Russian Kingpin Video
If you want to hear how the Russian version of Kingpin: Life of crime sounds then check this video out.
If you want to hear how the Russian version of Kingpin: Life of crime sounds then check this video out.
The Thursday Game this week will be an hour or so of Instagib then the remainder of the night will be the Crasjh Mod.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Instagib
IP :
Date : Thursday30th August
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time\4.30pm EST time
Server : Newskool Crash Squad
IP :
Date : Thursday 30th August
Time : 22.30 (10.30pm) UK time/5.30pm EST time
If you don't have the CRASH Mod client files you can download them from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location (kingpin/crash).
If you don't know about the Crash mod you can read all about it here.
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here.
I found another version of the Reckless Abandon map. This one is by {420}Mayhem.
Reckless Abandon is a conversion of a famous Quake 2 map and we now host three different versions of it.
You can download {420}Mayhem's version (reckless.bsp) from here.
Just extract/unxip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
To check out which version you think is the best grab the other two from here:-
Just letting anyone who does'nt already know that there is a Discord server for Kingpin and its called
You can text chat, voice chat, post videos, screenshots, links to Kingpin files etc.
You can join via the Menu section on the left of the front page.
Just click on Chat and then Discord and you are there.
Alternatively you can join via this direct link here - Discord
The Sunday game this week will be the Bagman mod on the USA East Coast Snitch Slappa server.
Game details:-
Server : East Coast Snitch Slappa
IP :
Date : Sunday 26th August
Time : 9pm UK time/4pm EST time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
Some different maps are in the map rotation this chsoen by Xanarki.
Maybe we can fill the server this week :)
Deadlock had the same issues as the female player model Sydney did. That is that some of her weapon skins didn't show up in game.
Elfor has also fixed those issue for Deadlock and put together a new zipfile for the model.
Deadlock is basically the same model as Sydney except Sydney uses custom viewable weapons and Deadlock uses standard Kingpin viewable weapons.
There are a large number of custom skins for the model included in the zipfile.
You can download the updated Deadlock player model from here.
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
There were some issues with the Female Sydney model where some of her weapon skins didn't show up in game.
Elfor has fixed those issues and put together a new zipfile for the model.
The model was convertted from Quake2, many years ago, and uses Quake2 and other custom weapons. So you don't see the normal Kingpin weapons being used by her but custom ones.
The zipfile also containe all known custom skisn for the model and there are a ton of them.
You can download the updated Sydney player model from here.
Just a reminder that elfor put together a zipfle for the Luschen Botmatch server that contains all the maps in rotation as well as all the custom models and skins that the bots use.
You can download the Luschen Botmatch zipfile from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
There has been a lot of action on the Botmatch server recently so why not download the zipfile and head on over and join the server :)
Server details:-
Server : Luschen Botmatch Server
IP :
Maxclients : 18
You can see how your stats are going for the current month by checking out the player stats page here.
Had a game in the Luschen Botmatch server today and twleve people turned up.
There is talk there will be another game tomorrow :)
The Thursday Games this week will be half an hour or so of Catch the Chicken and then the remainder of the night will be the GunRace Mod beta on Goat's server.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Chicken Catch
IP :
Date : Thursday 23rd Augustt
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST Time
Just extract all files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations (kingpin/gunrace_b1).
All aboard for the Thursday madness :D
Here we are testing the latest build of the gunRace mod with bots. It's bot madness :)
Acc has released an updated version of his Dark Woods Shrine death match map. He has fixed the issue with the custom sky not downlaoding from servers.
The map is a small to medium sized deathmatch map that is a conversion of "House of Wang" map from Shadow Warrior.
You can download Dark Woods Shrine Final from here.
The Sunday Games this week will be half an hour or so of Catch the Chicken to start the night of with some chicken madness and then the remainder of the night will be Bagman on Killa's Bagman server.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Chicken Catch
IP :
Date : Sunday 19th August
Time : 9pm UK time/4pm EST Time
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Date : Sunday 19th August
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
Elfor has put a map-pack together containing all the custom co-op maps that run on the Luschen co-op server.
Just in case you don't know co-op is playing the singleplayer maps, with others, in co-operative mode.
You can download the co-op map-pack from here.
Luschen COOP Server details:-
We found one bug when testing the new random weapon mode on Thursday. Once that is fixed we should be able to release GunRace v1.0 :)
Suzie and E5150 won a lot of the games but I did manage to win just one :)
In a rush of activity, not only has a random weapon mode been implemented, but Hypov8 has now added bot support to the GunRace mod.
We just finished testing it and it works great. Soon you will be able to play GunRace 24/07 and when no one is around you can play against bots :D
Here is a screenshot from the alpha version of Fredz's upcoming Halloween mod.
My new death match map, Tsunami, has been added to the Luschen Botmatch server so you can check it out there while playing against bots (and maybe a couple of real players).
Server details:-
Server : Luschen Botmatch Server
IP :
Maxclients : 18
You can download Tsunami from here.
The Thursday games this week will be an hour or more of GunRace random weapon mode on Goat's server then the remainder of the night will Bagman on Killa's server.
Server Details:-
Just extract all files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations (kingpin/gunrace_b1).
