Star Trek Skins Pack

This is a  skin pack containing all the skins, for Kingpin, made of characters from Star Trek.

The pack contains seven skins for the thug, bitch and Anthea models. There is Picard (of course) and Giordi, from Next Generation and Janeway, Tuvok, Harry Kim and 7of9 from Voyager. There is also a thug skin of a Borg drone. The pack also contains a readme with details of all the skins, how to install them and how to load them.

You can download the Star Trek skin pack from here.

Just extract/unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.

Easiest way to select these skins is type one of the following into the console:-

skin "male_thug/xxx yyy zzz"

skin "female_chick/xxx yyy zzz"

skin "female_anthea/xxx yyy zzz"

where xxx is the head, yyy is body and zzz is the legs name.

So the Harry Kim Thug skin would be skin "male_thug/hkm hkm hkm"

If you don't already have the custom female Anthea model you can download it from here.


Mr.Damage Friday 22 February 2019 - 09:14 | News
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