GunRace Mod V1.2 Released

has completed his updates for GunRace and v1.2 is now released for both Windows and Linux.

The main updates from v1.0 are:-

Fixed a bug that allowed players to get final kill with shotty
Added weaponorder 4 (will rotate between machine guns)
Added weaponorder 5 (will rotate between shotguns)
Fixed bug that allowed players to spawn with Machete
Added support for limited number of custom models - male_homer, male_alien, male_bender, male_krafty, male_mrburns, male_themask, male_soldier, female_wilma and male_drfreak.

There was no official v1.1 release as it was a lot of test versions that kept changing as more things were added and fixed.

There are full install zipfiles for both Windows and Linux which include everything you need to run a server or just connect to one as a client - server files, client files,  all the GunRace maps and the KPDED2 files so you can run a public server.

Grab them from here:-

GunRace Windows v1.2

GunRace Linux v1.2

Now there is also a patch that will update GunRace from v1.0 to v1.2.

So if you downloaded the full install for V1.0 you only need that.

GunRace v1.0 - v1.2 patch

But if you have played on the Luschen GunRace+bots server in the last couple of weeks you would have downloaded the updated client files in pak2 so you don't need to download anything more :)

The easiest way to check is to connect to the Luschen GunRace+bots server and in the top left hand corner of the hud it will tell you if your client files are out of date.

If you have old files you will see the message :-

Client files out of date.
Download at

As usual just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.

Mr.Damage | Wednesday 31 October 2018 - 07:55 | News | 2 comments
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Male MrBurns Player Model Updated

Recently  added GunRace weapon support to several models so they could be used with the GunRace mod. When he was doing that he actually fixed some issues with four player models.

Beavis&Butthead - rescaled, moved to the centre and fixed the seam.

Alien - fixed the seam and added Kingpin weapon support

Krafty - added Kingpin weapon support

Mr Burns - rescaled.

I have now created a new zipfile for Mr Burns which contains all the model files, all known skins, GunRace weapons and  Mr Burns player sounds.

I added the player sounds becasue Monkrey Harris is owrking on adding individual player model sound support to an upcoming patch.

You can download the Mr Burns complete package from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.





Mr.Damage | Wednesday 31 October 2018 - 06:49 | News | No comments
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Halloween Server Files Released & Client Files Updated

 has now released the Halloween mod server files for both Windows and Linux.

During the course of the last month he has made several improvements to the mod including:-

added more blood
added a custom_bm_map_file
added an INI file option to set a BM maplist
added an axe hitmen round
enabled the "changemap" command to load any map on the server
added a new bat hit sound (hit.wav)
and some other little tweaks

You can download the Halloween server files from here:-

Linux server

Windows server

Remeber, if you are going to run a public Halloween server you will need to use the KPDED2 Enhanced Server files:-

KPDED2 Linux

KPDED2 Windows

I have also updated the Halloween client files to include all the latest Halloween maps, levelshots for all 38 maps, and a new sound for the rocket launcher.

If you have been playing Halloween during the past few weeks you would already have downloaded all the new maps.

If you don't already have the Halloween client files you can download them from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations (kingpin/halloween).

Mr.Damage | Wednesday 31 October 2018 - 06:18 | News | No comments

New Levelshots Zipfile Uplaoded

 has created another levelshots zipfile with levelshots for 1642 maps.

He has updated a lot of the existing levelshots so they are now all uniform by being the same size and all have 2 borders.

In case you don't know what they are. Levelshots are the pictures you see when you vote for a map on the map voting screen at the end of the current map in multiplayer.

You can download the levelshots zipfile from here.

Mr.Damage | Tuesday 30 October 2018 - 11:37 | News | No comments

Random Game Of GunRace

We just had a great game on the GunRace server.


There is a small group of players who play on the GunRace server most days so why not come along and join in the fun :)

If there is no one around you can still play against the bots there :)

Mr.Damage | Tuesday 30 October 2018 - 03:07 | News | No comments

Screens From Sunday Halloween Game

Welcome to GvdH75 and Palindro and welcome back to Il Marziano :)



Mr.Damage | Monday 29 October 2018 - 22:48 | News | 2 comments

Street Revenge Update

 has let me know that work is progressing on his new single player episode called Street Revenge.

It has 12 levels, an intro and end and a pawn-o-matic.

One level is finished, several others are nearly finished and most are at least 50% done.

You can see where he is up to here.

Mr.Damage | Sunday 28 October 2018 - 02:15 | News | No comments

New Halloween Mod Videos

Killa has created three Halloween mod videos from the recent games.

