I have added the Nightshift death match map, which was made by Kasami, to our maps archive.
Nightshift is a large map with one main area and lots of smaller areas with connecting corridors.
Kasami described it as:-
There is a big courtyard with 2 elevators in it. Both elevators will bring you up to the Bridge where you will get a nice overview of the scene!
There are also some other nice things in it but just check it out!
You can download Nightshift (nightshift_final2) from here.
Just extract the files to your kingpin folder.
Here is just a little video tutorial from Hypov8 for mappers on how to easily make archways.
I have uploaded the final two Badmonk maps we didn't have in our maps archive.
The Forgoten Street (badmonkdm4) A medium sized, urban style, death match map. Very much in the Badmonk style with lots of broken walls and boxes and barrels to climb on to get out of a room.
You can download The Forgotten Street (badmonkdm4) from here.
Badmonkdm5 This is a death match version of his Team Badmonk map. It's a a large, urban style map, with two main areas connected by a couple of corridors.
You can download Badmonkdm5 from here.
Recently I posted about the classic Urban Gangsta Kingpin shockwave page that I had found o nthe web archive.
Now Fredz has found the actual video which he has uploaded to kingpin.info.
To watch the shockwave video (king1.swf) in your browser click here.
To download as an exe and watch in Shockwave Flash click here.
This one is a small, arena style, dark and moody, death match map. It is a update/fix of Stigma's -=Deathings=- map.
Hypov8 helped fix this map. We fixed a hom error, the lightning weather effect, some sound files, a texture error and moved some crates around the map.
The main focus is a two level structure in the centre of the map and also two streams of water that criss-criss in the middle where there is a cooling mod.
There are four structures around the edge of the map which you can jump into to get some good items.
The map contains some custom textures as well as a few single player props and weather effects. Hypov8 fixed the lightning effect which didn't work in the original map.
You can download -=Deadthings=- 2016 from here.
If you look in the Menu box on the left you will see there is now an Archives with a drop down menu.
Now you can quickly load all news posts for any particular month by selecting that month in the drop down menu.
It makes it a lot easier to make sure you never miss downloading any new map or other update for the game :)
If you'r planning on coming along for the game of DM on Sunday night don't forget we have a map-pack for all the maps on the Luschen Deathmatch server.
You can download it here.
Game details here.
Shots from the game:-
I'm still finding Kingpin files that we used to host at poisonville or kingpinforever but that got lost for one reason or another.
The latest one is a Bagman map called Team Glamour Shots made by 420:SW3:Girl back in August of 2002.
It's a simple two forts style BM map but it's interesting because it has pictures, on the walls, of many KP players who were playing at the time this map was released.
This is a fairly light map and, apart from the pictures of KP players, it uses mainly white textures.
The team's bases are full of weapons and armour and each base has a coloured water fountain. Both forts are protected by a moat and you must press a button to raise and lower the drawbridge to get access.
The KP player portraits are in the central room where the money drop is.
You can download Team Glamour Shots from here.
Just extract all files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct folders.
For some reason the actual map name is not called team_glamour_shots but is just called trial.bsp.
Since my mapping site is hosted here now I thought I better update it with all the recent maps I have worked on.
I have updated the DM-8 , BM-1 and Other Mods-1 pages.
You can check out the updates here.
If you need the CD covers for the Kingpin CD then you can get them from Moby Games.
They have several different covers and inlays for the box version and the CD version from various countries.
Just click on the one you want to enlarge it then just right click on the image and save picture as...
Check them out here.
This Sunday night's game on the Luschen server is going to be Death Match.
(It was going to be Bagman this week but [M] will not be availabel to set up the server so BM will be next time).
You can get all the details here.
If you look in the Menu Box on the left you will see a new entry Hosted Sites.
The two hosted sites we have here are the mapping sites for me and Hypov8.
Hypo Central has all of Hypo's maps as well as some models and skies. There are also some good tutorials and some KingpinQ3 stuff.
My site just has a lot of the maps I have worked on.
Check them out here:-
Hypo Central
Mr Damage Maps
Seems there are four maps by Badmonk we don't have in our archive. Here are the first two.
Badmonk's Arena (badmonkdm1) - one of his first maps and a small arena death match map.
Street of Rage (badmonkdm2) - a larger death match map, maybe inspired by KPDM1. Already showing that Badmonk style.
