Tag overview for: 'felikkz7'
Entries on this site with 'felikkz7'
- Night Work At The Factory Single Player Mission
It's lonely when you're doing night work at the factory. A great screenshot by Night Slasher :) If you haven't played it yet you can grab Night Work At The Factory , the g
- Tutorial On Setting AI Navigation in Single Player Maps
Fredz has uploaded a new single player tutorial written by Felikkz7 The tute covers adding nav nodes to your AI . Check it out here.
- Func Train Rotating Tutorials
Felikkz7 sent in a couple of func train rotating tutorials for mappers we didn't have so I have added them. You can check out all the example maps to help mappers that we
- Crazy Screenshots
Felikkz7 sent in a couple of psychodelic style screenshots from last week's Halloween game.
- Short Video of 1 vs 1
Here is a short Youtube video of Macanah and Felikkz7 playing a 1 vs 1 game. The map they are playing on is Jokin (mnhkpdm1.bsp) which you can download from here.
- Czech Video Walkthrough Of Night Work At The Factory
In another example of the global appeal of Kingpin Najlvin has done a video walkthrough of the Night Work At The Factory Single Player Episode. The commentary is in the Cz
- Setting AI Navigation
You carefully crafted your custom SP addon for Kingpin. Mapping, texturing, lighting...Everything looks fine, but when testing the maps, a major problem occurs: AI casts b
- Night Work at the factory - Review
I just found this review of the Kingpin single player mod Nightwork at the Factory . It's a good overall review and is written by Jblade . You can check it out here. If yo
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