Tag overview for: 'fredz'
Entries on this site with 'fredz'
- Hi Res Models Pack Released
Fredz has released a hi res model pack containing most models. He has also released the source files. From Fredz: It will update most models except the models what mostly
- Two Games Magazines Added
Fredz has uploaded two old PC Gamer magazines (both feature Kingpin reviews of course plus plenty of other reviews and game info from 1999). The magazines are Ultimate PC
- Jackbot Bots Uploaded
Fredz has uploaded
- Hires Texture Pack Updated
Fredz has updated his hires texture pack. Updated the texture pack (all png upscaled 4x see readme.txt for more info) You can download the pack from here . Don't forget yo
- Fredz Updating Shotgun & Ammo
Fredz is currently updating the shotgun and shotgun ammo boxes. Here are some screens of the WIP. The first screen shows on left pickup model, middle new model, right firs
- Player Model Fix For Standard Player Models Update.
Fredz has done a small update to the fixes for the thug, runt & bitch models zip file. The w_heavy machinegun.mdx for the thug had the wrong skin so he has fixed it and up
- Hi Res Skins For Thug, Runt & Bitch
Fredz has created hires versions of all the standard skins for the thug, runt and bitch models (and also the dog, rat and shrimp!). Every texture is upscaled with 4x. Unti
- Player Model Fix For Standard Player Models.
Fredz has done some fixes for the thug, runt & bitch models. 1. I removed all the double vertices out of models (Expect body.mdx and legs.mdx would give problems with hitb
- New Player Model - Female Chubby
Fredz has released a new female player model called Chubby. It is based on the standard female chick model. As the name suggests it's a chubby female (we already had the m
- Male Snowman Player Model
Fredz has released the male_snowman model, he originally made for the Xmas Crash mod, for general death match play. The model is based on the male thug model, has 4 skins
- Thug Floor Mod Released
Fredz and Hypov8 have released the files for their ThugFloor mod. The ThugFloor mod is based on the Killing Floor PC Game. using all of the Kingpin characters from the sin
- Summer Mod Server Files Updated.
FREDZ has uploaded the latest Summer Mod Server Files that Hypov8 has recently updated to v1.00d. Updates are:- -some models fixed -some bugs fixed -more spray paint The S
- Ryan Feltrin Interview Added
Fredz has added an interview from Ryan "Ridah" Feltrin from 2000. Amongst other things he talks about how he fought a crocodile on a famous movie set and also a competitio
- J.A.C.K Kingpin Addon Updated
Fredz has updated the Kingpin addon for the J.A.C.K Level Editor. You can download older versions of J.A.C.K (including Linux version) and the Kingpin addon from here. Jus
- Missing Ski Mask
Fredz found out there was going to be a ski mask head model for the thug but it was left out of the final release.
- Original Multiplayer Team Names In Kingpin
Fredz has been doing a lot of digging into the differences between the demo and other early versions of Kingpin compared to the final released version. One of the many thi
- Differences Between Kingpin Demo And Released Version
Fredz has been doing some research and found some interesting model and skin differences in the Kingpin Demo that were changed for the final release. The pipe model and sk
- ref_gl patch
ref_gl patch to Increased drawing distance by 2(maximum) settings. Thx for elfor for suggestion. Left picture is new situation and right is old situation without patch. It
- Utomik Adds Kingpin
Utomik is a subscription game streaming service. Utomik is your unlimited PC gaming subscription. Play games fast, after downloading a small part. Fredz found out that Uto
- Our Sixth Aniversary
It is six years since Fredz set up Kingpin.info. On 2nd February 2016 we went live. Thanks to everyone who visits whether you are new to the site, have been coming for a f
- Two More Drew Markham Interviews Uploaded
Fredz has uploaded two more interviews with Drew Markham from February 1999. In the first one there is an answer where he talks about what weapons they were planning to in
- Two Old Developer Interviews Added
