The Game this Thursday will be Hitmen for the first hour and then Catch the Chicken gfpr the rest of the night.
Game Details:-
Server : Thursday Hitmen Game
IP :
Date : Thursday 1st Febuary.
Time : 9.30pm - 10.30pm UK Time
Server : Newskool Chicken Catch
IP :
Date : Thursday 1st Febuary.
Time : 10.30pm UK Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
If you need the Gamespylite Kingpin server browser you can download it here.
The Roarke twins have released another new texture pack for mappers that contains 31 graffiti style textures.
You can download the Graffiti Pack 2 from here.
Macanah has released a new map for the Power2 mod called Defector.
It's a conversion of his CTF Defector map.
It's a medium sized, darkish, multi levelled, map where using the grappling hook (harpoon) is almost a must.
You can download Power2 Defector from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
This Sunday's game at 9pm UK time will be the COLORS CTF Mod.
Server : Newskool CTF
IP :
Date : Sunday 28th January
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time
Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.
See you there :)
A fun game of the Crash Mod :)
Macanah has released an addon for the Quark Mapping Editor that adds Kingpin Power2 mod entities to Quark.
This is so you can make maps for the Power2 mod using the Quark Mapping Editor.
You can download the Power2 addon from here.
Macanah has also produced a little video on how to install addons to Quark.
Btw we host a COLORS CTF Quark addon as well here.
Killa has modified the KPDM2 and KPDM3 maps to work in the Crash Mod as bombing scenario maps.
They are in beta status at the moment and will be tested at this week's Thursday game of Crash.
You can download the maps from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
I have re-uploaded the old King of the Streest mod files in a zipfile. This is for two reasons - elfor notified me that the kots.exe installer we hosted was corrupt and also becasue antivirus programs just hate exe files.
You can download the Kots mod files from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
King of the Streets was a Bagman/Capture the Bag style mod.
The basic objective of the game is to either steal (robbers) or recover (police) all the other teams breifcases on a map. A team wins when either all the money is collected from the other team, the other team is killed or your team is killed.
When you join the game you only have a Hatchet and a Berreta 9mm pistol. You have to buy other weapons, which are all custom weapons, such as the AK47.
Each team has an NPC "dealer" in their base who has the task of selling you weapons/items/ammo. He also collects the money you steal/recover from the other team. If that wasn't enough he will try and kick the hell out of any intruders who try and enter your base.
The default mode for the mod was Last Man Standing (where if you get fragged you have to wait for the round to end) so the rounds are only a few minutes each.
To play a regular game where you respawn after being fragged you need to add the following to the server.cfg.
set last_man_standing 0
You can then set timelimit, cashlimit etc as normal in the server.cfg
We also host the source files for this mod here.
elfor has created another Kingpin Info custom console backgorund. This one uses a background image found on
You can download the 2nd console background from here.
The zip file is set up so you only have to extract the pak8 file to your Kingpin directory. This will
place the pak8 file in your kingpin/main folder.
If you already have a pak8 file in your main folder then extract the new pak8 to a temporary folder
somewhere and rename it to another number from pak2 - pak7 which you don't already have. Then copy it to your kingpin/main folder.
The Thursday game this week is going to be the Crash Squad mod.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool Crash Squad
IP :
Date : Thursday 25th January
Time : 9.30pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
If you don't have the Crash Client files you can download the client files from the server but you can save time and download them from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location (kingpin/crash).
Btw the client files contain comprehensive info which I have also uploaded as a webpage here.
elfor has sent in some custom Kingpin icons.
Hi, i was just downloading the mac version of kingpin, and noticed that it had two custom icons!
So i converted them to Windows and also added the GOG custom icon.
You can download the icons from
Long before Homer there was Fred Flintsone. Fred was the main character from the animated prehistoric sitcom The Flinstones that was made in the 1960's.
In the early days of Kingpin Speg made a Thug skin of the iconic character.
You can download Fred from here.
Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Easiest way to select these skins is to:-
Pull down the console (tilde key ~)
Type in :-
skin "male_thug/fli fli fli"
elfor has created a Kingpin Info custom console backgorund.
It just replaces the regular console background with one that has the log on it :)
You can download the console background from here.
The zip file is set up so you only have to extract the pak9 file to your Kingpin directory. This will place the pak9 file in your kingpin/main folder.
If you already have a pak9 file in your main folder then extract the new pak9 to a temporary folder somewhere and rename it to another number from pak2 - pak8 which you don't already have. Then copy it to your kingpin/main folder
elfor has released some new custom crosshairs for Kingpin.
