QTRacker And GSLite Down

As you are probably aware QTracker and Gamespylite are currently down.

But if you have all the servers added to your Favorites in Gamespylite you can still connect to the servers.

If you don't currently have any favorites [M] has a page which lists the IPs for all the current Kingpin servers here.

The servers will only be listed if QTracker is up so I suggest doing it as soon as QTracker & GSlite are back.

Just go to that page and copy and paste all the IP address which are listed.

Make sure you don't have GSlite running. If it is shut it down.

Now go to the folder where you have GSlite installed and you should see a text file called  gspylitefavors.

Just click on it to open in notepad and paste all the IP addresses. Save the file.

Restart GSlite and click on Favorites and all the servers will now be listed.

If you don't already have a text file called gspylitefavors just open notepad, copy all the IP addresses into it and save it as gspylitefavors in the folder where you have GSlite installed.

Update 7th May

QTracker/GSlite are now working again which is great. So this would be a good time to make sure you have all the servers in your GSlite Favorites so next tiem this happens you will still be able to see all the servers.

Mr.Damage Thursday 05 May 2016 - 23:00 | News
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two comments


I’ve done this now. Worked a treat.

In other news, good to see that Qtracker is now back up and running again..

CraigKORE, - 06-05-’16 17:32
Mr Damage

Good to hear.
So next time QTracker/GSlite is not working just click on Favorites in GSlite and all the servers will still be listed :)

Mr Damage, - 08-05-’16 13:21
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