Updated Death Match Map

There were a couple of little annoying issues in my 4Room Urban map so I updated it with a few fixes.

The fixes are:-

Added clip brushes around the ladders and the wire fence so you don’t get caught on them anymore.

Removed one grenade ammo.

Darkened the middle, top, room a little.

Improved the texture joins in the room with the yellow wallpaper room so it’s harder to see where the textures join together.



Update Tuesday 8th March I had some discussions with Hypov8 and he showed me how to further improve the fixes. I took his advice and have released a new version. Sorry about that but I wanted to get it right and it is only a small download.

You can download 4Room Urban 2016 from here.

Mr.Damage Monday 07 March 2016 - 05:02 | Map, News
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