Bagman Map Revised

I have revised the Bagman Map called Team Winter's Edge which was made by .

This map had an issue with the downloadable custom sky, some spawn points and the middle area of the map.

I have fixed the bugs and made a few other revisions of the map and released an updated version called Team Wnter's Edge 2016.

This is a small Bagman map set during the Winter season. The ground is covered with snow and there are some Winter themed textures such as the snow covered trees that surround the map. The map also features a custom sky, that is downloadable from servers, and it is snowing. It has two money drops which are the cash rolls.

There are ample weapons and other items and it has twenty player spawns but will be good with four or more players.

Thanks to [M]. Killa and Hypov8 for beta testing.

You can download Team Winter's Edge 2016 from here.



Mr.Damage Friday 04 March 2016 - 03:15 | News, Map
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