3Team Server Testing New Enhanced Server

Monkey Harris has been working on modifying an enhanced Quake2 server to support Kingpin.

One thing it allows is that you can download client files for mods from the server.

Currently he has a 3Team Team Death Match server running to test it out.

When you connect to the server you will download the pak1 file which is the client files for the 3Team mod (only 250 kb). You will end up with a 3Team folder containing the pak1 file.

Check it out and if you have any problems with it you can add a comment to this post which MH will see.

Please note, though, if you already have a pak1 in your kingpin/main folder it wont work (the server wont download the 3Team pak1 file)..

So you can temporarily remove the other pak1 from kingpin/main, join the 3Team server to download the 3Team files, then put your  other pak1 back into kingpin/main.

The server details:-

Name : Newskool 3 Team Team DM (auto-downloading client PAK)

IP :

Mr.Damage Wednesday 01 June 2016 - 01:13 | News
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