Fredz has uploaded two more interviews. One is with Ryan Feltrin from August 1999 and the other is with Drew Markham from January 1999. The Drew Markham one is especially
- Fredz Has Updated His Server Browser
Fredz has updated his Kingpin server browser to v0.3. Whats new in v0.3:- -Based on newer and lasted source code from Gloom Server Browser by r1ch -You can now maximize th
- New Kingpin Server Browser
There is another new server browser for Kingpin just called Kingpin Server Browser. This is a program made by Richard Stanway , who made it opensource, and then Fredz conv
- Downloads Fixed
Fredz has fixed the downloads and a few other remaining issues. So everything should be back to normal now :)
- Kingpin Info Issues
If you tried to log in yesterday you would have gotten the error message "Your connection isn't private" due to some problem with an SSL certificate. Fredz has already fix
- Godfather Mod Updated
Hypov8 has added antilag to the old Godfather mod and release Godfather 1.7a. Fredz has created a Linux version. Godfather is a DM style mod but is unique in that it has l
- KPCMF Map Finder Updated
Fredz has updated the kpcmf map finder utility to ver15. Changes are:- Added sky check for winrefl Changed website address. Removed old File_ID.diz editor (gives problems
- Kingpin.info 5th Anniversary
February 1st is the 5th anniversary of kingpin.info. On that day back in 2016 Fredz opened the site and we made our first news posts about a new map and other tech stuff a
- Two Ryan Feltrin Interviews added
Fredz has uploaded two interviews with Ryan Feltrin from August and November 1999. You can check them out here:- August 99 November 99 In the November interview he says th
- Lost Drew Markham Interview From Feb. 1999
Fredz has found, and uploaded, a lost Drew Markham interview from Feb 1999 talking about the upcoming title Kingpin :) It contains a few interesting answers. Check it out
- Bulgarian Magazine Kingpin Review
Fredz has uploaded the August 1999 copy of the Bulgarian PC games magazine PC Mania. It includes a Kingpin review from page 16. Check it out here. You can see all the King
- Xmas Crash Mod
Fredz , Captain Death , and Killa have created a Christmas version of the Crash Squad Mod. It's like the normal Crash mod but with an Xmas theme. Hopefully we will have th
- Player Model Screenshots Added
Fredz has added screenshots of all of the custom player models to the relevant download pages. Check them all out here:- Male Player Models Female Player Models You can do
- Player Model Frames Information
Fredz has created a page here at kingpin.info that details all the Player Model Frames information to help modelers who are creating custom player models for Kingpin. It l
- Gangster Cars Prefabs Updated For KPRAD
Fredz has converted the Ganster Cars Prefabs, made by Roarkes and Roarke , for use with KPRAD or TrenchBroom. So you can now use them with any mapeditor. Grab the KPRAD o
- Compile Line Parameters For Mappers
Fredz has created a new page full of different command line parameters for mappers when compiling their maps using KPRad. For testing purposes and changing lighting effect
- New Bagman Map - Team Anubis
Jonez has now released his latest Bagman map called Team Anubis. It's a great looking, Egyptian themed, medium sized Bagman map. It uses all custom textures and several n
- Trenchbroom And Netradiant Now Both Have Kingpin Support Built In
The map editors TrenchBroom & NetRadiant both now support Kingpin. Fredz has updated our download links with the latest builds. Check them out here:- TrenchBroom NetRadian
- New Mod On The Way - Thug Floor
Fredz and Hypov8 are working on a new mod based on the game Killing Floor called Thug Floor. The idea is that players face 10 waves of enemy AI in each map. Each wave of
- TrenchBroom for Kingpin Updated
Since Trenchbroom can not load MDX models or multiple models and textures i created this md2 addon, so that all the errors and gone and you can see every model. I seprate
- Converting Models From MDX To MD2
Fredz has created a simple tutorial on converting a model from MDX to MD2 format using MDX Viewer. Check it out here.