You can see all the videos Killa has made from the weekly games here.

Mr.Damage | Saturday 27 October 2018 - 12:05 | Video | No comments

Sunday Game Of Halloween Mod 28th Oct

The Sunday Game this week will be the Halloween mod. The first hour or so will be Halloween Death Match then the remainder of the night will be Halloween Bagman.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Halloween Mod Server
IP :
Date : Sunday 28th Ocotber
Time : 9.00pm UK time/4.00pm EST time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.

Grab the Halloween client files from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.


Please note that the UK changed Daylight saving time on Sunday mornming 2am and set their clocks back 1 hour


Mr.Damage | Saturday 27 October 2018 - 11:55 | News | No comments

Leveller Mod Source Files Added

 has uploaded the source files for another of the mods made by Atrophy. This time it's the Leveller mod.

Leveller is a simply but fun mod that tries to handicap players to make a more even playing field.

Basically everytime you kill someone your max health drops by 20 to a minimum of 20.
Everytime you are killed your health goes up by 20 to a max of 200.
If your handicap is 1 (20 health) and you manage a kill - you get 100 health automatically, the handicap is broken and you get a bonus frag.

There is a much more detailed explanation in the readme included in the Leveller zipfile.

This looks like it might be a good mod to have updated with Moneky Mod v2.0 and then to give it a try :)

You can grab the Leveller mod and Source files from here:-

Leveller Mod

Source Files

Mr.Damage | Friday 26 October 2018 - 09:12 | News, Mod | No comments
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Screens From Thursday Game Of Halloween Mod



Mr.Damage | Friday 26 October 2018 - 09:06 | News | No comments

More Screenshots of Street Revenge Mission

 has posted more screenshots of the new single player mission he is working on called Street Revenge.

You can check out the latest screenshots here.

Mr.Damage | Thursday 25 October 2018 - 00:26 | News | No comments

Arsenal Mod Source Files Added

 has uploaded the source files for the old Arsenal mod that was made by Atrophy.

Now we have the source files it means that the mod can be updated at some stage :)

If anyone has any source files for mods we don't already host please let us know via the Contact Us button in the Menu section.

This is all the Kingpin mods we host here.

You can download the Arsenal Mod and Source files from here:-

Arsenal Mod

Source Files

Mr.Damage | Wednesday 24 October 2018 - 23:40 | Mod, News | No comments
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Kingpin On Sale At Steam Until Oct. 30th


Unfortunately the Steam button for Kingpin wont show up if it is banned in your country, such as Germany.

Kingpin is currently on sale at Steam for 30% off until 30th October Steam time. You can pick up a copy for Steam friend for 6.99.


Sale extended to 2nd November :)


Mr.Damage | Wednesday 24 October 2018 - 06:29 | News | 1 comment
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New Single Player Mission In The Works

 has just started work on a new single player mission for Kingpin called Street Revenge.

You can check out some screenshots of the first level here.

Mr.Damage | Tuesday 23 October 2018 - 23:54 | News | No comments
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Thursday Game Of Halloween Mod

The Thursday Game this week will be the first game of the new Halloween mod. The first hour or so will be Halloween Hitmen then the remainder of the night will be Halloween Bagman.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Halloween Mod Server
IP :
Date : Thursday 25th Ocotber
Time : 9.00pm UK time/4.00pm EST time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.

If you still need the Halloween client files grab them from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.


Please note the earlier start time of 9pm UK time (instead of 9.30pm)


Mr.Damage | Tuesday 23 October 2018 - 23:51 | News | No comments

Shadowpalace Death Match Map

Here is an oldie made by  back in 2000.

Shadowpalace is a small to medium sized death match map that uses all standard Kingpin textures (mainly grey).

It's set inside a building of some kind, has 8 player spawns, and ample weapons and items. It also has two teleports.

You can download Shadowpalace from here.

Just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.



If you want to check it out this map has been added to the map rotation at the Luschen GunRace+bots server.

Mr.Damage | Tuesday 23 October 2018 - 01:25 | News, Map | No comments
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Custom Gibs Added To Luschen Botmatch Server

has added custom gibs to the Luschen Botmatch server.

When you join the server you will download a small pak2 file which contains the custom gibs. 


Mr.Damage | Tuesday 23 October 2018 - 01:02 | News | 2 comments
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Screens From Sunday Halloween Mod Game



Mr.Damage | Monday 22 October 2018 - 07:59 | News | No comments

Sunday Game Of Halloween Mod

The Sunday Game this week will be the Halloween mod.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Halloween Mod Server
IP :
Date : Sunday 21st Ocotber
Time : 9.00pm UK time/4.00pm EST time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.