There are five different sets of crosshairs (each set has three different crosshairs) and all sets are available in two different colours.
The colours are yellow and light greenish (similar to Hud colours). There are two screenshots included which show the different sets of crosshairs.
It probably easiets to just extract/unzip the files to a temp folder somewhere and decide which set you want ot use then just copy and paste the relevant pak file to your Kingpin/main folder.
You can download the elfor crosshairs from here.
Hypov8 and I have collaborated on a new player model called Male Soldier. It is converted from Quake 2 and somewhat improved. The original model in Quake 2 was made by Daniel Garcia Romero - The ][ead Crusher.
It’s the first model I have made for Kingpin and it was a very challenging experience.
It's a fairly simple model that is a Military Policeman or Soldier. The model has full Kingpin vwep support, some nice taunt animations, and several skins.
You can download Male Soldier from here.
Just extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
The Sunday Bagman game this week will be on Killa's Bagman server starting at 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Date : Sunday 21sth January
Time : 9pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
You can watch a Youtube video of highlights of one of our previous Bagman game nights here.
Trickle has posted a video on YouTube of us playing the Misery map (sandmandm2.bsp).
You'll never guess who won the map :P
Remember that Killa has also made many videos of our games which you can check out here.
I haven't posted about any Kingpin walkthrough videos for a while and there is a new series out. These ones are by Playback TV and are spread out over about 30 short videos.
You can check them out here.
Nice to see even more new players coming along for a game :)
The Thursday game this week is going to be the Hitmen mod starting at 9.30pm UK time on Killa's server.
Game Details:-
Server : Thursday Hitmen Game
IP :
Date : Thursday 18th January.
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
If you need the Gamespylite Kingpin server browser you can download it here.
Hypov8 is now working with us on the Gunrace mod. He is working mainly on the models for the mod.
Initially we were going to have a knife as the final weapon but we decided it didn't look imposing enough so changed to a machete.
We are using TiCaL's old machete as the base but Hypo has done a lot of modification to it.
Here is a shot of the machete in the Hud. You don't see it on the other player in this screenshot as it was taken in normal Kingpin not in Gunrace.
Here is the first new map for 2018.
This is a normal Bagman version of the XMAS Combat map that Hypov8 and I worked on recently.
Team Combat is a smallish Bagman map set in an old war torn village. The map contains four bombed out buildings, two on either side of a river which dissects the map through the middle. There are also two army vehicles included.
The money drop is on the bridge that crosses the river. The team's bases are in two of the bombed out buildings.
There are plenty of weapons and other items and two of the buildings contain huge radios that play two old songs.
The map contains lots of custom textures and custom sounds so much quicker to download from here rather than getting it from the server.
Thanks to Hypov8 for working on the lighting and sunlight in the map.
You can download Team Combat from here.
Just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Once every few months we switch the Sunday Bagman game to the USA East Coast Snitch Slappa server which si where this Sunday's game will be played.
Game details:-
Server : East Coast Snitch Slappa
IP :
Mod : Bagman
Date : Sunday 14th January
Time : 9pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
You can watch a Youtube video of highlights of one of our previous Bagman game nights here.
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
There are many maps on this server that we don't usually play so it should make for an interesting game :)
[M] has added the new Bender model as one of the bots at his Luschen Botmatch server. So now you can frag him along with Homer, Mr Burns and the other custom bots :)
You can download Bender from here.
I guess they made some promotional props for Kingpin when it was released.
I seem to recall seeing them being sold on ebay once but the auction was finished before I saw it.
The Thursday game this week is going to be the Crash Squad mod.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool Crash Squad
IP :
Date : Thursday 11th January
Time : 9.30pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
You can download the client files from the server but If you don't already have them you can save time and download them from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location (kingpin/crash).
Btw the client files contain comprehensive info which I have also uploaded as a webpage here.
We have a new player model for Kingpin. It's Bender (Bender Bending Rodríguez) the steel bending robot from Futurama.
It is the first new player model released for Kingpin in well over fifteen years!
The model was converted from Quake 3 and work began way back in 2005 by Zeppelin[FnR]. Having a very busy life Zeppelin was never able to finish the model and the job went to Hypov8 to finally bring Bender to the Kingpin community.
Al0 has chipped in by creating many new skins for Beder and some great addons like a cigar, his famous Chefs outfit and several other hats.
I would like to thank Zeppelin, Hypov8 andd al0 for all their hard work in bringing this model to Kingpin.
