Kingpin Server Browsers

Currently Gamespylite is running slowly. It is working but you need to refresh a few times to see the servers.

So I though this would be a good time to list all the Kingpin server browsers and options for connecting to the Kingpin servers.


Probably the most famous Kingpin server browser.

If you add all the servers to your Favourites then they will show up even when GSLite is having issues.

Right click on the server and select 'add to favourites'. After you have added them all just Press the 'Favorites' button to list all your favourite servers.

The IP adresses for the Luschen servers change daily so what you need to do is go to your folder where you installed GSLite (probably kingpin/gamespy) and open the gspylitefavors.txt (using notepad or similar).

Then just add the following lines to it:-

Now all the Luschen servers will show up in Favories as well.

You can download Gamespylite from here.


[M] Server Browser

This one just gets installed to your Kingpin folder.

It includes several options including the ability to join servers directly from [M]'s Kingpin Server List page.

When you have the [M] browser open press M and this will install an entry into the Windows registry. Now when you visit [M]'s Kingpin Server List page you will be able to join any server by clicking on the M in 'join options'.  

You can download [M]'s Kingpin server browser from here.

Mr.Damage Sunday 24 December 2017 - 01:59 | News
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