and pumpkin model, and the textures, that he used for the Halloween mod.
Check them out here.
Thursday Game Of GunRace & Bagman 1st Nov.
The Thursday games this week will be an hour or more of GunRace random weapon mode on the new Newskool GunRace server then the remainder of the night will Bagman on Newskool Bagman server.
Server Details:-
IP :
Date : Thursday 1st November
Time : 22.00 (10pm) UK Time\6.00pm EST time
New Brazilian Kingpin Facebook Page
Lejionator has started up a Kingpin Facebook page for fans in Brazil called Kingpin - Life of Crime [ Brasil ].
If you can speak Portugeuse or just want to help the group get started then you can check it out here.
More Screens From Street Revenge
Deluxive sent me some more screens from a level he has almost finished for his upcoming single player mission Street Revenge.
Make sure to check out his Moddb Strret Revenge page here.
You can see more screens i nthe Kingpin Facebook Groups here and here.