RioTZ Mod

RioTZ is a mod that doesn't get much attention really. It's been around for a long time and went through a major transformation when version2 was released.

So what I have done is created two download folders in our downloads section for RioTZ now. They are RioTZ-classic which contains version 1 files and  RioTZ which contains the latest files.


RioTZ Classic

Originally RioTZ was a tactical, round based, team last man standing mod. The two teams are Mobsterz and Gangsters. Each map is played over a certain number of rounds and the map is won by the team who wins the most rounds.

The maps are medium to large and quite often it comes down to racing the clock with one team trying to find the last player from the other team who is hiding somewhere in the map.

When you join a game you receive all weapons but a limited amount of ammo so you can't just go blasting away otherwise you'll soon have no ammo and be left with just a pipe. If you get fragged you spectate the round until one team wins by fragging all of the other team.



When RioTZ version 2 was released it had changed into a rocket arena stlye mod. It's still round based, team last man standing mod and you still spawn with all weapons. But now there is no self damage, you have unlimited ammo and you spawn with full armour.

RioTZ maps are now arena style maps with lots of jumps.

The most recent version of RioTZ (ver3.1) was created by and he just mentioned to me that if you change dmflags from the default 26396 to 1812 that you can then play more like the original RioTZ classic style as there is no longer infinite ammo and self damage is  turned back on. Of course it would be best to use the original maps too.

You can check out all the files here:-

RoiTZ Classic



has put together a pakfile that contains the RioTZ client files (which are basically the team skins and RioTZ  console background) and all the RioTZ maps.

If you install this then you can join Mac's RioTZ server and wont have to download anything.

You can download the client files with maps from here.

All the RioTZ files just need to be unzipped to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.

Mr.Damage Monday 12 March 2018 - 22:44 | News, Mod
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