Kingpin On Sale At


off 60% off every single Interplay game.

Including Kingpin ofcourse.

Ends on Tuesday, April 26, 3:59 AM UTC.

FREDZ Saturday 23 April 2016 - 00:16 | Sale, News
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four comments

Mr Damage

That’s the cheapest I can remember seeing it at GOG.

Mr Damage, - 23-04-’16 07:13
Mr Damage

That’s weird, they have raised the normal price to $13.29 where as last time I looked it was $9.99.
So now the sale price is $5.29.

Mr Damage, - 23-04-’16 09:28
Mr Damage

And now I is back to the original price, very strange..

Mr Damage, - 23-04-’16 13:12
<span class='registered'>FREDZ</span>

It’s the cheapest price ever probably so far, at least in euro’s.
€3,59 if it’s on sale on steam it’s €4,99 ;)

FREDZ, (URL) - 25-04-’16 12:25
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