Thug And Runt Skins By Acc

As well as making three maps for Kingpin (Banmonorc was here, Total Overdose, and Carney Park)

 has also made a thug head and a runt body with three heads. 

Cesar thug head

runt skins

The thug head skin head skin is Cesar and includes pain skins.
Just extract the three files to your kingpin/main/models/actors/thug folder.

If you want to use it with the body and legs skin in the screenshot below (which are both 072) the quickest way to change to these skins is:-
Start Kingpin
Pull down the console (~ key)
At the prompt type in skin "male_thug/137 072 072"

The runt skins are body 142 and head 143, 144, and 145. Pain skins are also included.

They look good with legs 300.

To change to these skins:-
Start Kingpin
Pull down the console (~ key)
At the prompt type in skin "male_runt/143 142 300" (you can also use 144 142 300 and 145 142 300)



Mr.Damage Tuesday 22 March 2016 - 12:06 | News, Skin
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