- Instructions For Payday 2 Thug
Fredz has created some step by step instructions on how to get the ported Kingpin Thug working in Payday 2. You can check out the instructions here. We now host all the r
- More Mod Source Codes Added
Fredz has added more source codes for some rare mods. Natural Born Killers by {GT}TheGhost I think NBK is a mod with bots Botmatch Files for the Botmatch bot files. Quake2
- Summer Mod Released
The Summer Mod 1.00b beta has been released. The Summer mod is a summer themed mod with all new weapons, sounds and player skins. The mod is made by Fredz , Hypov8 and
- Summer Mod Update
Fredz and Hypov8 are working away on the Summer Mod. In case this is the first time you are hearing about the mod it is a summer themed mod with all new weapons, soun
- Mapping Video Tutes
Fredz has added Hypo's video tutorial on making trees in Radiant to the Tutorials/Mapping section in the Menu on the left hand side of the page. It joins Hypo's other vide
- 4th Deathmatch Map
4th is a simple deathmatch map converted from Duke3D by Fredz and later updated by DirtyDawg . It's a small to medium sized map, has several areas, and uses Duke3D texture
- Midnighht Massacre Mod UpDated
Fredz has updated the Midnight Massacre mod to ver 1.5 (Windows only no Linux). Midnight Massacre is an old mod originally made by the Atrophy Team. Midnight Massacre basi
- Single Player Random Map Generator
OBLIGE is a single player random level generator for the classic FPS games 'DOOM' and 'HERETIC'. The goal was to produce high quality levels which are fun to play. One ver
- Sunday Game Of New Mod - Easter Mod
Fredz , with help from various other people, has created a new Easter mod. A lot of things in the mod are Easter themed of course. The items and weapons in the map are rep
- Team Octagon2005 Beta2 Bagman Map.
Here is yet another Octagon themed Bagman map that Fredz had in his Kingpin install. This one is Octagon2005 Beta2 by an unknown author. It's a smaller, simple, version o
- Five Newskool Servers Added To 333Networks
Monkey Harris has added five of his Newskool Kingpin servers to the 333Networks master server website. 333Networks If anyone is thinking of running a server and wants it t
- Crystal Towers Deathmatch Map By Fredz
Here is a re-textured version of the KPDM5 map called Crystal Towers made by Fredz . Fredz has replaced the blue Central Towers textures with the red ones. He has also ad
- Def and FGD Updated
I have updated the Def and FGD ( F orge G ame D ata) files for Kingpin. Those are entites files for Map editors in Kingpin. Most people that making maps where using whoop_
- NetRadiant for Kingpin
I added Kingpin support to NetRadiant. NetRadiant is a fork of the now defunct GtkRadiant 1.5 editor what is based on QERadiant (KPRadiant) and later on Q3Radiant. You can
- TrenchBroom for Kingpin
I added Kingpin support to Trenchbroom. TrenchBroom is a cross platform level editor for Quake-engine based games. It supports Quake, Quake 2, and Hexen 2 and now also Kin
- J.A.C.K. Kingpin
Added Kingpin support to J.A.C.K.: Level Editor You can also download it here on kingpin.info aswell. Also the Linux version is available. Just install jack and then insta
- Interplay Press Kit From 1999
Fredz found a link to an Interplay Press Kit from Feb/March of 1999. This is a press-kit containing information on upcoming and existing games from Interplay around Februa
- Four Interviews Added
Fredz has uploaded four more interviews from some of hte Kingpin developers. Method conducted all the interviews and they were done in 2004 and 2005. Those being interview
- New File Format Tutorials
Fredz has created a new addition to the Tutorials Section in the Menu area. This one features information on different file formats and has three entries so far - BSP , MD
- Kingpin In Other Games - L4D2
Back in 2009 Fredz remade the KPDM5 Central Towers map for Left For Dead (L4D). Now someone has taken that version and ported it to L4D2. You can check it out here.
