How To Add Servers To GSLite

QTracker and GSLite went down for a short time today.

If that happens all is not lost though if you're looking for a game. If you have favourties set up in GSLite you can still connect to those servers in your Favourties list :)

If not then over at [M] has a link to a small tute on how to add all the current Kingpin servers to GSLite favourties.

This is a direct link here.

Just follow the instructions. Make sure GSLite is not running when you update the favourites file.

Mr.Damage Wednesday 09 March 2016 - 09:10 | News
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I have also written a little script that allows to join the servers directly from my list page You’ll find that here:

I have reports of it not working for everybody yet but would appreciate if you could try it!

[M], (URL) - 09-03-’16 10:15
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