Just a reminder that [M] is relocating his Luschen servers so they will be down for a few days.
This means that the Luschen Kingpin servers, [M]'s Kingpin Server List page, M-Browser and the chat will all be offline for a few days.
We host two map-packs for the Xmas mod. A map-pack for Xmas themed Death Match maps and one for Xmas Bagman maps (we did host two Bagman map-packs but I consolidated them into one pack).
You can download them from here:-
Xmas Bagman Map-pack
Xmas Death Match Map-pack
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Monkey Harris has released v1.60 of the XMAS Mod client files.
The new version includes more new Christmas themed taunts, music, weapon sounds, and a multitude of other additions and fixes (check the included readme for a full list).
You can download the v1.60 Xmas client files from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correect location.
If you already have an Xmas mod folder just overwrite the existing files when requested to do so.
It's coming up to Christmas soon so it's time to start playing the Xmas mod again.
This Thursday the game is going to be XMAS mod death match.
Game Details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS Deathmatch
IP :
Date : 30th November
Time : 9.30 pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
Grab the v1.60 Xmas client files from here.
Grab the Xmas Mod Death Match Map-pack from here.
Just unzip all files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
I found this map which is a conversion/remake of the Q3DM2 House of Pain map, from Quake 3, by {GT}Kinght.
This map is a smallish map that has two levels to it.
There are three main areas. There is an outside area with a grenade launcher and shotgun. The second main area is a cathedral style room where you find health and the HMG. The third area is where the two levels meet and you will find the rocket launcher, cooling mod and adrenaline.
Due to all the custom textures the zipfile weights in at over 10mb.
You can download Q3DM2 from here.
The Sunday Bagman game this week will be on Monkey Harris's UK Newskool Bagman server.
Game details:-
Server : Sunday Bagman
IP :
Date : Sunday 26th November
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here.
Here is an older death match map made by Oracius and based on the Quake 3 map Brimstone Abbey.
It's a medium sized map with an urban Kingpin style.
You can download Oraciusdm11 from here.
Unfortunately the Steam button for Kingpin wont show up if it is banned in your country, such as Germany.
On Steam there is a Autumn sale, that includes Kingpin that is on sale with 50% off, for 4.99, until 28 November Steam time.
This Thursday's game at 9.30pm UK time will be the Capture the Flag Mod on the Newskool CTF Server.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool CTF
IP :
Date : Thursday 23rd November
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
If you don't have the CTF client files you can download the files from the server but if you want to get them beforehand to save time you can grab the client files (includes all CTF maps) from here.
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder.
Armagon: MaX PaYneD is a remake of the famous Armagon map that was done by Dirty Dog.
It's a small arena style map and for this version Dirty Dog did a complete retexture/relight/redo. The map now features all Max Payne textures.
You can download Armagon: MaX PaYneD from here.
Killspree is a small, frantic, single player map made by Sonik back in 2003.
It's one map split over two levels. Killing the enemies as you go, make your way to the first switch to activate the elevator, then once on the upper level kill a lot more enemies to get to the switch to complete the map. Your only weapons are the pistol and the tommygun.
The level only uses a few textures and it includes a custom skin for the thug. Its a tough level but once you work out how to use the level to your advantage (hide and reload, shoot from corners etc) you should be able to complete it in ten to fifteen minutes :)
You can download Killspree from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
You can start the map by opening the console, and typing "map vr_killspree.
But I recommend making a desktop shortcut for Kingpin and add the following :-
+set developer 1 + skill 1 +map vr_killspree
(skill can be 0 = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard)
Here is an Ali G skin for the Thug model.
Ali G is a famous comedy character created and performed by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.
You can download the Ali G Thug skin from here.
Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Easiest way to select these skins is to:-
Pull down the console (tilde key ~)
Type in :-
skin "male_thug/al6 al6 al6"
If you are having trouble finding a Kingpin file you are looking for then try reading the Where To Look For Files document.
Click on the Download Button in the Menu section and you will see a text file called Wher To Look For Files which explains where you will find everything.
You can read it here.
For example:-
Click on the download button and then you will find -
Maps are located under kingpin/main/maps
Mods under kingpin/server/mods
Skins under kingpin/main/skins/player_skins
Patches under kingpin/patches
Just a reminder that Monkey Harris released a new version of the KPDED2 Enhanced Server files for both Windows and Linux.
If you're planning on running a Kingpin server it's recommended that you use the KPDED2 file. Basically you use the kpded2.exe instead of the kingpin.exe in your server shortcut and add any of the new options you want to use on your server to the server.cfg.
You can download the updated KPDED2 files from here:-
KPDED2 Windows
KPDED2 Linux
Make sure you read the included readme for comprehensive information.
The Sunday Bagman game is on Killa's Bagman server this week starting at 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP : kp.hambloch.com:31519
Date : Sunday 19th November
Time : 9pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
All welcome :)
Here is a good review of Kingpin on YouTube from a few years ago.
Greystone Shuffle is a medium sized death match map for Kingpin. It is a conversion of the Quake 2 map by Shon "Maric" Shaffer , who gave me the source map file to convert to Kingpin.
The map is mainly open with 2 levels. It uses mostly Kingpin textures, has a gothic type theme, and has ample weapons and other items.
You can download Greystone Shuffle from here.
