Another map that Jogger sent is a Bagman map made by Gravedigger. Gravedigger made popular Bagman maps in the early days of Kingpin.
Team Bunkerhill v2 is a typical two forts style map. It has the two team bases separated by an open land area. In this case the land area is sloped up until you get to the centre of the map then it slopes down towards the other team's base.
The bases are fairly standard, two levels, with weapons and items spread throughout plus two weapon cache rooms.
I'm not sure why he made you have to crouch to get into the weapons rooms but anyway.
The safe is on the lower level and needs to be opened with a switch on the upper floor. Once you have flipped the switch you can jump through a hole in the floor back down to the safe.
There are more than enough weapons and items.
There are three ways to get to the other team's base (sort of). There is the land mass between the bases and two side ledges accessed from the upper level of the team's base.
Overall the maps has a few small issues but, given a chance, it could be a fast and furious fun map.
You can download Team Bunkerhill v2 from here.
The Game this Sunday will be the Xmas Mod. It will be an hour or so of XMas Hitmen then the remainder of the night will be XMas Bagman.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS
IP :
Date : 30th December
Time : 9.00 pm UK time/4pm EST Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the new v1.61 Xmas client files from here.
Grab the Xmas Mod Map-packs from here.
It's the last game for the year so do your best to come along and join in the fun :)
Fredz has created a new addition to the Tutorials Section in the Menu area.
This one features information on different file formats and has three entries so far - BSP, MDX and MD2.
Check them out by clicking on Tutorials then File Format in the Menu Section of the front page.
Jogger sent me some old maps we don't have here at Most of them have issues of some kind (only a couple of player spawns, no weapons, way too big etc) but here is one that is ok.
Stronghold Opposition converted by *TD*(RW)Un, from Quake2, for Bagman. There are other versions of this classic Quake2 CTF map made for Bagman but this one is a direct conversion and uses all Quake2 textures and no structural changes.
If you have played Quake2 CTF then you know this map.
Like all early Bagman maps there are some neutral player spawns (so you can spawn in the middle of the map or also inside the enemy base) but I think that issue was fixed in a recent version of the Monkey Mod.
You can download Stronghold Opposition (Q2ctf2.bsp) from here.
The Thursday Game this week will be the GunRace Mod. To keep in the Christmas spirit all the XMas mod death match maps will be played on the day. There will also be some XMas CTF played.
Server : Newskool Gunrace
Date : Thursday 27th December
Time : 9.00pm UK time/4.00pm EST time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here -
If you don't know about the GunRace mod you can read all about it here -
We had a random game today with quite a large crowd.
If ever you feel like a few maps just jump into the Luschen Botmatch or Luschen GunRace+bots server and more than likely a few people will see you there and come join in the fun :)
Enjoy this screenshot taken by Lejionator :)
Monkey Harris has released v1.61 of the Linux and Windows server files of the XMas Mod.
Whats new from Xmas mod 1.60 to Xmas mod 1.61
Client PAK file changes:
- New fairy model and sounds
- New grenade/snowball model
- Added more intermission music
- New team colour indicators
Game changes:
- Rocket launcher fires homing fairies
- Team colour indicator in top-right corner
- New xmas.ini option (custom_bm_map_file) for bagman map list
- Any map on the server can be loaded with changemap and votemap commands
- Item shadows enabled
- Pregame time reduced to 30s
You can download the V1.61 XMas mod server files from here:-
If you plan to run an Xmas mod server and you want players to be able to download the client files from the server you need to grab those as well:-
Xmas Client files
If you want to run a public server you need the KPDED2 Enhanced Server Files which you can grab from here.
Monkey Harris has released the source code for v1.61 of the Xmas Mod.
You can grab the files from here.
The Game this Sunday will be the Xmas Bagman Mod on the East Coast XMas mod server that Monkey Harris will set up for the game.
Server Details:-
Server : East Coast XMAS
Date : 23rd December
Time : 9.00 pm UK time/4pm EST Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the new v1.61 Xmas client files from here.
Grab the Xmas Mod Map-packs from here.
As it's the last game before Christmas lets make this the biggest game of the year :)
Suzie recently uploaded a video of here playign agaisnt Bots in the Luschen GunRace+bots server.
The Thursday Game this week will be the GunRace Mod. To keep in the Christmas spirit all the XMas mod death match maps will be played on the day. I also suggested adding the official GunRace maps and my four latest death match map releases.