If you need them you can grab the Halloween client files from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.

Mr.Damage | Sunday 21 October 2018 - 04:32 | News | No comments

Drew Markham Has Passed Away

Craig Kore has alerted me to the sad news that Drew Markham has passed away in June this year.

For anyone who doesn't know Drew was the founder of Xatrix Entertainment who developed Kingpin, the Redneck Rampage series, The Reckoning addon for Quake2 and several other games.

Without Drew Marham there would be no Kingpin: Life of crime.

You can read more about his life here.

Mr.Damage | Saturday 20 October 2018 - 00:28 | News | 3 comments
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Kingpin Silkscreen Poster On Sale At Ebay

If you have a spare $200 US then you can buy a Kingpin Silkscreen Poster by Jermaine Rogers from Ebay.

Check it out here.

Mr.Damage | Thursday 18 October 2018 - 13:14 | News | No comments

Archived IRC Chat With Xatrix

has uploaded an old chat session from PlanetKingpin with Drew Markham and Greg Goodrich from Xatrix. The chat was doen i nMarch 1999 well before Kingpin was released.

You can read the chat here.

Fredz has also included an Interviews link in the Menu section.

Mr.Damage | Thursday 18 October 2018 - 11:47 | News | No comments

Thursday Game Of Halloween Mod 18th Oct.

The Thursday Game this week will be the Halloween mod.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Halloween Mod Server
IP :
Date : Thursday 18th Ocotber
Time : 9.00pm UK time/4.00pm EST time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.

If you need them you can grab the Halloween client files from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.


Please note the earlier start time of 9pm UK time (instead of 9.30pm)


Mr.Damage | Thursday 18 October 2018 - 01:00 | News | No comments

DM Shot Gun Death Match map

I got an email from UnevenRatio saying he is going to get setup again and comeback to Kingpin. So I thought it was a good time to post about his old death match map he made called DM Shot Gun.

DM Shot Gun is a small death match map. It consists of two rooms with each room having two exits to the next room. The only weapon is the shotgun.

It has 8 player spawns and uses all standard Kingpin textures.

You can download DM ShotGun from here.



Mr.Damage | Tuesday 16 October 2018 - 08:49 | Map | No comments

Another Interview With Kingpin Level Designer

has uploaded an interview with John W. Anderson (aka Dr. Sleep) from just before Kingpin was released.

It's another interesting read.

Check it out here.

He also uploaded Pika Commander's conversation with Alex Maybery.

Check that one out here.

Mr.Damage | Tuesday 16 October 2018 - 01:10 | News | No comments
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New GunRace Mod Video

has released a second GunRace mod video from one of our recent games.

You can see all the videos Killa has made from our weekly games here.

Mr.Damage | Monday 15 October 2018 - 05:33 | News, Video | 1 comment
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The Tick Thug Skin

Here is a Thug skin of The Tick. The Tick is a cartoon superhero from back in the 90's and has recently been revived as a live action TV series. 

You can download The Tick Thug skin from here.

Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations. 

Easiest way to select these skins is to:-

Pull down the console (tilde key ~)

Type in :-

skin "male_thug/tik tik tik" 


Mr.Damage | Saturday 13 October 2018 - 23:41 | News | No comments

Sunday Game Of Halloween Mod 14th Oct.

The Sunday Game this week will be the Halloween mod. The first hour or so will be Halloween Hitmen then the remainder of the night will be Halloween Bagman.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Halloween Mod Server
IP :
Date : Sunday 14th Ocotber
Time : 9.00pm UK time/4.00pm EST time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.

If you don't already have them you can grab the Halloween client files from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.

Mr.Damage | Saturday 13 October 2018 - 12:51 | News | No comments

KPDM1 Quaked Death Match Map

There was a texture missing from the zipfile of the KPDM1 Quaked map.

I have added the texture, a levelshot, and the source map file then uploaded the map again.

KPDM1 Quaked is KPDM1 remade in the Quake 3 style by . It uses mostly Quake style textures and there are no ladders (as there are none in Quake 3 ). So it uses platforms and stairs instead. It also includes some Quake sounds. It's a very nice looking map.

You can download KPDM1 Quaked from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.



Mr.Damage | Saturday 13 October 2018 - 05:34 | News | No comments
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Kingpin On Sale At GoG

Kingpin is on sale at for 66% off.


