The game this Thursday is death match on the Newskool Fragfest server starting at 9.30pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool Fragfest
IP :
Date : Thursday 1st June
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm in the UK.
Acc is working on a new multiplayer bot for Kingpin. He has called it Jackbot and it's based on the ACE bot source code.
He is still in the early stages and there is a lot of work to be done but there is a download available so you can get a look at progress so far.
Check out progress here.
Here is my new death match map which is the latest in the Frag'N'Die series of maps.
It's called Immortal Combat (fragndie6.bsp) and is a smallish map that uses just about all custom textures (mostly from Daikatana).
It has a main courtyard area, with a ledge around the edge and walkways up to higher platforms where the HMG and some armour is.
There are four sets of stairs stairs leading down from the courtyard into two lower rooms.
The map features screenshots of many of the current players who play in the Thursday night games.
It has ample weapons and items and twelve player spawns.
Hypov8 helped out with the map by designing the courtyard floor and one of two other things.
You can download Immortal Combat from here.
Here is one of Hypov8 earlier maps called Get Some Air In Dav's Room.
It's set in his bedroom and it is a huge room and the players are very small.
Its like you are a mouse runing around a HUGE room because of the size of the enviroment, i have also lowered the gravity to make it a fun map :)
You can download Dav's Room from here.
The Sunday Bagman game this week will be on Killa's Bagman server starting at 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Date : Sunday 28th May
Time : 9pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
Who will steal the money money this week?
Haha don't answer the phone :)
[DKC]Dodge let me know he has been updating the [DKC] clan website. He has been updating links and adding a couple of downloads and that he is still working on it.
He is also trying to find old DKC clan members and get them back in the game :)
You can check out the [DKC] clan site here.
(K9)Cipher has set up a new Forum site which features a Kingpin forum.
The Forums are called Wireplay (yes like the old ones) and the Kingpin forum is in the Retro Gaming section.
So why not go register and make a few posts there. Maybe you will meet some old friends from the days when Wireplay were one of the busiest forums around.
Check it out here.
Here is a skin for the thug model based on a character from Unreal Tournament.
The skin is called Grail and is a conversion of the Necris Phayder assassin in UT. The skin was made by DziQ
You can download the grail thug skin from here.
or if you prefer download the Monster Skins Pack which contains the Grail skin from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder.
Thursday's game this week is the Hitmen mod starting at 9.30pm UK time on Killa's server.
**Please note the start time has changed and is now 9.30pm UK time**
Details :-
Server : Thursday Hitmen Game
IP :
Date : Thursday 25th May
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
If you need the Gamespylite Kingpin server browser you can download it here.
If you haven't played in a while Hitmen is the perfect way to ease back into the game :)
I have uploaded a monster skins pack of thug, runt and bitch skins.
It is the skins from all other skin packs and any other skins I could find. It's about 142mg of skins.
It covers from 1999 right up to now as I inlcuded the new Duke Nukem skin released only a few days ago.
It's not all skins problaby as there have been so many and some of the skin names will be different from the ones you may already have. This is because so many different skins shared the same names sigh.
I included a readme with info on a small amount of the skins (skin names, author and how to select them).
You can download the monster skins pack from here.
Just unzip the files to your kingpin folder and the files will be placed in the correct locations.
However if you already have a lot of skins and don't want to overwrite the ones you have because a few might have the same name but be different skins do the following:-
Unzip the files to your desktop. This will create a main folder on your desktop with the skins inside.
Go to where you have Kingpin installed and open your Kingpin folder.
Copy the main folder from your desktop to your Kingpin folder.
Click on yes when asked to merge folders.
When the skins start to copy click on 'Don't copy' and tick 'Do this for the next xxxx conflicts'.
Then only the skins you don't have will be installed.
Then just delete the main folder you placed on your desktop.
I have just finished updating my Mr Damage Maps Site.
I have added some of the latest maps I have worked on and created two more map-packs so most of my maps are now included in map-packs.
You can checkout Mr Damage Maps here.
Acc has released his conversion of the classic Duke Nukem level called Hollywood Holocaust. He had to make a few changes due to the difference in phsysics between the two games otherwise it is the same.
It is medium to large map set in a Hollywood street and inside a movie theatre. The map uses a mixture of standard and custom textures.
From the readme:-
The level contains 16 deathmatch spawn points (+1 single player start point), 4 Tommy machineguns, 3 shotguns, 1 heavy machinegun, 3 packs of pistol mods (complete with rate of fire, magnum mod and reload mod), 1 grenade launcher and 1 flamethrower.
To find the cooling mod you'll have to see James Cagney (if you don't know who that is Google it).
Acc also included Kraze bot routes in the zipfile. Check the readme for information on how he did the conversion.
You can download Hollywood Holocaust from here.
Just unzip all the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
The Sunday Bagman game this week will be on Monkey Harris's UK server.