There will also be some XMas CTF played.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Gunrace
Date : Thursday 20th December
Time : 9.00pm UK time/4.00pm EST time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
If you don't know about the GunRace mod you can read all about it
If you have never played in one of the weekly games please come along. It's a friendly crowd and you will have fun :)
Monkey Harris has set up a new death match server on the East coast of The USA.
Server Details:-
Server : East Coast Deathmatch
IP :
Maxclients : 16
The server is rotating the same maps as the Newskool Fragfest server.
So all you guys in the USA jump in and check the server out :)
Method has arranged for Ryan Feltrin, one of the developers of Kingpin, to answer any questions ppl want to pose to him.
Becasue of problems with the timing trying to organise an actual Q and A this will take the form of written questions that will be sent to him and he will respond.
Ryan was a developer on Kingpin and mainly developed the AI and Bagman mode!
This from an old interview with him-
Ryan: My role for Kingpin was initially just to provide navigation and AI, however it soon branched out to include most technological additions and enhancements, like multiple colored light sources on characters (very important for the look and feel), character interaction system (RPG element), persistent level data (returning to a previous level should restore the world as it was when you left), effects (like flamethrower, bullet sparks, rocket flames), locational hit detection, multiple pain skins, shootable body elements (hats, cigars) and finally, the multiplayer code (and related Linux ports) and "Bagman" game mode.
Meth: How did you come up with idea to make a Bagman mode for KP?
Ryan: This was something that still there is a lot of conjecture over, however I
remain adamant that it was my idea. I was always a huge CTF fan from Quake1 and
even moreso Quake2. So adding a similar element to Kingpin was very important to
me. However, I wanted to make sure it had that Kingpin feel, so it couldnt just
be a straight copy. Since a fundamental aspect of the game was money, I figured
this should be the basis of the multiplayer also. The design just flowed from
there, pretty much.
So if you have a question you want to ask Ryan then just add it to the comments in this news post (click on where it says no comments or 1 comment etc).
After I converted the Claustrophobic Edge map by sst13 I showed him some screenshots. He was impressed and sent me another of his Quake maps to convert to Kingpin.
This one is called The Black Realm and is a small gothic style death match map. It is a one room map that contains several columns, seval wall torches, uses minimal textures and has 10 player spawns.
The map has the rocket launcher, tommy gun, shotgun, HMG and pistol mods. It has one set of armour and 7 small healths.
You can download The Black Realm from here.
Sorry for delay in releasing this map as my intenret was down for three days sigh.
XMas Immortal Combat is a Bagman map for the XMas mod and is a remake of the standard Team Imortal Combat Bagman map.
It has all the usuall XMas mod additions like Christmas music, decorations, Christmas trees, snow etc.
Other than that the only real change from the standard verson is that I changed some of the armour around after a suggestion form Xanarki.
You can download XMas Immortal Combat from here.
Here are some screenshots from the first three levels of the upcoming single player mission Strret Revenge being made by Mr.GoodFinger (aka Deluxive).
Check out more screens and leave a comment, if you want to, at his Street Revenge webpage here.
The Game this Sunday will be the Xmas Mod. It will be an hour or so of XMas Death Match then the remainder of the night will be XMas Bagman.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS
IP :
Date : 16th December
Time : 9.00 pm UK time/4pm EST Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the new v1.61 Xmas client files from here.
Grab the Xmas Mod Map-packs from here.
Kingpin is on sale at for 66% off.
Unfortunately the Steam & button for Kingpin wont show up if it is banned in your country, such as Germany.
It's part of their Winter sale and will be on sale until 3rd January.
My new map, Team Immortal Combat, is a small sized Bagman map. It is a remake of the death match map Immortal Combat (fragndie6_2018.bsp)
The team's bases are fairly spacious and contain two small weapon rooms. The middle section of the map is a small open area with walk ways that lead up to a platform with the money drop and side platforms with armour and ammo.
There are also two side passages that lead to the middle section or to the other Team's base.
The map uses a mixture of standard textures and custom textures.
There are ample weapons and items throughout the map.
You can downalod Team Immotal Combat (team_fragndie.bsp) from here.
After Elfor mentioned it, I found this article from September in which Brian Fargo, boss of inXiLe Entertainment, said that if The Bards Tale 4 is a big hit, that he'll celebrate by trying to buy back Interplay, the studio he co-founded back in the early '80s.
Its a long shot as he said TBT4 would need to seel 2 million copies in 18 months and a lot may have happened since Sept but it's still positive news for fans of all the old Interplay IPs including Kingpin of course.
