Monkey Harris Kingpin Patch Updated To Ver8

 has updated his Kingpin patch to version 8.

You can download MH Kingpin Patch ver8 from here.

Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and overwrite existing files if asked to do so.


A summary of the new features:-

Adds a raw mouse input mode that bypasses Windows' mouse motion processing.

Adds a hybrid directional lighting mode that combines the map's lightmap
with the normal "junior" lighting to prevent too dark shading of
players/NPCs in areas of the map that are bright. The directional
lighting option has also been moved to the visuals menu.

Fixes dynamic lights (eg. muzzle flashes and explosions) so that they
light up players/NPCs properly when directional lighting is enabled.

Limits surface charring (eg. from explosions and flames) to 75% to avoid
the map becoming pitch black. Charring also no longer affects the
lighting of players/NPCs or items except for props.

Adds the option to associate DM2 demo files with Kingpin, so that they
can be played from Windows Explorer.

Fixes jerky demo playback (particularly during fast movement).

Adds demo rewinding (by scrolling the mouse wheel back).

Adds the option of pausing a demo at the end instead of unloading it.

Fixes several flamethrower issues, including the visibility of flames in

Improves word wrapping of chat text.

Extends the "redownload" command to also cover maps when there is a
version conflict with the server.

Improves download speeds on connections with packetloss.

Adds a fix for Kingpin not loading properly the first time after booting
on Windows 7.


Mr.Damage Sunday 15 March 2020 - 09:07 | News
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five comments


Nice little update.

Kingpin, - 15-03-’20 09:18

Nice. Thanks.

felikkz7, - 15-03-’20 11:37

Great update again Hudson!

G()^T, - 15-03-’20 12:25


acc, - 15-03-’20 12:30

Great! Thanks for your effort man.

Cianez, - 15-03-’20 17:02
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