Street Revenge Demo Released
Mr.Goodfinger has released a demo version his Street Revenge Single Player Mission featuring the first episode (The Rundown) which consists of six maps and a cutscene.
As it is the first episode the weapons included in the maps are the crowbar, flashlight and pistol with the rate of fire mod. Of course more weapons are added in the later episodes.
Due to the use of many custom textures Street Revenge has a unique feel and look. But like other missions you will need to locate various items to progress (e.g. keys, combinations, explosives).
It's a simple storyline. You are trapped in the wrong part of town and you need to fight your way back to safety.
You can download the Street Revenge Demo from here.
Just run the Installer and follow on screen instructions.
Basically you browse where your Kingpin is installed and add the following in the install window -
The Street Revenge Demo will be installed in kingpin/revenge_singleplayer_demo.
The installer will also add a desktop shortcut which you can use to run Strret Revenge.
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