Download the maps from here:-
As well as making three maps for Kingpin (Banmonorc was here, Total Overdose, and Carney Park)
acc has also made a thug head and a runt body with three heads.
Cesar thug head
runt skins
The thug head skin head skin is Cesar and includes pain skins.
Just extract the three files to your kingpin/main/models/actors/thug folder.
If you want to use it with the body and legs skin in the screenshot below (which are both 072) the quickest way to change to these skins is:-
Start Kingpin
Pull down the console (~ key)
At the prompt type in skin "male_thug/137 072 072"
The runt skins are body 142 and head 143, 144, and 145. Pain skins are also included.
They look good with legs 300.
To change to these skins:-
Start Kingpin
Pull down the console (~ key)
At the prompt type in skin "male_runt/143 142 300" (you can also use 144 142 300 and 145 142 300)
If anyone is currently making a map or thinking about making a map please keep the following in mind.
Kingpin hates uppercase letters and it can cause a max_gltextures error.
So make sure the texture folders and texture names and even the map name are all in lowercase.
If you are going to use a texture that is currently in uppercase then just rename it to lowercase before using it.
We host several promo videos for Kingpin including official ones and fan made ones.
Fredz recently found and uploaded the original version of the Ganghit promo (originally called kp_avi) which is still hosted at Blue's News.
We also have it in mp4 format. We have the Kingpin Promo in original format and mp4 as well as Curse and Assault mod promos and several others.
You can check them all out here.
Hypov8 and me are currently working on a new Bagman map. It's a smallish map with a lot of custom textures and sounds that will hopefully appeal to everyone. It should be ready for release soon but meanwhile here is a sneak peak :)
Monkey Harris is currently working on a further update for the Money Mod which he is currently testing on the Newskool servers.
There are several nice little imrovements. He will release the new version once he is satisfied it is all working correctly.
If you play on the Newskool servers and encounter any issues with the new version of the monkey mod you can leave a comment in this post.
Well I thought I had found all her maps but now I have found three more lol.
One we already had in our archive but two we didn't. The map we already had is Shock. The two we didn't are:-
Stupid is a small death match map. It's a small, dark, arena with a lava pool in the middle. When you spawn you drop down to the arena from above. As you drop down you get your weapons. There are no weapons on the arena floor. There is also a secret room which is accessed through the lava.
You can download Stupid from here.
Stronghold Opposition Conversion (team_q2ctfc) We had an earleir version of this map but I have deleted that one and uploaded this later version. The map is a conversion of a Quake 2 CTF map to Bagman.
You can download Stronghold Opposition Conversion from here.
I have added the three maps to the Tanyacheex mappack and uploaded it again.
You can download the tanyacheex mappack from here.
When I was looking for a particular Tanyacheex map I found we didn't have TC_Bahh in our archive so I have uploaded it.
How would you describe TC_Bahh? Well it's a typical Tanyacheex map I guess. It's medium to large size with an urban theme. It has a central area which is outdoor with two ledges that if you fall off you die.
Around this central area are various passageways and corridors. The cooling mod is at the end of one corridor and to get to it you have to either jump on a moving platform or avoid it as it can be deadly. There is also another outside area which only has balconies that you jump to. If you miss you fall and die lol. The HMG is in an area that looks like it is iron roof panels.
You can download TC_Bahh from here.
I found the map I was looking for and, at the same time, I think I found every map Tanyzcheex map for Kingpin.
As Tanyacheex seems to have been mostly forgotten as a Kingpin mapper I decided to put all the maps into a map-pack so you can grab them all in one go and check them out. I'm sure you will know some of them.
You can download the tanyacheex mappack from here.
I know I posted about this a while ago but it seems more old players are joining the servers and the first thing they say, after hi, is I wish I had my old clan skin.
Cookies Skin Bank has a large range of clan skins from the very early days of Kingpin. Clans like Mama, TCC, BEER, MDK etc. There are a total of 61 clan skin sets. Also at the bottom of the page there is a link to download them all in one pack.
If you want to go and have a look to see if your ones are there then just click here.
You will see in the menu 'Clan Skins' so just click on that to go to the clan skins page.
Just a note about the zip files at that site. They are all set up to extract to program files/kingpin/main/.....
So if you don't have Kingpin installed in program files then I would extract them to your desktop then manually copy the skins to your thug, runt or bitch folder.
Currently Gamespylite is playing up again. You have to refresh several times to see the Kingpin servers.
However there is no problem refrshing the servers in your favourites list.