Get there a few minutes early so it's all guns blazing at 9.30pm :)
Hypov8 and Goat have completed the random weapon mode and we did some testing last night. Goat is just fixing a couple of little things and then the mod should be ready for v1.0.
I have released a new death match map called Tsunami.
Tsunami is a small, arena style, death match map that is a tidal wave of action and fun :)
It is set in some king of container yard.There are three shipping containers spread around the yard that you can climb up on to get items.
There is a small building you can enter, a lower walkway with cracked pipes and a small side area with a dumpster and the Heavy Machine Gun (HMG).
There are thirteen player spawns and ample weapons and items.
I also used some of Roarkes' great Graffiti textures in the map.
You can download Tsunami from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they wil lbe placed in the correct locations.
Thanks to everyone who tested the beta version on Sunday.
The Halloween mod that Fredz is working on is coming along.
He has implemented an axe to replace the crowbar and new bat ammo for the rocket launcher.
If anyone would like to make a Halloween themed map for the mod Fredz has released a new def file for mappers. It includes the new axe and the new rl ammo.
You can download the new def file from here.
Just unzip the file to your Kingpin folder and it will be placed into kingpin/kprad.
You will then be able to place the axe and bat ammo into your map.
We are nearly there guys.
Hypov8 and Goat are just finishing off the random weapon order mode at the moment.
"weaponorder" has 3 modes, 1 default, 2 reverse and 3 random.
Its random generated on map load. So every game will be different.
Check out the GunRace webpage here.
Pale streamed some of Sunday's game on
The first part of the video he is playing an old NES game but if you move to 03:13:00 he starts playing Kingpin.
Check it out here.
A few weeks ago 0xA5EA put up a Poll at the KingpinQ3 website basically asking whether the project should keep going.
If you like the idea of KingpinQ3 which is:-
Our goal is to merge Kingpin's unique atmosphere and gameplay with the capabilites of a singinificantly modified Id-Tech3 engine. The Id-Tech3 engine was released under the GPL a few years ago and KingpinQ3 is based on this engine.
then why not take a few seconds to go over there and vote in the Poll.
You can check it out here.
The Sunday Games this week will be half an hour or so of Death Match to get the blood really pumping and then the remainder of the night will be Bagman on The Newskool Bagman server.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Fragfest
IP :
Date : Sunday 12th August
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time\4.00pm EST time
Server : Sunday Bagman
IP :
Date : Sunday 12th August
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time\4.30pm EST time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here.
Why not get there 5 or 10 minutes early so thee is a massive crowd there by the time the game starts :)
Just a heads up letting you know that Fredz is working on a new mod for Kingpin. No details yet but he hopes to have it ready by Halloween :)
Captain Death has released a new version of his Multi Patch Utility.
You can get all the details from his his website here.
Alternately you can downlaod it from Kingpin Info here.
Make sure you read the readme first and please note it doesn't work for the Steam version of Kingpin.
The Thursday Game thsi week will be an hour or so of Instagib then the remainder of the night will be Capture the Flag mod.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool Instagib
IP :
Date : Thursday 9th August
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time\4.30pm EST time
Server : Newskool CTF
IP :
Date : Thursday 9th August
Time : 22.30 (10.30pm) UK Time/5.30pm EST Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here.
Here is a crazed looking Thug skin, called Fashion, that was made by Woody back in 1999.
It's a Thug wearing brand name clothes (Nike and Adidas).
You can download the Fashion skin from here.
Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Easiest way to select these skins is to:-
Pull down the console (tilde key ~)
Type in :-
skin "male_thug/cof nik adi"
The Sunday Games this week will be half an hour or so of Death Match and then the remainder of the night will be Bagman on Killa's server.
Server Details:-
Server : Sundays Death Match Game
IP :
Date : Sunday 5th August
Time : 9pm UK time/4pm EST Time
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Date : Sunday 5th August
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
I think it's time for another big crowd :)
A Thug skin of Skeletor from Masters of the Universe.
You can downlaod Skeletor skin from here.
Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Easiest way to select these skins is to:-
Pull down the console (tilde key ~)
Type in :-
skin "male_thug/skl skl skl"
The Thursday Game this week will be an hour or so of Hitmen on Killa's server and then the remainder of the night will be the GunRace Mod beta on Goat's server.
Server Details:-
Just extract all files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations (kingpin/gunrace_b1).
Don't worry if you haven't played in these weekly games before - come along and join in the fun - you will be made to feel most welcome :)
Monkey Harris has released version 4 of the KPDED2 Enhanced Server file. It's now out of beta :)
The KPDED2 file allows you to run dedicated public servers. In your server shortcut you just replace the kingpin.exe with the kpded2.exe.
KPDED2 fixes a number of bugs and security holes and also adds many new improvements.
The zipfile contains a very comprehensive readme which you should read.
The readme does include some suggested Quick Start settings and most of the new default settings are fine so you wont need to change/add too many commands to your server.cfg file.
The main changes in the new version are:-
improved download speed management (new "sv_bandwidth" config option)
support for the latest Monkey Harris's Kingpin Patch's compression feature.
added a "fixfilenames" command on Linux to make it easy to convert filenames to lowercase on Linux servers.
You can downloAd the KPDED2 files from here:-