Another great sound pack we have is of Bender from Futurama. This pack replaces many of the male taunts with classic one liners from Bender such as the infamous ''bite my shiney metal ass" :)
You can download the Bender sound pack from here.
Just unzip the pak3 file into you kingpin folder and it will be placed in the correct location.
If you already have a pak3 file then extract the new pak3 to a temp location somewhere (such as your desktop), rename it to a number you dont have such as pak2, pak4 etc then copy it to your kingpin/main folder.
For any of you that don't already know there is a sound pack for Kingpin of Homer Simpson.
The custom Homer sounds replace some of the default thug sounds and is in a pak9 file.
Just extract/unzip the pak9 file to your Kingpin folder. This will place the pak9 file in your kingpin/main folder.
If you already have a pak9 file in your main folder then extract the new pak9 to a temporary folder somewhere and rename it to another number such as pak3, pak4 etc which you don't already have. Then copy it to your kingpin/main folder.
You can download the Homer sound pack from here.
This Thursday the game is going to be XMAS mod death match.
Game Details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS Deathmatch
IP :
Date : 28th December
Time : 9.30 pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
Grab the v1.60 Xmas client files from here.
Grab the Xmas Mod Death Match Map-pack from here.
Just unzip all files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Here is an old Bagman map I just found.
It called Team Chaser and was made by Chais back in 2003.
It's a medium sized, standard layout, Bagman map. It uses minimal textures, has just enough weapons, and has 8 player spawns for each team.
You can download Team Chaser from here.
Our friends from Romania, the Roarke twins, have done it again and released a new Chrsitmas texture pack for Kingpin.
The pack consists of 77 textures which are Christmas ornaments.
You can check out the pack here.
On Wednesday December 27th, Xanarki is organsiing a game of the Enhanced Bagman Mod on Mac’s USA Enhanced Bagman Server.
***Please note that the time has changed to 9pm UK time (4pm EST time)***
Game details:-
Server : USA bagman enhanced
IP :
Date : Wednesday 27th December
Time : 9.00pm UK time (4pm EST)
You can download the EBM files from the server but I highly recommend downloading them from
Just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location(kingpin/enhanced)
There is a map-pack for the server which you can download
EBM is just like bagman, but with a few different features:-
* Replacement for the Pipe (press 1 for Machete)
* Replacement for the Tommygun (Coltm41a)
* New explosion graphics & weapon sprites for muzzle flash and rocket trails
* Changed team names and skins (Rednecks and Punks)
* Flashbangs and regular grenades! (press Q to switch between them)
The map list consists of some maps we rarely (if ever) play, mixed in with some favourites and classic maps as well.
The game is geared towards USA players thus the later times, but of course, everyone is encouraged to join.
The latest server browser is the HypoGameBrowser made by Hypov8.
The HypoGameBrowser searches for Kingpin, KingpinQ3 and Quake 2 servers.
It incorporates the M-browser and Gamespy protocol into one browser and also includes the M's Kingpin Chat room.
It can be installed anywhere but easiest if you just install to your Kingpin folder.
Once installed just go to settings and setup the Game Path(s).
You can download HypoGameBrowser from here.
MH's Kingpin Patch
If you install the MH's Kingpin Patch one of the things it does is populate your Gangbang menu with all the current servers.
So go to 'Gangbang' Menu and 'Join Server' and you will see all available servers.
You can download the MH's Kingpin Patch from here.
The last option I can think of is QTracker the game server browser that supports many games.
Youu can download QTracker from here.
Currently Gamespylite is running slowly. It is working but you need to refresh a few times to see the servers.
So I though this would be a good time to list all the Kingpin server browsers and options for connecting to the Kingpin servers.
Probably the most famous Kingpin server browser.
If you add all the servers to your Favourites then they will show up even when GSLite is having issues.
Right click on the server and select 'add to favourites'. After you have added them all just Press the 'Favorites' button to list all your favourite servers.
