Summary Of Recent Files And Links

The news moves off the front page so fast so here is a summary of some important files and links you may have missed.

Gamespylite Kingpin server browser - the latest version which now includes working chat function - download.

Steam Resolution Fix - This fix If is for the Steam version of Kingpin and allows you to run game in 1920 x 1080.   The zipfile contains two files (ResolutionSettings.ini and winmm.dll) which you should extract to ..\SteamGames\SteamApps\common\Kingpin.   By default the fix changes all resolution modes to 1920x1080, but it can be changed via editing ResolutionSettings.ini (description inside file) - download.

Fredz Resolution patch - This is a resolution patch for the CD, Desura and GoG versions of Kingpin. It allows custom resolution sizes - download.

Kingpin Multi Patch 2 - This program contains 5 patches for the Kingpin - Life of Crime Retail (CD) and GoG versions. More information and download link here.

Bagman map-pack - Many popular Bagman maps in one map-pack - download.

Death Match map-pack - Many popular Death Match maps in one map-pack - download.

M's Kingpin Server List - Listing of all Kingpin servers. Join directly if you have QTracker installed. Various links to helpful things plus a chatroom. Go hang out there if you are looking for a game :) - here.

Kingpin Facebook Groups - If you use Facebook and haven't joined these groups yet then what are you waiting for :) Kingpin LOC Back to the Past , Kingpin Life of Crime.

That's it I think. I hope to see some of you at the Sunday night game 8pm GMT Luschen DM server ;)

Mr.Damage Sunday 06 March 2016 - 08:43 | News
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