Thursday Game Of Easter Mod 9th April

The Thursday Game this week will see the return of the Easter Mod. The game will be Easter Mod DM.

In case you misssed it when we played it during last Easter the mod is an Easter themed mod for Kingpin.

The items and weapons in the map are replaced by eggs, there are custom weapon skins and sounds, new prop models, new types of ammunition etc.

It supports normal game modes and there is also an exploding egg mode with killer bees.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Easter Mod server
IP :
Date : Thursday 9th April
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST time

 Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.
You can download the required Easter mod files from the server when you join or get them beforehand from here.
Download and open the zipfile, then just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations. 

Mr.Damage Wednesday 08 April 2020 - 02:20 | News
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