Game details:-
Server : Sunday Bagman
IP :
Date : Sunday 21st May
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
See you there :)
I have updated the Japanese Skin Pack we host which features skins for the thug, runt and bitch models.
It was in an installer exe so I have changed it to a zipfile now.
I also fixed two of the skins that didn't work because they were 2mg in size instead of 30kbs.
I removed all the non exclusive Japanese skins that are available elsewhere
I had to rename a few of the skins as the names clashed with existing skins.
I added a readme with all the skin names with an attempt to match as many up as possible as not all skins had the same name for head, body and legs.
There are many complete skins but also several loose heads, bodies and legs.
There are some manga bitch heads which is very interesting to see in Kingpin and there are some very colourful runt skins. There is also a wide range of thug skins.
You can download the Japanese skin pack from here.
Just extract all files to your kingpin folder.
To go along with his upcoming Hollywood Holocaust death match map Acc has released a new Duke Nukem skin for the thug model. The zipfile for this one is called dukeclassic.
You can download Duke Classic thug skin from here.
We also host several other Duke Nukem skins for the thug model:-
duke by jigsaw jihad
dukem by unkown author
There is also another version of the dukem one that includes union jack boxer shorts that was made by stone_gb
union jack duke
There is also a Duke Nukem skin for the Male Blade custom model in the Blade skins pack.
Male Blade Model
Male Blade Skins Pack
All the above zipfiles are setup so you just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Does anyone have the source code files for the Enhanced Bagman mod (or for any mods that we host that are missing the source files)?
Hosted Mods
If we have the source code then the Enhanced Bagman Mod (and others) can be updated with the latest Monkey Mod features including Anti-lag.
If you have them please contact us via the Contact Us button in the Menu or leave a comment in this post.
I recently found the windows server files for the Enhanced Bagman mod that had been missing for about twelve years.
The mod was made by Cashmoney with help from a few others.
It's a Bagman mod with a few different features:-
* Enhanced scoreboard (fixed those ugly colors)
* Replacement for the Pipe (press 1 for Machete)
* Replacement for the Tommygun (Coltm41a) made by Hypov8
* New explosion graphics
* New weapon sprites for muzzle flash and rocket trails
* Custom music
* Custom weapon sounds
* Changed team names and skins (Rednecks and Punks)
* Weather effects in maps (Rain and snow)
* Flashbangs and regular grenades! (press Q to switch between them)
* Two maps made for the EBM mod (all Bagman maps will work though)
As it is an older mod it incorporates the MMAdmin and as it is recommended to run public servers using KPDED2 I have included that file plus the readme for it. I also included a please_read.txt file with suggested settings.
If you use the KPDED2 file then players will be able to download the required client files that contain all the new skins and weapon models, maps etc.
I have combined all the files (both server and client) into one full install zipfile.
You can download the EBM Full Install for Windows files from here.
The Thursday game this week is going to be realmode on MH's USA server.
**Please note the start time has changed and is now 9.30pm UK time**
Game details:-
Server : Thursday Realmode
IP :
Date : Thursday 18th May
Time : 9.30pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
If you need the Gamespylite Kingpin server browser you can download it here.
Good to see more people coming back to Kingpin - welcome back -ALCO- Jayne and }TPA{ Titan and also the [DKC] clan :)
Heaps more screens at Facebook Kingpin pages here and here.
I have uploaded a custom yellow skin for the tommygun. It's in a pak4 file. You see it in your hud and on the ground but not on other players.
You can download the yellow tommygun skin from here.
The zip file is set up so you only have to extract the pak4 file to your Kingpin directory. This will place the pak4 file in your kingpin/main folder.
If you already have a pak4 file in your main folder then extract the new one to a temporary folder somewhere and rename it to another number such as pak2, pak3 etc which you don't already have. Then copy it to your kingpin/main folder.
Several years ago Cujo converted this map from Quake 2 but never quite finished it and so it was left unreleased. Recently I found it in one of my old Kingpin archives and, with a lot of help from Hypov8, was able to complete the map.
The map is a conversion of the Land of the Dead Quake 2 map that was originally made by Jester.
It is a medium sized map, set in space, that uses a custom sky and all custom textures.
It has 12 player spawns and ample weapons and items.
You can download Land of the Dead from here.
Here is a summary of the five most recent map releases in casee you missed them:-
Death Match
Damage01 (damage01_kp.bsp)
Another F*cking Waste Theme (Quake2 textures) (wolfendm3.bsp)
Another F*cking Waste Theme (Kingpin textures) (wolfendm3_kp.bsp)
Team Berlin (team_berlin.bsp)
Team TNT 2017 (team_tnt_2017.bsp)
Here is a new video at Youtube of the final boss fight in the single player campaign where you fight Kingpin and miss 'nearly immortal' Blunt.
If you like what you see you can download the complete Homer Simpson model with all skins and extras from here.