The IP adresses for the Luschen servers change daily so what you need to do is go to your folder where you installed GSLite (probably kingpin/gamespy) and open the gspylitefavors.txt (using notepad or similar).
Then just add the following lines to it:-
Now all the Luschen servers will show up in Favories as well.
You can download Gamespylite from here.
[M] Server Browser
This one just gets installed to your Kingpin folder.
It includes several options including the ability to join servers directly from [M]'s Kingpin Server List page.
When you have the [M] browser open press M and this will install an entry into the Windows registry. Now when you visit [M]'s Kingpin Server List page you will be able to join any server by clicking on the M in 'join options'.
You can download [M]'s Kingpin server browser from here.
Unfortunately the Steam button for Kingpin wont show up if it is banned in your country, such as Germany.
On Steam there is a winter sale, that includes Kingpin that is on sale with 50% off, for 4.99, until 4 Januari 6PM GMT.
Team Captive, by Whoop Ass, is a really nice looking Bagman map. I don't remember ever seeing this map before.
It is a medium sized, well layed out map, that has a medieval/gothic syle to it.
You can download Team Captive from here.
Just extract the files to your Kingpin folder.
Monkey Harris has released the Xmas Mod v1.60 Server files for both Windows and Linux. There are a heap of fixes and updates which you can read about in the included history.txt file.
The Xmas mod was originally created by Fredz.
You can download the v1.60 Server files here:-
If you are going to run a server you should also download the map-packs:-
Death Match
If you want people to be able to download the client files from your server you need to download them:-
Client Files
If you plan on running a public server (and allow players to download the client files) you need to download the KPDED2 files (make sure to read the included comprehensive readme).
KPDED2 Linux
KPDED2 Windows
Just unzip all the above files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Monkey Harrris has also released the source code for v1.60:-
Source code
The game this Thursday is going to be Xmas Mod Bagman.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS Bagman
IP :
Date : 21st December 2017
Time : 9.30pm UK time
Twitch TV Stream here.
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
Grab the v1.60 Xmas client files from here.
Grab the Xmas Mod Bagman Map-pack from here.
Just unzip all files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Lets keep the huge crowds going :)
Team Hip Beta is a large Bagman map converted from the game SiN by Hogie.
It's a map set in space that has a pretty straight forward layout. It also uses the original SiN textures.
You can download Team Hip Beta from here.
Just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and the ywill be placed in the correct locations.
Six different body camo skins and one camo legs skin for the bitch model.
You can download the Camo Bitch skins from here.
Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
As there is no head skin included you can use any default head such as 044.
Easiest way to select these skins is to:-
Pull down the console (tilde key ~)
Type in :-
skin "female_chick/044 xxx cam"
Where xxx in the example above can be any of ca2, ca3, ca4, ca5, ca6, cam
Fredz has created a tutorial for mappers that describes which is the best of the default Kingpin skies to use in your maps.
It shows an example of the seven default Kingpin skies and which style of maps each one is best for.
You can check out the Sky Envoronment Tutorial here.
Kingpin is on sale at for 66% off.
Unfortunately the Steam & button for Kingpin wont show up if it is banned in your country, such as Germany.
It's part of their winter sale and will be on sale until 26 December.
It's there lowest price since 5 December 2012 thats 5 years ago!
Goat has now finished the Hud for the upcoming GunRace mod.
For news on this , info on a new map that is being mae for the mod, and to see some new screenshots check out the Gunrace Mod website here.
Here is a skin I have never seen before. It is an Orc skin for the Runt model. We don't have any info on who made it though.
You can download the Orc Runt skin from here.
Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Easiest way to select these skins is to:-
Pull down the console (tilde key ~)
Type in :-
skin "male_runt/orc orc orc"
Team Descent 1 by Jaxon is a medium sized, 2 forts style, Bagman map with the money drop area in an underground cavern.
Worth checking out in my opinion.
You can download Team Descent 1 from here.
Captain Death has now released v1.3 of the Capture the Flag mod server files for both Windows and linux.
