Kingpin Demos

has uploaded three demos of a player completing the KiT (Kingpin Intensive Training) map Kit+ by .

KiT maps are like obstacle course maps with lots of trick jumps and obstacles to be overcome to complete the map.

In order to view these demos you will also need to have the KiT+ map which you can download from here.

You can download the three demos from here:-




These three demos need to be extracted to kingpin/main/demos.

To watch these demos, start Kingpin, pull down the console (tilde key ~), and type in map bestkit1.dm2 (or bestkit2.dfm2 or bestkit3.dm2), press enter and just let it play.

If the console doesn't retract just press space and esc and you should be ok.

Mr.Damage Monday 22 February 2016 - 03:59 | News, Map
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