Xmas Mod V1.61 Server Files Released

has released v1.61 of the Linux and Windows server files of the XMas Mod.

Whats new from Xmas mod 1.60 to Xmas mod 1.61

Client PAK file changes:

- New fairy model and sounds

- New grenade/snowball model

- Added more intermission music

- New team colour indicators

Game changes:

- Rocket launcher fires homing fairies

- Team colour indicator in top-right corner

- New xmas.ini option (custom_bm_map_file) for bagman map list

- Any map on the server can be loaded with changemap and votemap commands

- Item shadows enabled

- Pregame time reduced to 30s

You can download the V1.61 XMas mod server files from here:-



If you plan to run an Xmas mod server and you want players to be able to download the client files from the server you need to grab those as well:-

Xmas Client files

If you want to run a public server you need the KPDED2 Enhanced Server Files which you can grab from here.

Mr.Damage Tuesday 25 December 2018 - 11:06 | Mod
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