Teo Has Updated His Bagman Server

has updated the mod he runs on his Bagman server [ITA] Bullets For All. Teo uses a modified version of the Monkey Mod.

He has added kill streak bonuses.

- When you kill someone you will have an indicator on the top of your screen telling how many kills you did in kill streak. - You will receive a bonus every 3 kills till you reach 9 kills in a streak.

- First bonus at 3 => Full Health

- Second bonus at 6 => Full Armour + Health

- Third bonus at 9 => Full Health + Full Armour + 30 HMG shots and HMG Cooler

All the bonus are shown on top of screen with an image that show what you will gain on next bonus. When you reach a bonus a new sound (from Quake3) will be played.

Teo has also added some other stuff (Like a custom pak with changed Hud icons are now downloaded when you connect to the server and bullet holes on walls + shell eject when fire).

Server details:-

Server : [ITA]Bullets For All
IP :
Maxclients : 32

Mr.Damage Sunday 27 September 2020 - 20:27 | News
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