TC_Bahh Death Match Map Added

When I was looking for a particular map I found we didn't have TC_Bahh in our archive so I have uploaded it.

How would you describe TC_Bahh? Well it's a typical Tanyacheex map I guess. It's medium to large size with an urban theme. It has a central area which is outdoor with two ledges that if you fall off you die.

Around this central area are various passageways and corridors. The cooling mod is at the end of one corridor and to get to it you have to either jump on a moving platform or avoid it as it can be deadly. There is also another outside area which only has balconies that you jump to. If you miss you fall and die lol. The HMG is in an area that looks like it is iron roof panels. 

You can download TC_Bahh from here. 



I found the map I was looking for and, at the same time, I think I found every map Tanyzcheex map for Kingpin.

As Tanyacheex seems to have been mostly forgotten as a Kingpin mapper I decided to put all the maps into a map-pack so you can grab them all in one go and check them out. I'm sure you will know some of them.

You can download the tanyacheex mappack from here.

Mr.Damage Saturday 19 March 2016 - 05:55 | News, Map
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