Update from v1.2 contains various bug fixes and enhancements:
- Flag will now instantly respawn at base if it is dropped inside a lava, slime, or aux brush
- Flag will now instantly respawn at base if it is dropped on a sky surface
- Fixed possible crash if the harpoon is attached to a func_train that enters the void
- Fixed possible crash if a team does not have any spawn points
- Minor code tweaks
You can download the v1.3 CTF Server files from here.
To run a server you also need the CTF client files which contain all the CTF maps.
You can download the CTF Client files from here.
To run a public server you need to use the KPDED2 Enhanced Kingpin Server files which you can download from here:-
Windows KPDED2
Linux KPDED2
Check the readmes for comprehensive information.
With so many new players (and old players returning) it seems like a good time to remind people about the Information for New Players doco.
It contains lots of information and links to map-packs, models, skin-packs, mods files, patches etc.
Check it out here.
Had another random game today. Saw a couple of people in a server, joined in and and then messaged a few other people, more just joined and we ended up with a game going on. It was good to see that several of the players were new guys :)
If you are looking for a game and no one is around I suggest joining the Luschen Botmatch server and playing against the bots. Chances are other people will join you there and you'll get a game started. Especially at the moment when more new players (and old ones returning to the game) are showing up on a regular basis.
What I also suggest is getting other Kingpin players added to your friends list in Steam, Facebook, Skype etc so you can msg them when you are looking for a game.
If you are in the Kingpin Facebook groups you can also post there when you are going into a server and some of those guys might join you to.
The Game this Sunday will be the Xmas CTF Mod.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS CTF
Date : 17th December 2017
Time : 9.00 pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.
Grab the XMas CTF Client files from here.
Just unzip all the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Captain Death is about to release v1.3 of the Capture the Flag mod server files.
Update from v1.2 contains various bug fixes and enhancements:
- Flag will now instantly respawn at base if it is dropped inside a lava, slime, or aux brush
- Flag will now instantly respawn at base if it is dropped on a sky surface
- Fixed possible crash if the harpoon is attached to a func_train that enters the void
- Fixed possible crash if a team does not have any spawn points
- Minor code tweaks
Just waiting for download link.
Two new death match maps for the Xmas Mod.
Xmas Combat DM
A death match version of the Xmas Combat Bagman map.
You can download Xmas Combat DM from here.
Bloody Christmas
A remake of the old Bloody187 map.
A small, frantic, arena style map.
You can download Bloody Christmas from here.
Read More
Fragtown Revolution was the first of the Fragtown Quake 1 map converted to Kingpin. In Quake 1 it is called Fragtown Bronx. It was converted by [TCC] Bad Ass.
It is a classic, smallish, urban style death match map. There is lots of fighting in the streets but you can also enter some buildings and fight on the rooftops too.
You can download Fragtown Revolution from here.
Interplay still have forums for their games. Some of you might have been registered there in days gone by but now find you can't post in their forums any more. That's because a while ago they moved servers and they lost some settings.
Interplay Forums
To be able to post there again do the following:-
1. Click on the User Control Panel in the top left corner, under the Interplay logo.
2. Click on the Usergroups tab.
3. Join the Members group by clicking on the radio button next to Members and then clicking Submit.
Another huge crowd today with more new players and some really old faces :)
The ThursdAy gAme is being streamed live on TwitchTV.
This Thursday the game is going to be XMAS mod Hitmen.
Game Details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS Hitmen
IP :
Date : 14th December
Time : 9.30 pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
Grab the v1.60 Xmas client files from here.
Grab the Xmas Mod Death Match Map-pack from here.
Just unzip all files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Killa has released a new gameplay video of footage taken from Sunday's game of Xmas Mod Bagman.
The next game is on Thursday 9.30pm UK time.
You can check out Killa's other gameplay videos here.
Fredz has uploaded the source map files for all the maps he made for the Xmas mod.
Now other mappers can check them out.
You can download them from here.