- Another Interview With Kingpin Level Designer
Fredz has uploaded an interview with John W. Anderson (aka Dr. Sleep) from just before Kingpin was released. It's another interesting read. Check it out here. He also uplo
- Kingpin Retro Article
A few days ago I posted about an article discussing the making of Kingpin. Fredz found the article in Retro Gamer and has uploaded some scans of the article. You can check
- Online DMFlags Calculator
Following on from the release of Hypov8's DMFLgs Calculator Fredz has now created an online DMFlags Calculator. He has added it to the Tutorials Section in the Menu, liste
- Halloween Mod Update
Fredz has been tweaking the Halloween mod. He has been updating the bats that are fired by the Rocket Launcher and tweaking a few other things. Killa has converted 5 or 6
- Mew Mod On The Way
Just a heads up letting you know that Fredz is working on a new mod for Kingpin. No details yet but he hopes to have it ready by Halloween :)
- Screens Of Beta Bagman Map
Killa is currently remaking an old Bagman map called Team Desert Battle which was converted to Kingpin by Fredz . Here are soem screens from the current beta. You can help
- New Death Match Map 4 Shades
Fredz has released a new death match map called 4 Shades. It is a smallish map set outdoors in a forest area. There are many trees, a shack, a broken down Kingpin platform
- New Textures For Mappers
Fredz has created a new texture pack for mappers. The texture pack is made up of 256 basic colour textures. So for example there are 64 textures that transition from black
- New Mapping Tools
Fredz has uploaded some more tools for mappers. Surface generator - for generating stairs and hallways etc Grab it here. Gensurf - for generating uneven surfaces Grab it h
- Beta Of Another New Bagman Map
Fredz has now released a beta of his new Bagman Map Team Doom3. The map is a medium to large Bagman map based on Doom3. The bases are fairly straight forward and the Team'
- Screenshots of Upcoming Bagman Map
Fredz has just started work on a new Bagman map which will be called Team Doom. It's based on Doom3 :) Here are a couple of early screenshots.
- RioTZ Mod
RioTZ is a mod that doesn't get much attention really. It's been around for a long time and went through a major transformation when version2 was released. So what I have
- Custom Avatars In Comments Section
Fredz has added the option to use a custom Avatar when you add a comment to a news post. Added the option to change your picture. You need to register your email at: https
- V1.60 Xmas Mod Server Files released
Monkey Harris has released the Xmas Mod v1.60 Server files for both Windows and Linux. There are a heap of fixes and updates which you can read about in the included histo
- Sky Info For Mappers
Fredz has created a tutorial for mappers that describes which is the best of the default Kingpin skies to use in your maps. It shows an example of the seven default Kingpi
- Xmas Source Maps Uploaded
Fredz has uploaded the source map files for all the maps he made for the Xmas mod. Now other mappers can check them out. You can download them from here.
- XMas CTF Mod Client Files Released
Captain Death has released the client files for the Xmas CTF mod. Capture The Flag Christmas Mod is a merger between Colors - Capture The Flag and Xmas mods. The gameplay
- Small Update To Gamespy Lite.
Fredz has made another small update to the Gamespy Lite server browser. The chat in Gamespy Lite (#kingpin) has been linked to [M]s Kingpin chat room. So if you type somet
- Mancer 2 Death Match Map
Mancer 2 is a map which is also a conversion/remake from Duke Nukem 3D and was a collaboration between Fredz and Whoop Ass . Mancer 2 is a small death match map. The main
- Mancers Death Match Map
Mancers is a map Fredz converted from Duke Nukem 3D using Build Map Converter Programs. It's a smallish, fun, death match map which has six player spawns and uses a combin
- Another Kingpin Laptop Intel Graphics Fix
If you are having problems getting Kingpin to work on a laptop that has Intel graphics card try these fixes:- Download the GLDirect utility from here and copy the opengl32
- Latest Build Map Converter Uploaded
Fredz has uploaded the most recent version of Acc 's Build Map Converter. It is an utility program which allows you to convert Build Games' maps to Kingpin. Games include
- Contact Us Button Added
Fredz has added a Contact Us Button in the Menu Section. If you look to the left at the bottom of the Menu section you will see an Envelope Icon. Click on it and you can t
- French Manual Now Hosted
Fredz has found the French version of the Kingpin manual and has uploaded it. You can download it from here. Dont forget we also host the French Kingpin sounds. This repla
- Source Files Released For KPrespatch
Fredz has released the source files for his little Kingpin high resolution utility called kprespatch. You can download the source files from here.
