Halloween Mod Update

has been tweaking the Halloween mod. He has been updating the bats that are fired by the Rocket Launcher and tweaking a few other things.

has converted 5 or 6 Bagman maps to give them all a Halloween feel and I have created a new Bagman map for the mod, with the help of


The major features of the Halloween mod are:-

- New Pistol skins and mods
- New Shotgun skin and ammo model
- New Tommygun skin and ammo model
- New Hmg, RL, GL, and Flamer skins
- New bat ammo (for RL)
- New flame sprite
- New health model
- New adrenaline model
- New armor skins
- New money model aka Candy/Thug head
- New Safe model aka Pumpkin model
- New team skins and Hallowwen themed skins for death match
- New cleaver model

Mr.Damage Wednesday 05 September 2018 - 09:37 | News
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two comments


Nice job guys :)

felikkz7, - 05-09-’18 16:35

Looking good!

acc, - 07-09-’18 10:31
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