Hypov8 let me know that the zipfile we host for the Locomall map wasn't set up correctly so I fixed it.
Locomall is a very old death match map made by made by Control =3DFX=.
It is a small map set in a shoppping mall. It has two levels with Joey's Pizza Joint, a Gunsmiths and a Lawyer's office.
It used to be a very popular map :)
You can download Locomall from here.
Just unzip all the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
At today's Xmas Bagman mod game we managed to set a record, for our games, of the number of players in the server at the same time.
The previous record was 23 players but today we had 25 players in the server simultaneously :)
Thanks to everyone who showed up today :)
The game this Sunday is going to be Xmas Mod Bagman.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS Bagman
IP :
Date : 10th December 2017
Time : 9pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Grab the v1.60 Xmas client files from here.
Grab the Xmas Mod Bagman Map-pack from here.
Just unzip all files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Lets get a huge crowd there this Sunday :)
Hypov8 and I have collaborated on a new Winter themed map called Xmas Combat. It is a remake of the old death match map called Combat.
Xmas Combat is a smallish Xmas themed Bagman map set in an old war torn village during Wintertime.
The map contains four bombed out buildings, two on either side of a frozen river which dissects the map through the middle. There are also two army vehicles included.
The money drop is on the bridge that crosses the river. The team's bases are in two of the bombed out buildings.
The ground is covered in snow and two of the buildings contain huge old radios that play traditional Chrsitmas music.
The map contains lots of custom textures.
You can download Xmas Combat from here.
Iceland 2 is a small, arena style, fun map set in a Winter environment. The ground is icy so you slide all over the map.
The map was inspired by the original Iceworld map.
It has plenty of weapons, ammo, health and armour and uses a couple of textures fom the Rourkes Graffiti texture pack.
You can download Iceland 2 from here.
Just letting you all know that [M]'s Luschen Kingpin servers are back online. His Kingpin Server List page and Kingpin chat are also back.
The Game this Thursday will be the Xmas CTF Mod.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS CTF
Date : 7rd December 2017
Time : 9.30 pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
Grab the XMas CTF Client files from here.
Just unzip all the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Captain Death has released the client files for the Xmas CTF mod.
Capture The Flag Christmas Mod is a merger between Colors - Capture The Flag and Xmas mods.
The gameplay is still the same as normal CTF, but with a Christmas flavour.
Capture The Flag Christmas mod is written using Colors - CTF v1.2 server and some code from Xmas mod by FREDZ.
You can download the Xmas Mod CTF Client Files from here.
Just unzip all the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Unfortunately the Steam button for Kingpin wont show up if it is banned in your country, such as Germany.
Kingpin is currently on sale at Steam for 30% off until 11th December. You can pick up a copy for Steam friend for 6.99 .
In case you don't know there are two Kingpin Facebook groups.
If you are on Facebook and not in the groups why not join now especially if you are thinking of playing Kingpin online :)
Kingpin : Life of Crime
Kingpin LOC, Back to the Past
The game this Sunday is going to be Xmas Mod Bagman.
Game details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS Bagman
IP :
Date : 3rd December 2017
Time : 9pm UK time
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm UK time here.
Grab the v1.60 Xmas client files from here.
Grab the Xmas Mod Bagman Map-pack from here.
Just unzip all files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
There is new texture pack for mappers made by Roarke and Roarkes (twins from Romania).
It contains 47 graffiti style textures. I'll be using some of them for sure.
You can download the Graffiti Texture pack from here.
Here is a map I converted to Kingpin from Quake, a few years ago, called The Edge of Oblivion. The original Quake map was made by The Levelord. The map is probably better known as hipdm1.
It's a medium sized deathmatch map and, apparently, the Quake version was the very first space map or 'suspended platform, aka void' map ever made.
The map consists of several interconnected platforms suspended above a space void.
You can download The Edge of Oblivion (kphipdm1.bsp) from here.
It was great to see so many new players show up for the Thursday game. Hopefully they will be back for more :)