Acc Updates Mapping Utility

 has updated his 'Images to WAL textures' utility program. The program allows you to convert many image formats (bmp, pcx, gif, png, tga, jpg) to Quake II WAL files.

Acc explaines why the update:-

...updated the program to version 0.4 because Hypov8 told me animated textures could be achieved by compiling maps with properly configured WAL textures. This version automatically links animated frames (files have to start with a + followed by a one-digit number from 0 to 9, for instance: +0anim1.tga, +1anim1.tga, +2anim1.tga, etc.)

You can download the Img2wal utility from here.

You can see examples of maps that have used animated from here:-

Board Level (animated numbers on chip)

Arena Gate (animated flames)

Mr.Damage Saturday 10 March 2018 - 06:06 | News
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two comments


You also can add flags to wal files with wally. To create animated textures with any texture.

FREDZ, - 11-03-’18 15:55

But with wally the image must look good and not too bright for Quake 2. Img2wal doesent make all images look right upon conversion ?

Roarke, (URL) - 26-03-’18 23:42
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