- Fredz Website Hosted
Fredz has uploaded his Kingpin Fredz website to Kingpin Info. It includes all his maps, mods and tutorials. He will be updating it as soon as he finds time after settign u
- Kingpin Info Is One Year Old
It's now one year since Fredz opened the doors here at Kingpin Info. The first news post was made on 1st Feb. 2016. It's been a busy year since we opened here. Lots of new
- V1.51 Of XMAS Mod Released
Fredz has released an update of the XMAS Mod client files. The new version is v1.51. The new version includes more new Christmas themed weapon and ammo skins and sounds. Y
- New XMAS Mod Client Files Released
Fredz has now released v1.5 of the XMAS mod client files. If you already have an xmas folder in Kingpin just delete it befroe installing the new version. You can download
- XMAS Mod Being Updated
Currently Monkey Harris and Fredz are working on updating the XMAS mod to v1.5. Changes so far are:- - Upgraded mod to monkey mod 2.0 thanks to Monkey Harris - Added some
- Important Kingpin Milestone Dates
Fredz has created a page with some important milestone dates for Kingpin such as when the demo was released, when the actual game was released and when the patches were re
- Aztec 3D Modelling Tool Added
Fredz has uploaded the latest version of Aztec 3D. This is the program used to make Quake2 models and I assume it can be used to convert Quake 2 models to Kingpin. You can
- Two Bagman Maps Added To Archive
When Fredz was putting together the complete Bagman maps map pack he found some maps we didn't feature here individually. Here are a couple of them. Team Block Party (cur
- Massive Bagman Map Pack
Now that Fredz has finished checking and/or fixing all the Bagman map zipfiles we host here at Kingpin Info he has now put all the Bagman maps into one giant mappack. The
- Bagman Map Zipfiles
Fredz has been doing a lot of work in the last few days checking all the zipfiles of all the Bagman maps we host here at kingpin.info. He has been making sure they have al
- Kingpin 3D Printer Creations
Fredz has made replicas of the crowbar and dog from Kingpin using a 3D Printer. If you want to create them yourselves you can grab the .stl files from here.
- Kingpin Server Browsers
Just a reminder about the Kingpin server browsers that are available so you can find servers to play online :) The two main ones are Gamespylite and [M] Server Browser. Ga
- Coding Tutorials
Fredz has created some tutorials on coding for Kingpin. The tutorials cover which tools to use and how to use them, how to remove single player code and even how to make a
- New Bagman Map Team Woods 2016
As I posted a while ago, Fredz asked Hypov8 to complete his Team Woods beta map. Hypov8 has finished working on the map and it is now released. Team Woods 2016 is a mirror
- Hulk Thug Skin
Fredz has found another Hulk skin for the thug model. That makes three different Hulk skins now. Unfortunately the skin Fredz found uses the same skin names as an existing
- Comp Mod Source Uploaded
Fredz has uploaded the source code for the old comp mod version 1.3. You can grab it from here.
- Game File Explorer Uploaded
Fredz has uploaded Game File Explorer. GFE is a game resource file viewer and ripper that supports many different formats including PAK and TGA files. Main features:
- More Tutorials
Fredz has put together some more Tutorials that cover gameplay and the console. They are very informative. The gameplay ones cover the weapons, maps and strafe jumping. Th
- Further Update For Gamespylite
Fredz has done a further update to the GamespyLite Kingpin server browser. He has fixed the chat so it now works too. So now all the features of Gamespylite now work again
- More Demos Added
Fredz has added two more demos of a player doing some nice jumps in KPDM1 and KPDM5. You can grab the demos here:- goox2dm1.dm2 goox2dm5.dm2 Thesetwo demos need to be extr
- New Tutorials for Installation and Setup of Kingpin
Fredz has written two tutorials on the Installation and Setup of Kingpin. These tutorials are very in-depth and thorough and are an interesting read even if you already ha
- Kingpin Demos
Fredz has uploaded three demos of a player completing the KiT (Kingpin Intensive Training) map Kit+ by Mantis . KiT maps are like obstacle course maps with lots of trick j
- Kingpin Official Missing Stuff
Some of you may know about this already but for those of you who don't - Fredz put together a webpage that highlights all the stuff that was left out of the final version
- Kingpin Gamespylite
Just a reminder that the server browser that comes with most editions of Kingpin, Gamespylite , was updated by Fredz a while ago and so it works again. Originally it stopp
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