Two Bagman Maps Added To Archive

When  was putting together the complete Bagman maps map pack he found some maps we didn't feature here individually. Here are a couple of them.

Team Block Party (curse_bp.bsp) by - A large Bagman/Curse mod map wich is two auto shops separated by a street.  The map is medium to large and while there is a quick and simple way to each bases there are several other longer ways (including a sewer). The team's cash bags are located between two cars.

You can download Team Block Party from here.



Team Block War beta2 by Sephy - A smaller Bagman map set in two large buildings on either side of the street.

A fairly simple layout and looks nice.

You can download Team Block War beta2 from here.

Just extract/unzip all the files to your Kingpin folder.



Mr.Damage Sunday 06 November 2016 - 12:17 | News, Map
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