So this is just another reminder to add all the current Kingpin servers to your Favourites in Gamespylite.
Just follow these instructions to add the servers here.
Fredz has uploaded Game File Explorer. GFE is a game resource file viewer and ripper that supports many different formats including PAK and TGA files.
Main features:
- a listing of all entries in game container/resource/asset
files or in a directory
- viewing and converting selected images to bitmaps (.bmp)
- extracting other entry types to separate files
- ripping wave (.wav) and bitmap (.bmp) files inside any file
- playing sound files (waves and Doom sounds)
There is also a plugin file which allows you to make your own plugins for GFE.
You can grab GFE from here.
This Sunday night's game on the Luschen server is going to be Death Match.
Details are:-
Server : Luschen Deathmatch Server
IP Address : kp.servegame.com:31512
Maxclients : 16
Date : Sunday 20th March
Time : 20.00 (8pm) GMT
Admin : [M]
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 8pm GMT.
We also host a map-pack for the Luschen Deathmatch server which you can grab from here.
Hope to see a few of you at the game :)
Shots from the game:-
Killa has set up a Kit mod server.
This is the mod where the maps are like obstacle courses and you have to make you way to the end by doing trick jumps and working out puzzles etc.
Server Details:-
Server : Kit Mod v1.0 Server
IP : kp.servegame.com:31519
Maxclients : 16
You can download Kit Mod maps from here.
Fredz has put together some more Tutorials that cover gameplay and the console.
They are very informative. The gameplay ones cover the weapons, maps and strafe jumping. The console ones covers lots of information about the console and the console commands as well as configs and scripts.
You can check them out by clicking on the Tutorials link in the Menu window on the left.
If you look in the Menu window you will see it now contains a Sunday Night countdown.
This is the time until the next Sunday night game.
If you click on the time it will take you to the game details page. This will be updated mid week so you will know which server and what game mode is to be played.
But also keep an eye on GamespyLite and http://kingpin.hambloch.com/ as there are 2 or 3 games popping up a week now especiially Thursday nights :)
Btw, here is the latest Sunday night game video from Killa. This one is from the 6th March. Why not support Killa and subscribe to his channel :)
I have uploaded four more coop maps making a total of thirteen available. That's all that I will be uploading for now.
You can grab them from here.
SKPDM1, or Small Death Match 1 as it is called , is a very old death match map made by MoBxSkull. It went through two revisions to get to the final version and all three maps are included in the zipfile.
This is another map we didn't have in the archive.
This is a very small, octagon shaped map. There is an HMG in the centre of the map where there is also four cooling mods and four ammos. The rest of the weapons are spread around the edge of the map. There are also four little bunkers around the edge of the map where you can shoot from. Each bunker contains armour.
The first version of the map is dark with red lighting. The revised version is lighter and has both red and green lighting. The final version is much lighter and only has a hint of red and green lighting.
This map would probably be good for some 1 vs 1 action :)
You can download SKPDM1 from here.
I have started uploading the coop versions of the single player maps you need to play on the coop servers.
Almost all the single player episodes can be played in coop mode.
So far I have uploaded nine coop episodes.
You can download them from here.
Good new. Two new Kingpin servers.
[M] is now running a Luschen Coop server from Germany.
Macanah has added a TeamDM server to his other servers running out of Australia.
Luschen Coop - kp.servegame.com:31515
kingpin TDM aus freewill-mnh.com -
For some reason Macanah's servers do not consistently show up in Gamespylite or QTracker. So just refresh them a few times and you will see the server you are looking for.
When Hypov8 was putting together the map-packs for the Luschen servers I was helping him find all the maps so he could zip them up.
Because of that I found that we had a death match map missing from our archive. The map is ...Long Live The King by Stigma. This is a small to medium sized , urban style map, mainly set in the street.
I have now zipped it up and uploaded it.
...Long Live The King (stigmadm7)
Hypov8 has put together map-packs containing all the maps on the Luschen Hookmatch Server and Luschen Deathmatch Server.
You can download these map-packs here:-
Just extract all files to your kingpin folder.
This weeks game on the Luschen server is going to be Hitmen.
Come along for some fun fragging.
Details are:-
Server : Luschen Hookmatch Server
Maxclients : 16
Date : Sunday 13th March
Time : 20.00 (8pm) GMT
Admin : Killa
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 8pm GMT.
What better way to spend Sunday night other than playing some Kingpin :)
Shots from game.
