Def and FGD Updated

I have updated the Def and FGD (Forge Game Data) files for Kingpin. Those are entites files for Map editors in Kingpin.

Most people that making maps where using whoop_def file or just the orginale def file that game with the map editor. Allot enties are there misssing or broken.  already figured that out with his SPMOD and entity guide. Where mostly these new def files are also based on. Just see the readme.txt for more info.

Mine def file come's in 2 shapes: (multi def files) (1 file)

If you using radiant make sure there is a def file in kprad\*.def for example: kprad\kingpin.def

I also updated NetRadiant kingpin package with the new def file.

TrenchBroom model

The FGD files are also based on the def file just checked manualy and got new options like showing diffrent models and selecting options as showed in the picture above.

I also update the TrenchBroom package with the new fgd file and some options in the cfg and including a picture how to setup compiling. (Update)
It seems a new version of TrenchBroom came out and you need new cfg file for it:

The fgd file come's also in 2 shapes: (multi def files) (1 file)

Some entites got missing models you can download that package here. (For example teleporter models)

FREDZ Friday 08 March 2019 - 12:10 | News
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