Thursday Game Of TeamDM & Godfather Mod 29th July

The Thursday Games this week will an hour or so of TeamDM and then the remainder of the night will be the Godfather Mod on Newskool Servers.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Fragfest Server
IP :
Date : Thursday 29th July
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST Time

Server : Godfather Server
IP :
Date : Thursday 29th July
Time : 10.30pm UK time/5.30pm EST Time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.

There is an autoexec file for the Godfather mod that contains key binds the mod uses. If you haven't downloaded it already you can grab the GF Autoexec file from here.

The zipfile also contains a comprehensive readme for the mod.

Just unzip all the files to your kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations (kingpin/godfather).

The keybinds in the Autoexec are:-
bind "i" "showstats" //show current leader stats/your game stats
bind "u" "showtable" //show ranking system
bind "k" "teleport" //use teleporter
bind "j" "teleport_set" //set teleport position (for later use)
Mr.Damage Thursday 29 July 2021 - 01:09 | News
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