Unfortunately the Steam & button for Kingpin wont show up if it is banned in your country, such as Germany.

It's part of their weekly sale and will be on sale until October 15st, 10 PM UTC.

Mr.Damage | Friday 12 October 2018 - 12:32 | Sale, News | No comments
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Real Life Kingpin Video

Here are some Russian lads playing real life Kingpin.

Mr.Damage | Friday 12 October 2018 - 12:28 | Video, News | No comments

Screens From Thursday Game Of Halloween Mod



Mr.Damage | Friday 12 October 2018 - 07:46 | News | No comments

Latest Version Of QeffectsGL Uploaded

I have uploaded v1.3 of the QeffectsGL wrapper.

OpenGL pseudo-driver (wrapper) that adds some graphical enhancements to OpenGL-based games. You should place opengl32.dll and QeffectsGL.ini to the game executable's directory before running the game. If the game has multiple renderers available (e.g. Half-Life, Unreal), OpenGL renderer must be switched to.

If you want to check out how it looks you can grab the latest version here.



If you want to change back to normal at any time just remove the two files you added.

Mr.Damage | Wednesday 10 October 2018 - 07:45 | News | No comments

New Halloween Death Match Map

I have done a quick remake of the old piss_hole_jnr map for the Halloween mod. The new version os called Halloween Piss Hole.

It's a small one room map that is mayhem with a few people playing.

You can download the map (hw_piss_hole.bsp) from the Halloween server or you can grab it from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.



Mr.Damage | Wednesday 10 October 2018 - 06:55 | News, Map | No comments

Thursday Game Of Halloween Mod 11th Oct.

The Thursday Game this week will be the new Halloween mod. The first hour or so will be Halloween Death Match then the remainder of the night will be Halloween Bagman.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Halloween Mod Server
IP :
Date : Thursday 11th Ocotber
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.

Grab the Halloween client files from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.

Last Sunday we set a new record for number of players in the server with 26 people. Lets smash that record this Thursday :D

Mr.Damage | Wednesday 10 October 2018 - 06:53 | News | No comments

Conversation With Kingpin Level Designer

had a bit of a conversation, via PasteBin, with Alex Mayberry who was one of the level designers for Kingpin. It is quite an interesting read.

You can read it here.

Mr.Damage | Wednesday 10 October 2018 - 00:51 | News | No comments
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Interplay Top 10 List

On their Facebook page Interplay list their current top ten games (I assume from sales figures).

To check out where Kingpin is on the list check out the Interplay Facebook page here.

Mr.Damage | Tuesday 09 October 2018 - 01:52 | News | No comments

Func Train Rotating Tutorials

sent in a couple of func train rotating tutorials for mappers we didn't have so I have added them.

You can check out all the example maps  to help mappers that we host here.

Mr.Damage | Tuesday 09 October 2018 - 01:40 | News | No comments
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v1.21 Patch In Zip Format

sent in the v1.21 Kingpin patch in a zipfile.

So we now host the exe version and a zipfile version.

You only need the v1.21 patch if you are installing the original CD version. The Steam and GoG versions are already patched to v1.21.

So if you plan to install/reinstall Kingpin from the original CD you can download the v1.21 patch, in a zipfile, from here.

Just unzip/extract to your kingpin folder and overwrite the old exisitng files.

Mr.Damage | Tuesday 09 October 2018 - 01:28 | News | 1 comment
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Today's Game Was Streamed Live

streamed some of the Sunday game live on

Mr.Damage | Monday 08 October 2018 - 07:38 | News | No comments
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Screens From Sunday Halloweem Mod Game

Congratulations to everyone wh attended the game as we managed to break our current player record, briefly, of 26 players in the server :)

Also welcome to phred, drproton and organic jerk :) 



Mr.Damage | Monday 08 October 2018 - 07:30 | News | No comments

Kingpin Mapping Tutorial

sent in some mapping tutorials but it looks like we already hosted them.

For setting up the KPRAD editor (that comes with the game) I recommend the mapping for winxp tute which you can download from here.

One change I suggest is:-

In the QERadiant picture in the doco under ‘Views/Rendering’
you will see the 4th one along is selected (the one on the end)
I highly recommend using the 3rd one along.

We also host a zipfile called kp_map_tutorial. This has many mapping tutorials from making a simple one room map to advanced techniques.

You can download that one from here.

We host other mapping tutorials here and example maps here.

Mr.Damage | Sunday 07 October 2018 - 01:52 | News | No comments

Crazy Screenshots

sent in a couple of psychodelic style screenshots from last week's Halloween game.