Hopefully you will all download and install Bender as it's a great looking model and also to show appreciation to the people who created it for Kingpin :)
You can download the Bender model from here.
Just unzip/extract all the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
I have posted a heap more screenshots of Bender's different skins on one of Kingpin Facebook pages here.
There will be a little Crash mod practice game on Tuesday 9pm UK time.
The reason being is because the game this Thursday is going to be the Crash Squad Mod and a lot of the newer players have not played this mod before and others have but not for many years.
As such I suggest you join me in the Newskool Crash server on Tuesday from 9pm UK time for an hour or so , so that we can get a little practice in.
Server : Newskool Crash Squad
IP :
Date : Tuesday 9th Jan
Time : 9.00pm UK time
If you are not familiar with the Crash mod there is a comprensive mod overview
Crash mod is similar to counter strike. There are 2 scenarios - bombing scenario and VIP escort. So some maps are bombing and some maps are VIP escort.
Each map goes for several rounds with each round taking a few minutes.
So the team wins the map that has won the most rounds.
When you die you don’t respawn until the next round starts.
The Thursday game thsi week will be the Crash Squad mod.
If you haven't played the mod before you can download the client files from the server but if you want to get them beforehand you can download them from here.
Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location (kingpin/crash).
Another big crowd and a long games over three & half hours.
The Sunday Bagman game this week will be on Killa's Bagman server starting at 9pm UK time.
Game details:-
Server : Sundays Bagman Game
IP :
Date : Sunday 7th January
Time : 9pm UK time Stream here.
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.
Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here
You can watch a Youtube video of highlights of one of our previous Bagman game nights here.
Captain Death has now released v1.3 of the Power 2 mod server files for both Windows and linux.
Update from v1.2 contains various bug fixes and enhancements:
- Fixed possible crash if the harpoon is attached to a func_train that enters the void
You can download the v1.3 Power 2 Server files from here.
To run a server you also need the Power 2 client files which contain all the Power 2 maps.
You can download the Power 2 Client files from here.
To run a public server you need to use the KPDED2 Enhanced Kingpin Server files which you can download from here:-
Windows KPDED2
Linux KPDED2
Check the readmes for comprehensive information.
You can check out all of Captain Death's Kingpin Maps, Mods and Utilities by visiting his site here.
A camouflaged soldier skin for the Thug model by ^Digital. It's based on the camouflaged army guys in Half-Life.
Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Easiest way to select these skins is to:-
Pull down the console (tilde key ~)
Type in :-
skin "male_thug/cas cas cas"
A good game to kick off 2018 :)
Now that Christmas is over it's back to the regular Kingpin games.
The Thursday game this week is going to be the Hitmen mod starting at 9.30pm UK time on Killa's server.
Game Details:-
Server : Thursday Hitmen Game
IP :
Date : Thursday 4th January.
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
If you need the Gamespylite Kingpin server browser you can download it here.
I hope everyone can make it for a game :)
Hypov8 is currently working on a new custom player model for Kingpin ported from another game. It should be finished soon.
See if you can tell the name of the model by looking at the teaser picture :)
I recently found the Windows server files for the old KP2 mod. The mod was never taken out of beta but it does work, and we host the client files, so I have uploaded the Windows server files.
For those of you who don't know the KP2 mod is was popular around 2003-2007.
The KP2 mod features new weapons, weather effects, breakable objects, and single player props in the multiplayer environment.
You can download the KP2 Windows Server Files from here.
I have also updated the KP2 Mappack and it now includes all the maps that were made for the mod that featured, props, rats, dogs, weather etc. Btw any death match maps will work with the mod.
You can download the KP2 Mappack from here.
If you want to join a KP2 Mod server you need client files. You can download the required KP2 client files from here.
Just unzip/extract all files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed i nthe corect locations (kingpin/kp2).
To run a public server you need to use the KPDED2 Enhanced Kingpin Server files which you can download from here:-
Windows KPDED2
Captain Death has now released v1.01 of the Xmas Capture the Flag mod server files for both Windows and linux.
Update from v1.0 contains various enhancements:
- Workaround for cast not having pain skins defined
- Freeze thrower weapon optional
You can download the v1.1 Xmas CTF Server files from here.
To run a server you also need the Xmas CTF client files which contain all the Xmas CTF maps.
You can download the Xmas CTF Client files from here.
To run a public server you need to use the KPDED2 Enhanced Kingpin Server files which you can download from here:-
Windows KPDED2
Linux KPDED2
Check the readmes for comprehensive information.
You can check out all of Captain Death's Kingpin Maps, Mods and Utilities by visiting his site here.