We also have a Homer Simspons sounds pack which you can download here.
Just unzip all files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.
The Sunday Bagman game this week will be on Killa's Bagman server starting at 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Date : Sunday 14th May
Time : 9pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
You can watch a Youtube video of highlights of one of our previous Bagman game nights here.
I hope we get a huge crowd this week :)
Here is a map I just found on one of my Kingpin backup disks. It is called Obsidian and is a straight conversion from Quake 2 by {GT}TheGhost.
It is a medium to large deathmatch map that uses all the original Quake 2 textures. It has plenty of weapons and items and should be able to handle a large crowd. It is a little bit dark in places otherwise is fine.
You can download Obsidian (kpobsidian.bsp) from here.
Here is a unique style of skin for the bitch model. It is a leopard skin including a leopard face.
You can download the leopard bitch skin from here.
Just extract all files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Easiest way to select this skin is to:-
Pull down the console (tilde key ~)
Type in :-
skin "female_chick/lep lep lep"
Here is just a little taste of the action from today's game.
If you haven't coem along for a game yet then book in 9pm Thursdays and Sundays :)
Acc is currently in the process of converting the Hollywood Holocaust map from Duke Nukem 3D to Kingpin.
Checkout screenshots here.
Thursday's game this week is the Hitmen mod starting at 9pm UK time on Killa's server.
Details :-
Server : Thursday Hitmen Game
IP :
Date : Thursday 11th May
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
If you need the Gamespylite Kingpin server browser you can download it here.
If you couldn't make it on Sunday make sure you turn up on Thursday :D
A good consistent crowd today :)
Loads more screens at the Kingpin Facebook Groups here and here.
Here is a skin pack of high quality skins for the bitch model. This is from the early days of Kingpin and was made by the late Tyler Durden.
There are six bodies and five legs (seemed he forgot to include the 6th set of legs) but no heads so any bitch head can be used.
You can download the Designer bitch skin pack from here.
Check the readme for more information.
Just a reminder we host a Bagman map-pack with all Bagman maps released so far. (350mg)
You can download it from here.
[M] has also updated his [M]'s Kingpin Server Browser to reduce the number of anti virus programs that falsely pick it up as a virus.
You can get the latest version from here.
Don't forget you can check out [M]'s Kingpin Server List page here.
You can also join his Kingpin chat room from the Server List page or this is a direct link here.
Here is a bitch skin of Elexis Sinclaire. Elexis is the main antagonist character in the cyberpunk-themed SiN PC game.
You can download the Elexis skin from here.
Some virus scanners were falsely picking up a trojan in Monkey Harris's Kingpin patch so he has updated it:-
I've attached an updated patch that is currently detected as clean by virus scanners. Hopefully it will stay that way!
Besides sorting the false virus/trojan detection problem, there are also a few more little tweaks. It has some netgraph tweaks, fixes a demo playback bug, adds demo playback speed control via the mouse wheel, and adds an FPS display option.
You can download the updated patch (Kingpin Patch Config) from here.
The Sunday Bagman game this week will be on the East Coast Snitch Slappa server starting at 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : East Coast Snitch Slappa
IP :
Mod : Bagman
Date : Sunday 7th May
Time : 9pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
You can watch a Youtube video of highlights of one of our previous Bagman game nights here.
I hope to see you all there :)
Good crowd today :)
The new death match map Damage01 is now released.
This is a remake of an old Doom 2 map. I used Acc's Build Map Converter to decompile the map and then rebuilt it from there.
Damage01 is a small death match map. It is an open area with a corridor around most of the edge of the map. It has two teleports, all weapons except the flamer and uses standard textures. It has ten player spawns.
You can download Damage01 (damage01_kp.bsp) from here.
There are four skins from the Austin Powers movie franchise that I know of. Two of Austin (yeah baby), one of Dr. Evil (Boo-frickity-hoo) and one of Fat Bastard (I've got more chins than a Chinese phonebook).
They all look like fun skins to use for a while.
Check them out here:-
Austin Powers (red suit)
Austin Powers (coloured shirt)
Dr. Evil
Fat Bastard
The game this Thursday is death match on the Newskool Fragfest server starting at 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool Fragfest
IP :
Date : Thursday 4th May
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
To get you in the mood for a game you can watch a Youtube video of highlights of one of our previous death match game nights here.
It would be great if YOU can make it :)
Pendejo has uploaded three Kingpin videos to his Youtube channel (old Curse Bagman and Assault promos).
Check them out here.
I am currently remaking a small Doom2 map for Kingpin called Damage01. Should be completed sometime soon.
By the way, there is already a Doom2 map in Kingpin. It's a map based on the Entryway Level from Doom2. This map was originally made for Quake2 by Hawkmoon and then I ported it to Kingpin.
You can download Entryway (kp_doom2m1.bsp) from here
Entryway is currently rotating on the Luschen Deathmatch and Botmatch servers.