V1.60 Xmas Mod Server Files released

has released the Xmas Mod v1.60 Server files for both Windows and Linux. There are a heap of fixes and updates which you can read about in the included history.txt file.

The Xmas mod was originally created by .

You can download the v1.60 Server files here:-



If you are going to run a server you should also download the map-packs:-


Death Match

If you want people to be able to download the client files from your server you need to download them:-

Client Files

If you plan on running a public server (and allow players to download the client files) you need to download the KPDED2 files (make sure to read the included comprehensive readme).

KPDED2 Linux

KPDED2 Windows

Just unzip all the above files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.

Monkey Harrris has also released the source code for v1.60:-

Source code

Mr.Damage Wednesday 20 December 2017 - 09:39 | News, Mod
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