New Monkey Mod Server Files Released
Monkey Harris, who created the original Monkey Mod, has released a new version of the Monkey Mod server files for Windows and Linux. These are v1.53.
Changes are:-
Changes from monkey cds 1.52b to monkey cds 1.53
* notification of connecting players, and what country they're connecting from
- the country info is also shown in the "players" list
* any cash held by a player will be dropped when they disconnect or spec
* added a new cvar (no_zoom)
- no_zoom disables zooming-in by setting the FOV below 90
- no_zoom is 0 (off) by default, set it to 1 (on) for it to take effect
- no_zoom can be set from server console, rcon/rconx and server.cfg
* tweaked flame hack handling
- the "kick_flamehack" option is now set to 1 (on) by default
- before kicking, it will first try automatically setting gl_polyblend to 2
* fix to stop console clearing on map changes
* fix for banned IP checking bug
* fix for "custom_map_file" loading leak
You can download the v1.53 server files from here:-
With the release of the v1.53 Monkey Mod server files it means we have two current, viable, versions of the Monkey Mod.
V1.53 just released by Monkey and v1.60 released by TiCaL.
What we need to do is get hold of the v1.60 source codeand get it to Monkey so he can incorporate those updates into his code. So basically v.153 and v1.60 get combined and we end up with v1.61 :)
Hey guys,
I have pushed the 1.60 code (and previous versions) as a pull request on Github