Killa has fixed KPDM2 Xmas and the ladder near the cooling mod now works. He has also updated the Xmas Brick To Brick map and removed the doors from the bases as no one liked them.
He is currently working on an Xmas version of his Team Terra Firma map and there are plans for several others too.
Me and Hypov8 have now finished working on the XMAS version of Team Berlin and have sent it to Captain Death and Monkey Harris for inclusion in the XMAS CTF files and the updated XMAS Mod files which will be released soon.
The Thursday game this week is going to be the Hitmen mod starting at 9.30pm UK time on Killa's server.
Game Details:-
Server : Thursday Hitmen Game
IP : kp.hambloch.com:31519
Date : Thursday 16th November.
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
If you need the Gamespylite Kingpin server browser you can download it here.
A pretty good crowd today and the game went for several hours :)
I'm currently remaking the Team_Berlin map (with the help of Hypov8) and giving it a Winter/Christmas theme.
I'm also adding sometihng that I haven't seen in any other Christmas themed map :)
Here is a nice little deathmatch map from a few years ago made by Stigma.
DM Coretex is a small, arena style deathmatch map with an urban Winter setting. The central part of the map is an elevated area surrounded by broken fences and accessed via four elevated pathways. The are two passageways in the outer walls of the map. The map has plenty of player spawns, weapons and other items.
The also map includes weather effects and some single player props.
You can download DM Coretex from here.
The Sunday Bagman game this week will be on Monkey Harris's UK Newskool Bagman server.
Game details:-
Server : Sunday Bagman
IP :
Date : Sunday 12th November
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Remember there have been daylight changes recently so make sure to check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here.
I hope to see some of you there :)
The Caleb model was converted to Kingpin by [GT]Sylacs. The model is based on the Caleb character from the classic Blood games.
I have updated the male_caleb zipfile to include all available custom skins made for the model and renamed it male_caleb_complete.zip.
You can download the compelte Caleb model from here.
Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Several years ago DirtyDog released a skin for the Thug model based on one of the Recon soldiers in Half-Life. The skin is called Grunt2.
You can download the Recon Soldier Thug skin (Grunt2) from here.
Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Easiest way to select these skins is to:-
Pull down the console (tilde key ~)
Type in :-
skin "male_thug/hl1 hl1 hl1"
This Thursday's game at 9.30pm UK time will be the Capture the Flag Mod on the Newskool CTF Server.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool CTF
IP :
Date : Thursday 9th November
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
If you don't have the CTF client files you can download the files from the server but if you want to get them beforehand to save time you can grab the client files (includes all CTF maps) from here.
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder.
[M] is relocating his Luschen servers so they will be down for a few days from either November 30th or December 1st.
This means that the Luschen Kingpin servers, [M]'s Kingpin Server List page, M-Browser and the chat will all be offline for a few days.
But they will be back :)
Kingpin is on sale again at GoG.com for 49% off.
Unfortunately the Steam & GoG.com button for Kingpin wont show up if it is banned in your country, such as Germany.
It's part of their Interplay Special Sale and will be on sale until November 6, 11 PM UTC.
The Sunday Bagman game is on Killa's Bagman server this week starting at 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP : kp.hambloch.com:31519
Date : Sunday 5th November
Time : 9pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
If you are an old player who has just come back to Kingpin or a new player and think that you are too rusty or don't have the skills you need to play in these games don't worry. Just come along.
It's a very friendly crowd who play for fun. All new players are most welcome so come along and if it takes you a few maps to get up to speed don't worry the sooner you come along the sooner you'll be back in the swing of things :)
Check out the latest news and map screenshots at the Gunrace mod wepage here.
Captain Death is working on an XMas version of the CTF Mod.
It is nearly done and should be released shortly.
A big crowd at today's game.
Monkey Harris has released a new version of his Kingpin patch.
A lot has changed since the last release, including:-
support for Windows 10,
support for hi-res textures, anisotropic filtering, anti-aliasing, hi-res console text, highlighted non-chat text
console access without developer mode
customisable crosshair colour
targeted player name placement
weapon key binding,
new improved reverb effect
demo view angle adjustment
CPU priority boost, and a bunch more bug fixes
A full list of what the patch does can be found in the patch.txt file.
You can download Monkey Harris's updated patch from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder.
Then double click on the patchcfg.cfg file to set your custom resolution and several other options.
Captain Death has released v1.2 of the Power2 mod server files for both Windows and Linux.
Update from v1.1 contains various bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fixed intermittent crash when the harpoon is enabled
- Update to latest anti-lag code
- Steering disabled after hitting a jump pad
- Minor code tweaks
You can download the Power 2 v1.2 server files from here.
If you are planning on running a Power 2 server you will need to download the client files as well as they contain all the maps.
You can download the Power 2 client files from here.
Just unzip all the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations (kingpin/power2).
Captain Death has released v1.2 of the Capture the Flag mod server files for both Windows and Linux.
The update from v1.1 contains various bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fixed intermittent crash when the harpoon is enabled
- Update to latest anti-lag code
- Steering disabled after hitting a jump pad
- Auto-allocation of neutral spawns if no team spawns are defined
- Minor code tweaks
You can download the CTF v1.2 files from here.
If you are planning on running a CTF server you will need to download the client files as well as they contain all the maps.
You can download the CTF client files from here.
Just unzip all the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations (kingpin/ctf).