Hopefully everyone will come along and join in the fun of the Xmas Mod.
You can download the files when you join the servers, or you can download them from here beforehand:-
Xmas Mod
Xmas Crash Mod
Xmas CTF Mod
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
N4h combined the newly released
Rags 2 Riches v2 with
QeffectsGL and posted these screens of how it looks.
On the QeffectsGL page the QeffectsGL v1.3 files are on the right side of the page under 'Releases 1'
Victorious-Games has released version 2 of his Rags 2 Riches gameplay and visual modification for Kingpin.
A gameplay and visual modification for one of the most notorious games in videogame violence history. Rags 2 Riches breathes new life into Kingpin: Life of Crime and is my attempt at making the game a bit more to my liking. As usual from yours truly expect more gore, more satisfying combat, and some nice changes to existing gameplay mechanics. Now get strapped and kill some fools.
New in Version 2:
You can have as many followers as you want now.
Cut the spread for the Pistol, Shotgun, and Tommygun in half.
Increased Pistol damage by 50%.
Increased the number of pellets fired from a single shotgun shell from 6 to 8.
Increased Tommy Gun drum capacity from 50 to 100.
Increased Grenade Launcher drum size from 3 to 6.
Increased Grenade Launcher projectile velocity by 50%.
Grenade Launcher projectiles now explode on contact with enemies. - Thanks to shellcracker
Increased Flamethrower max ammo amount from 900 to 1000.
Flamethrower now uses 1 round of ammo per shot instead of 2.
Enemy AI now have less accurate aiming capabilities and can only be as accurate as the player. - Thanks to shellcracker
Enemy AI no longer lead their shots when using guns allowing you to dodge their attacks easier. - Thanks to shellcracker
Rats can no longer damage you.
Explosives now have a chance to gib enemies again.
Spawned gib count has been increased by 50%.
More blood sprays out when characters are hit by bullets.
You can check it out and download it from
Kingpin.info or from his ModDB page
He has also released the source code which you can get from
Fredz has uploaded
Acc's Jackbots.
"These bots have a set of skills and behaviors that can be completely modified via simple text files: they have weapon preferences, different reaction time, different line of sight, different goals, different combat skills and spatial awareness.."
Make sure to check the readme and all of the other docs for more information about the bots.
The zipfile incudes everything you need to run a server with these bots. But if you want to run a public server, you'll need to use the Kpded2 file as well.
You can download the jackbot files from
Extract the skin files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location (kingpin/jackbot).
Here is a short video Acc made showing off the bots.
Shellcracker has released an overhaul mod for single player Kingpin called
Guns 'N Thugs.
It features the following changes:-
Kingpin has a reputation as one of the toughest games of its kind, which can be mainly attributed to the unforgiving AI. This has turned away more than a few people as a result, which this mod seeks to remedy by giving the player a fairer chance with the following tweaks:
-Enemies are now only as accurate as the player, rather than almost perfectly accurate. They also don't lead their shots anymore, allowing you to dodge their gunfire by strafing.
-Enemies no longer have a random chance of not playing their pain animation, but also are more likely to do so.
-Rats will no longer bite you.
-The Grenade Launcher had its ammo capacity greatly increased, and grenades now explode on contact with enemies.
-The Flamethrower's fuel consumption per second was lowered from 2 to 1.
-The cooling jacket mod for the Heavy Machinegun has been changed to last indefinitely.
-And as a bonus, looting cash off bodies no longer requires crouching first.
You can download it from ModDB
Check the included readme for instructions.
Hypov8 is continuing to update the Killerz mod.
He has changed/updated the hud
added sounds for start of the Killer round and when the Killer dies
Added an option for the Killer to be covered in flames.
The Mobster and Killer displays on the hud have been replaced. The Killer now sees his name in red as the Killer in lower right of hud. The other players now see the Killer's name in green on lower right of their hud.
During the death match round the hud will display number of kills you still need to become the Killer and your current position on the player table.
When someone become the Killer and the Killer round starts the "are you ready to be f*cked" sound will play. When the Killer dies (whether by being killed, suiciding, or even if the Killer leaves the server the "ding" sound ill play).
When someone becomes the Killer that have a coloured glow. The default is red but there are several other colours as well and now Hypo has added the option of the Killer being covered in flames.
This one taken by
Lil Blade.
A couple of screenshots showing off the new Mobster and Killer HUD displays.
Displaying entries 1-10 of 136 |
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