Do you find yourself downloading a lot of maps from the servers and then finding you don't have the custom sky?
Of course the best solution is to download all your maps from here :) That way you get everything, the map, custom sounds, custom textures and any custom skies.
What we also host a zip file which contains a lot of custom skies.
The zip file contains an installer and you just install all the files to your Kingpin fodlr and they will be placed in main/env.
You can download the Custom Skies installer from here.
QTracker and GSLite went down for a short time today.
If that happens all is not lost though if you're looking for a game. If you have favourties set up in GSLite you can still connect to those servers in your Favourties list :)
If not then over at http://kingpin.hambloch.com/ [M] has a link to a small tute on how to add all the current Kingpin servers to GSLite favourties.
This is a direct link here.
Just follow the instructions. Make sure GSLite is not running when you update the favourites file.
There are several people working on new or improved bots at the moment that are all based on the old Ace bot.
[M] and acc, Hypov8 and {GT}TheGhost are all working on them.
You might see the Luschen botmatch test server, Hypo's test lagless net code +bots server and {GT}TheGhost's Bloodmoney server. They all have bots that are being tested so if you see any of these servers online, jump in, and give them a try.
There were a couple of little annoying issues in my 4Room Urban map so I updated it with a few fixes.
The fixes are:-
Added clip brushes around the ladders and the wire fence so you don’t get caught on them anymore.
Removed one grenade ammo.
Darkened the middle, top, room a little.
Improved the texture joins in the room with the yellow wallpaper room so it’s harder to see where the textures join together.
Update Tuesday 8th March I had some discussions with Hypov8 and he showed me how to further improve the fixes. I took his advice and have released a new version. Sorry about that but I wanted to get it right and it is only a small download.
You can download 4Room Urban 2016 from here.
If you try to install the Kingpin Multi Patch 2 and get a missing DLL error
Captain Death suggests installing the Microsoft run time files.
If you get a missing dll error you will need to download vcredist_x86.exe Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 from Microsoft.
You can click on the link above or there is a link to download the files at his page here.
The news moves off the front page so fast so here is a summary of some important files and links you may have missed.
Gamespylite Kingpin server browser - the latest version which now includes working chat function - download.
Steam Resolution Fix - This fix If is for the Steam version of Kingpin and allows you to run game in 1920 x 1080. The zipfile contains two files (ResolutionSettings.ini and winmm.dll) which you should extract to ..\SteamGames\SteamApps\common\Kingpin. By default the fix changes all resolution modes to 1920x1080, but it can be changed via editing ResolutionSettings.ini (description inside file) - download.
Fredz Resolution patch - This is a resolution patch for the CD, Desura and GoG versions of Kingpin. It allows custom resolution sizes - download.
Kingpin Multi Patch 2 - This program contains 5 patches for the Kingpin - Life of Crime Retail (CD) and GoG versions. More information and download link here.
Bagman map-pack - Many popular Bagman maps in one map-pack - download.
Death Match map-pack - Many popular Death Match maps in one map-pack - download.
M's Kingpin Server List - Listing of all Kingpin servers. Join directly if you have QTracker installed. Various links to helpful things plus a chatroom. Go hang out there if you are looking for a game :) - here.
Kingpin Facebook Groups - If you use Facebook and haven't joined these groups yet then what are you waiting for :) Kingpin LOC Back to the Past , Kingpin Life of Crime.
That's it I think. I hope to see some of you at the Sunday night game 8pm GMT Luschen DM server ;)
You may have seen the new Blood Money mod server in QTracker and Gamespylite.
{GT}TheGhost is testing a new version of the Mod.
You can join without having the client files but to get all the features you need them
The current client files still work so if you already have them installed just rename the bloodmoney folder to bmkp and you should be ok. This is becaues he is running the mod from bmkp, instead of the bloodmoney folder.
If you don't have the Blood Money cleint files installed you can download them from here.
The client files are in an installer so just extract to your kingpin folder and it will place all files into a bloodmoney folder.
Once installed just rename the bloodmoney folder to bmkp and you are ready to go :)
Please note that when you join the server you will still need to download the maps are they are new/updated maps.
Viel Gl:CK (which I think means good luck) by Docdidi is a death match map from way back in July 1999.
