Kingpin Name Up For Grabs
It seems that Interplay did not update the trademark for the name 'Kingpin' and so do not currently own the naming rights.
So I think this means any one can use the name Kingpin in their games :(
You can see the relevant document here.
Back in September 2016, Interplay sold their assets to whoever wanted them. Maybe they no longer own the rights to the game and so they didn’t renew the trademark? Or maybe, Interplay’s trademark still being valid all those years means they didn’t sell the franchise back then? The TSDR document from December 2017 seems to imply the trademark wasn’t renewed because of potential confusion with other mark registrations (most of the attached documents seem to cover Marvel Comics and DC)… I have no idea how these things are handled, but CEO of Interceptor Frederik Schreiber said in April 2014 on twitter that he found the source code of Kingpin and wanted to know who owned the rights to it so the code could be released… I guess if Interplay owned the rights to the game (the assets and brand name) back then, Frederik would have known? These situations are always such clusterfucks.
Speaking of Kingpin stuff being freed, what’s up with Is the domain available again? You guys are gonna claim it?