You can read the article here.
Hypov8 created a MDX plugin for Neosis.
Noesis is a tool for previewing and converting between hundreds of model, image, and animation formats. It utilizes a robust plugin system, with support for native extension modules and Python scripts. The plugin/script API features hundreds of functions and interfaces which assist in developing new formats, tools, and visualization aids. Noesis also features processing, conversion, and visualization options for many different types of volume data, including medical imaging formats such as Analyze 7.5, NifTI-1, and DICOM.
You can download Noesis from here and Hypov8 plugin from here (including source code).
Just put kingpinmdx.dll in to the plugin folder from Noesis and you good togo.
There is no MDX export feature implimented only MDX viewer. But you can export to other formats.
Here is today's new map.
Claustrophobic Edge is a smallish, classic Quake medieval style, death match map that was converted from Quake. Elfor suggested I convert this map so I contacted the original author sst13 who gave his permission to convert it.
The map It has a nice tight layout with two atriums and three levels which are connected by stairs, 2 lifts and a teleporter. There are ten player spawns and ample weapons and items.
You can download Claustrophobic Edge from here.
Just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
There is a Tuesday game this week as well as the regular Thursday and Sunday Games.
The game on Tuesday will be the GunRace mod.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Gunrace
Date : Teusday 11th December
Time : 9.00pm UK time/4.00pm EST time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Hopefully we will be able to play the latest maps that have been released this week.
I have updated the old Immortal Combat map I released in 2016.
I updated it because the map features screenshots of many of the players who play in the weekly games. Since the original version was released some players have left and many more have started playing in the weekly games so I have added screenshots of many of them to the updated version.
For those who don't know the map it is a smallish map that uses just about all custom textures (mostly from Daikatana).
It has a main courtyard area, with a ledge around the edge and walkways up to higher platforms where the HMG and some armour is.
There are four sets of stairs stairs leading down from the courtyard into two lower rooms.
It has ample weapons and items and twelve player spawns.
Hypov8 helped out with the original map by designing the courtyard floor and one of two other things.
You can download Immortal Combat 2018 (fragndie6_2018.bsp) from here.
Here is a new YouTube video highlighting how Kingpin single player looks when using the graphics mod Rag2Riches.
If you like how Kingpin looks using the mod you can grab Rags2Riches from here.
It also shows how to install the Monkey Harris and Captain Death Kingpin patches.
Here is a new death match map converted from Quake.
The map is called Sex Without A Kiss and is a smallish, urban style, death match map. The original author of the Quake version is Malevola.
It has a nice tight layout with three levels. There are twelve player spawns and ample weapons and items. The map also uses a custom sky.
You can download the map from here.
Just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
**I plan to release several new maps this week so please check back each day to grab the latest map***
The Game this Sunday will be the Xmas Mod. It will be an half an hour or so of XMas Death Match then the remainder of the night will be XMas Bagman.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS
IP :
Date : 9th December
Time : 9.00 pm UK time/4pm EST Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the new v1.61 Xmas client files from here.
Grab the Xmas Mod Map-packs from here.
The Game this Thursday will be the Xmas Mod. It will be an hour or so of XMas Death Match then the remainder of the night will be XMas Bagman.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS
IP :
Date : 6th December
Time : 9.00 pm UK time/4pm EST Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the new v1.61 Xmas client files from here.
Grab the Xmas Mod Map-packs from here.
I am working on a few new maps at the moment.
Here is a screenshot of one of them which is a Bagman version of the Fragndie6 death match map.
Monkey Harris has now released v1.61 of the XMAS Mod client files.
All of the new stuff is in a PAK2.PAK file. The PAK1.PAK file is the same as v1.60 so peeps won't need to replace that if they already have it from last year.
The changes in v1.61 are:-
- New fairy model and sounds
- New grenade model
- Added more intermission music
- New team colour indicators
You can download the v1.61 Xmas client files from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correect location.
If you already have an Xmas mod folder just overwrite the existing files when requested to do so.
All the Thursday and Sunday Games during December are going to be the XMas mod.
If you don't know the XMas mod you can check what it's all about in this video:-
The Game this Sunday will be the Xmas Mod. It will be an hour or so of the XMas Hitmen then the remainder of the night will be XMas CTF.
Game Details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS Hitmen
IP :
Date : 2nd December
Time : 9pm UK time/4pm EST Time
Server : Newskool XMAS CTF
Date : 2nd Decembe
Time : 10.00 pm UK time/5pm EST Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.