Mr.Damage | Sunday 07 October 2018 - 01:21 | News | No comments
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Sunday Game Of Halloween Mod

The Sunday Game this week will be the newly released Halloween mod. The first hour or so will be Halloween Hitmen then the remainder of the night will be Halloween Bagman.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Halloween Mod Server
IP :
Date : Sunday 7th Ocotber
Time : 9.00pm UK time/4.00pm EST time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.

If you don't already have them you can grab the Halloween client files from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.

Mr.Damage | Saturday 06 October 2018 - 13:54 | News | 3 comments

Neww GunRace Mod Video

Killa has created a short GunRace mod video from one of our recent games.

You can see all the videos Killa has made from our weekly games here.

Mr.Damage | Saturday 06 October 2018 - 02:25 | News | 1 comment

Kingpin Retro Article

A few days ago I posted about an article discussing the making of Kingpin.

found the article in Retro Gamer and has uploaded some scans of the article.

You can check out the scans here.

He also uploaded pics of the cars used in Kingpin and you can check those out here.

Mr.Damage | Friday 05 October 2018 - 04:53 | News | 1 comment
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Screens From Thursday Game Of Halloween

A big crowd was on hand for the first game of the new Halloween mod.

Welcome to Jyrki who has just discovered Kingpin :)





Mr.Damage | Friday 05 October 2018 - 04:45 | News | No comments

Thursday Game Of Halloween Mod

The Thursday Game this week will be the first game of the new Halloween mod. The first hour or so will be Halloween Death Match then the remainder of the night will be Halloween Bagman.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Halloween Mod Server
IP :
Date : Thursday 4th Ocotber
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.

Grab the Halloween client files from here.

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.

Mr.Damage | Thursday 04 October 2018 - 05:27 | News | No comments

Halloween Mod Client Files Released

The client files for the new Halloween mod have just been released.

They contain the actual Halloween client files and all maps that will be used by the mod.

The major features of the Halloween mod are:--

- New skins for the Pistol and Pistol mods
- New Shotgun skin and new Shotgun ammo model
- New Tommygun skin and new Tommygun ammo model
- New Hmg, Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, and Flamer skins
- New bat ammo (for RL)
- New flame sprite
- New health model
- New adrenaline model
- New armor skins
- New money models - Candy replaces cashrolls and a Thug head replaces money bags
- New Safe model - Pumpkin model
- New team skins (mummy team skins made by
- All Halloween themed skins for Death Match
- New cleaver model
- New custom console background by
- Halloween themed prefabs and alpha textures by

You can download the client files from here. 

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.



Mr.Damage | Thursday 04 October 2018 - 04:52 | News, Mod | No comments
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Beta Of New Death Match Map

I have updated the old Bigroom map that was made by . The old map had a few issues so I decided to update it but not to change too much just to fix it. The new map is currently called Bigroom 2018 beta.

I added some more spawn points and fixed the old ones so you don't spawn facing the wall.

I changed the stairs and middle elevated room so they are both much easier to manoeuvre.

I moved the HMG from the top walk way to the ground floor and made a few other weapon/item placement changes.

Did some minor texture changes and architectural changes.

You can download Bigroom 2018 beta from here.



The new map is rotating on the Luschen Gunrace+bots server - IP

and the Luschen Botmatch server - IP

Mr.Damage | Wednesday 03 October 2018 - 05:34 | Map, News | No comments
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The Cars Used In Kingpin

I never realised that some of the bikes and cars used in Kingpin were based on real life models.

You can check out the makes of some of them at this page here. 

Mr.Damage | Tuesday 02 October 2018 - 13:36 | News | No comments

The Making Of Kingpin Life Of Crime

Here is an interesting article from earlier this year about the making of Kingpin. It discusses how it was made, who was invloved, and why it was so controversial at the time.

Check the article out here.

They also have another article on Kingpin called The Influences of Kingpin.

Check that one out here.

It seems the game Dan Koppel envisioned was quite different from the one that was released.

Mr.Damage | Tuesday 02 October 2018 - 13:25 | News | No comments

Halloween Mod Update

Here are some screens from some of the maps that have been remade by , plus one remake and a new map by me, for the soon to be released Haloween mod.









Mr.Damage | Monday 01 October 2018 - 11:20 | News | 2 comments
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Screens From Sunday Bagman Game

Nice to see Sailor return :)



Mr.Damage | Monday 01 October 2018 - 11:12 | News | No comments