Tuesday Game Of Kill Confirmed Mod

On Tuesday night the will be a game of the new Kill Confirmed mod being made by Goat.

He needs to do some more beta testing so he has called for a game on Tuesday.

Server Details:-

Server : Goat's Test Server
IP :
Date : Tuesday 13th August
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.

Come along and check out a brand new mod :)

If you took part in the beta test last week then you should delete both the pak1 and pak2 from the kill confirmed folder as the paks have been updated since last week's beta test.

To delete the pak files open your Kingpin folder and you will see a killconfirmed folder. Open that one and you will see pak1 and pak2 so just delete them.

You will download the new pak files when you join the server.

Kill Confirmed is like deathmatch but when you frag another player on the other team they drop a dogtag and you have to pickup (run over) that tag to score the frag point for your team.

If a member of the other team picks up the dogtag first your team doesn't get the point.

Mr.Damage Monday 12 August 2019 - 10:42 | News
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