Drew Markham Has Passed Away

Craig Kore has alerted me to the sad news that Drew Markham has passed away in June this year.

For anyone who doesn't know Drew was the founder of Xatrix Entertainment who developed Kingpin, the Redneck Rampage series, The Reckoning addon for Quake2 and several other games.

Without Drew Marham there would be no Kingpin: Life of crime.

You can read more about his life here.

Mr.Damage Saturday 20 October 2018 - 00:28 | News
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three comments


Damn. And now I remember that Paul Steed left us in 2012 and Jan Paul van Waveren followed in 2017. That sucks.

acc, - 20-10-’18 01:52

Recently I’ve been trying to look him up, since he was such an important person to the creation of KP. Very sad indeed.

Xanarki, - 21-10-’18 02:41

Only just finding this now, Drew Markham: The father and sound of Kingpin

DirtyDog, (URL) - 12-05-’21 22:35
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