It is a medium sized map. It has a largish open area which connects to a large room. From this room there are two small corridors leading off. This is my only gripe with the map , these tiny corridors. They twist and turn and lead to small rooms which lead to more corridors. Eventully you reach a sunken room area which connects back with more tiny corridors. You could end up getting lost down there :) But at least the small, lower area, rooms and corridors are well lit so you can see where you are going.
There are eight player spawns and an abundence of weapons, armour and ammo.
You can download Viel GL:CK (light.bsp) from here.
Monkey Harris, who created the original Monkey Mod, has released a new version of the Monkey Mod server files for Windows and Linux. These are v1.53.
Changes are:-
Changes from monkey cds 1.52b to monkey cds 1.53
* notification of connecting players, and what country they're connecting from
- the country info is also shown in the "players" list
* any cash held by a player will be dropped when they disconnect or spec
* added a new cvar (no_zoom)
- no_zoom disables zooming-in by setting the FOV below 90
- no_zoom is 0 (off) by default, set it to 1 (on) for it to take effect
- no_zoom can be set from server console, rcon/rconx and server.cfg
* tweaked flame hack handling
- the "kick_flamehack" option is now set to 1 (on) by default
- before kicking, it will first try automatically setting gl_polyblend to 2
* fix to stop console clearing on map changes
* fix for banned IP checking bug
* fix for "custom_map_file" loading leak
You can download the v1.53 server files from here:-
With the release of the v1.53 Monkey Mod server files it means we have two current, viable, versions of the Monkey Mod.
V1.53 just released by Monkey and v1.60 released by TiCaL.
What we need to do is get hold of the v1.60 source codeand get it to Monkey so he can incorporate those updates into his code. So basically v.153 and v1.60 get combined and we end up with v1.61 :)
I have revised the Bagman Map called Team Winter's Edge which was made by Stigma.
This map had an issue with the downloadable custom sky, some spawn points and the middle area of the map.
I have fixed the bugs and made a few other revisions of the map and released an updated version called Team Wnter's Edge 2016.
This is a small Bagman map set during the Winter season. The ground is covered with snow and there are some Winter themed textures such as the snow covered trees that surround the map. The map also features a custom sky, that is downloadable from servers, and it is snowing. It has two money drops which are the cash rolls.
There are ample weapons and other items and it has twenty player spawns but will be good with four or more players.
Thanks to [M]. Killa and Hypov8 for beta testing.
You can download Team Winter's Edge 2016 from here.
This weeks game on the Luschen server is going to be Death Match.
As I always say the games are very informal with the emphasis on having fun while playing some KP.
Details are:-
Server : Luschen Deathmatch Server
IP Address : kp.servegame.com:31512
Maxclients : 16
Date : Sunday 6th March
Time : 20.00 (8pm) GMT
Admin : [M]
Check the world clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 8pm GMT.
We also host a Death Match map-pack which includes many of the popular DM maps. You can grab the map-pack from here.
Hope to see a few new faces at the game :)
If you come this is what you will be a part of :-
Screens from the game:-
Fredz has done a further update to the GamespyLite Kingpin server browser.
He has fixed the chat so it now works too. So now all the features of Gamespylite now work again.
You can download it by clicking on the Gamespylite link in the Menu panel or by just clicking here.
Do you remember that classic Urban Gangsta Kingpin shockwave page?
For a bit of nostalgia give it a look here.
Fredz has added two more demos of a player doing some nice jumps in KPDM1 and KPDM5.
You can grab the demos here:-
Thesetwo demos need to be extracted to kingpin/main/demos.
To watch these demos, start Kingpin, pull down the console (tilde key ~), and type in map goox2dm1.dm2 (or goox2dm5.dm2), press enter and just let it play.
If the console doesn't retract just press space and esc and you should be ok.
I found this page that has a profile of the thug character from Kingpin.
Nothing too serious and just a quick read. Check it out here.
A few people have been looking for their old clan skins recently.
Cookies Skin Bank has a large range of clan skins from the very early days of Kingpin. Clans like Mama, TCC, BEER, MDK etc. There are a total of 61 clan skin sets. Also at the bottom of the page there is a link to download them all in one pack.
If you want to go and have a look to see if your ones are there then just click here.
You will see in the menu 'Clan Skins' so just click on that to go to the clan skins page.
Just a note about the zip files at that site. They are all set up to extract to program files/kingpin/main/.....
So if you don't have Kingpin installed in program files then I would extract them to your desktop then manually copy the skins to your thug, runt or bitch folder.
If you don't find what you are looking for there we also have a small clan skin collection which you can check out here.